Above the gray fog

Chapter 358 The Crumbling Human Courtyard

"The human race's technology has made great progress in recent years, and it's all thanks to you."

He Awei slowly said that although Lin Shan was away from the clan most of the time, many developments in the clan were started by Lin Shan, as were other pioneers. They only started for the human race and would not lead the development of the human race.

Maybe this is the pioneer, He Awei thought in his heart.

"I have no money." Lin Shan said

He Awei fell into silence, and after a while he said, "I'll see you off."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded.

The two walked straight down the building, chatting about the current situation in the clan as they walked.

"In recent years, the human race's policies have changed again and again. The human race, which has persisted for more than 100 years, has become somewhat shaky, or it may be said to exist in name only." He Awei said.

"What's the situation?" Lin Shan frowned slightly. When does the political power not waver, but it wavered at this time, this is undoubtedly adding insult to injury to the human race.

"The Human Court has been too slow to mobilize resources from the lower levels. The Human Court must bear at least half of the responsibility for the losses in the previous wars. Now some people are ready to take action."

"The Human Court is also aware of its own problems and has plans to re-formulate the wartime system. What it should look like in detail has been under discussion during this period."

"It's already this time, and there's still time for chaos?" Lin Shan wondered.

"The human race has a population of more than 400 million. Some people start to expand after gaining extraordinary abilities. They want to be superior. This is human nature, but it doesn't matter when." He Awei smiled bitterly, "The essence of human beings is there, and it will not change because of changes. The world will change once we become independent. If the enemy can take refuge, some people may have already taken refuge with the enemy.”

"Fortunately, it's only a very small part. Everyone grows up in a different environment and sees things differently. This is inevitable."

"If this were not in the extraordinary world, the Human Court would have been gone long ago. Sequence 8 is all in the hands of the Pioneer and the Human Court. The Pioneer is facing the Human Court, so they naturally have no choice. The recent performance of the Human Court... the Pioneer seems to be a little strange. Satisfied, it’s a fact.”

"This is actually a very contradictory topic. If you don't give them power, they will complain about unfairness. Giving them power is equivalent to giving them the weapons to overthrow themselves."

"What do you think?" Lin Shan looked at He Awei.

"To me, it's actually the same. I'm not one of those congressmen. This won't harm my interests. It's just a change of leadership. The essence is still to protect the human race. There is no difference between them in my eyes. I just I don’t want to have a dispute at this time." He Awei shook his head.

Lin Shan nodded. He Awei's eyes had the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

Maybe these two groups of people are kind in his eyes, because they are essentially for the human race. You did not do well... you are not able to protect the human race and caused such a big loss to the human race. I think I have the ability, so I If you want to dismount you, I will take over.

Fortunately, the starting point is good, and we are not trying to seize power for the sake of power. There is still the possibility of detours in this situation.

This possibility probably depends on the pioneers, and this problem must be solved before the next attack.

"Have the number of extraordinary human beings increased?" Lin Shan asked again.

"There are about 12,000 sequence 9s. In the past 20 years, the number has increased by 2,000. Except for some special circumstances, the number of sequence types has always remained at 33."

"The increase in the upper limit of the number of sequences... started more than 20 years ago. It should have been affected by the war. After the characteristics of other places dissipated, they regrouped near the human race. Due to the support of the Zhi tribe and the fallen tribe, the sequence stone tablets in the tribe gave Give guidance.”

Lin Shan nodded to express his understanding. With a population of more than 400 million, there is only one extraordinary person for every 40,000 people. This ratio can be said to be very small. Most small towns do not have 40,000 people.

He Awei added, "2/4 of the extraordinary is in the hands of the Human Court and its subordinate organizations. The six major families account for a total of 1/4, and the remaining 1/4 is in the hands of private organizations. These people originally came from the Human Court. The formulas of the 33 sequence potions are almost completely disclosed to retired personnel in subordinate organizations. These organizations can hunt by themselves and obtain potions to replenish fresh blood. The advantage of the Human Court is that they have the advantage of mastering the sequence stone tablets. "

Then he looked at Lin Shan with a strange expression, "There is an organization called the Hunting Night Church... They use you as their object of faith and use this to recruit members. Everyone knows that pioneers need faith, so for their behavior It’s hard to stop it, because I don’t dare to offend you, so I can only let this organization grow and develop slowly.”

"Seeing that this method is effective, others are rushing to imitate it. Now... pioneers who are slightly famous will have their own churches... and there are many tricks. Three or five extraordinary people can gather together to form a supernatural organization. ”

Listening to He Awei's words, Lin Shan couldn't help feeling that these people were really good at taking advantage of loopholes.

"The fun should be over. At this stage, an institution that can rule all extraordinary beings must be born. The essence of human court is checks and balances. It cannot become such an institution. I will discuss it with other people later and then make a decision." Lin Shan said softly. road.

The two of them were talking and walking, and they had already crossed the administrative street. There was a 10-meter-wide road in front of them, and there happened to be a shop opposite with the word "Golden Dragon Communicator" on it.

"Just the one across the street, Golden Dragon is a better brand."

"Are there many more brands?"

"Many factories have the right to develop and manufacture civilian equipment such as communicators. Correspondingly, there will be competition among these factories."

It's still a factory... There is no complete company... There is no group enterprise. With the strength of the human race, these things should be available. The existing things on Earth are easy to imitate. Is it restricted by something?

At this time, the intersection happened to be green light, and the vehicles on both sides stopped. Lin Shan and He Awei stepped on the zebra crossing and crossed the road.

The pedestrians coming and going looked at He Awei twice. His military uniform was extremely dazzling. No matter when, soldiers are always respected.

Even if there are signs of civil strife in the human race now, it has nothing to do with these ordinary citizens, because this is a world where extraordinary things exist.

"Welcome, you deserve the Golden Dragon brand communicator, it is certified by the Jin family."

"Jin family?"

"Grandpa Jin Yin." He Awei reminded beside him.

"Jin Yin..." Lin Shan murmured. He had some impression that they seemed to have had dinner together.

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