Above the gray fog

Chapter 362 Discussion

Unless it is a very high-end ingredient, such as Sequence 7 evil meat.

Lin Shan suddenly thought... He seemed to really have one.


The sound of cars honked.

"Am I the last to come?"

Yan Ruxin rolled down the car window and said with a smile. Her voice was very soft, as if a breeze was blowing. Just listening to it once made her feel like her soul was being cleansed. If someone who has done many evil things heard it, they would probably feel ashamed.

Opposing her is Huang Ying. Huang Ying's voice is very pleasant, but every word she says seems to be tempting people to commit crimes.

Opening the car door, Yan Ruxin was wearing very casual clothes, jeans and a thin lavender jacket. She walked to the trunk and opened it, revealing various ingredients and even some drinks inside.

"It's hard to find everyone here, let me cook a meal for everyone." Yan Ruxin said with a smile, "Si Zhennan, let me use your kitchen."

She walked ahead, a pile of ingredients floating behind her.

"Si Yin." Si Zhennan called out.

The little orchid grass walked over and made an inviting gesture in front of Yan Ruxin.

"This grass is really spiritual." Yan Ruxin knelt down and stroked the leaves of the orchid grass.

Xiaolancao seemed to be very comfortable, and her body was swaying regularly.

"Is everyone here?"

"Lin Shan, Huang Ying, Xia Xuan, Zhang Zhonghua, Zhao Xiaoan, Si Zhennan, Yan Ruxin, and me, a total of 8 people." Jin Tianzong counted each one.

Then he added: "Wu Wang is missing."

"The communicator is not in the service area, and he is not in the clan area."

"The court issued an emergency recall, didn't he see it?" Zhang Zhonghua wondered. It was when he saw the most urgent recall that he rushed back desperately.

"It's okay. He's still a Sequence 8 after all, so there won't be any problems." Zhao Xiaoan walked over.

"Yeah." The others nodded and said no more.

"Wait a minute." Lin Shan called to Yan Ruxin, "I have good ingredients here."

Lin Shan took back the storage cube from Jin Tianzong and reached in with his mental power to take out a hundred-meter-long horse leg.

These are the legs of Nicos the Fallen.

He also cut off hundreds of kilograms of meat from the outermost side and threw it to Yan Ruxin, "This is the evil fall of Sequence 7. It should be very nourishing for you. The effect is even better than the elixir of Sequence 8, but don't eat it even once." Too much can cause damage to the spiritual organs.”

"I have a lot, and it's not very useful to me. If you need it, just share it."

After hearing this, everyone else took out their storage cards and took away several mi of meat from Lin Shan, and Si Zhennan was no exception.

Sequence 7 Evil Fallen Flesh is the top spiritual material for them, and it is impossible to obtain it through normal channels. Since Lin Shan has already said that it will not have much effect on him, others will naturally not be polite.

They also all know the concept of breaking the ban. Since there is no way to continue to be promoted, choosing to break the ban is also a good way out.

The 500-meter-tall Sniggos was divided into half in the blink of an eye. Seeing that they could no longer hold it, Lin Shan took the other half back. He would not eat this half. When the new policy is finalized, this half It is left to the human race to cultivate extraordinary people. Ordinary people and Sequence 9 cannot take such high-quality spiritual meat, but they can dilute spirituality through other means.

These meats also have some help for Lin Shan, but the help is very small. The overall spiritual value of Snigs is equivalent to one Sequence 7 elixir. If the promotion rules of Sequence 8 are followed, only 10 elixirs can advance to a small stage. At Sequence 7, he needs to eat ten heads of Nicos to be promoted to a lower class...

The most important thing is that his body is still Sequence 8, and eating this will not help the Strange Body Sequence.

Speaking of which, it has been thirty years since his strange body was promoted to the third stage of Sequence 7. According to the speed of automatic digestion of magic potions, it is expected that it will take another 20 years to break through to the fourth stage. Faith is used to balance divinity. Don't use extra faith as fuel for promotion.

He needs more faith to shorten the promotion process.

Others thanked Lin Shan one after another without saying anything more, and there was no need to say anything more.

The red moon is in the sky.

Yan Ruxin has already cooked a table full of dishes.

The meal lasted for more than an hour. After they were full of wine and food, everyone began to discuss business.

"You all know about the human court affairs. This matter cannot be delayed any longer. Lin Shan is also back. Let's discuss a solution." Yan Ruxin said.

Zhang Zhonghua took a sip of a glass of wine and said slowly: "I have done some research in the past few months. The Human Court has controlled the human power for too long, and many things have solidified and are going downhill."

"These are not the most important things. The most important thing is the problems of the major aristocratic families. They have most of the say in the human family. Moreover, all the aristocratic families have a united front. The human family is almost becoming a family."

Yan Ruxin nodded and continued: "You may not know that you have been away all year round, but I am based in the clan and know more information than you."

"Let's not mention the monopoly economy of aristocratic families, but only about the extraordinary. The extraordinarys of aristocratic families together account for 1/4 of the total number of extraordinary beings in the human race. However, few of these extraordinary beings fight for the human race, and they have almost become the private army of the aristocratic family."

Huang Ying said:

"No ruler can be selfless all the time. At least under the rule of the Human Court, the human race has been developing rapidly for more than 100 years. There is no way to deny this."

"Moreover, the Human Court has been rooted in the human race for more than 100 years. If we want to remove it, the damage to the human race will be too great, and it will take a long time to recover. What the Human Court has done is not enough for us to deny it."

Jin Tianzong looked around and said seriously: "The Human Court was originally established to balance the extraordinary and civilians, to prevent the incident of the cat tribe from happening to our human race. When we first arrived in this world, no one would give us experience. We could only learn from the lessons of our enemies. Under such circumstances, the Human Court was born. Now, the balance between the extraordinary and the civilians is achieved, but conflicts have arisen between the extraordinary and the extraordinary."

"I think that at this moment, the human race needs a new system to balance the conflicts between the extraordinary and the extraordinary, the civilians and the extraordinary, and the civilians and the civilians."

"It seems to be a bit off topic." Lin Shanti Xing said, "What we need now is... a wartime system that can quickly mobilize all the forces of the human race. There is nothing wrong with what you said, Lao Jin, but that is something to be discussed after the war."

"The human race is facing the crisis of extinction at the moment."

"Although it is a bit off topic." Zhao Xiaoan said softly, "But I still want to remind you that the main purpose of the human court system is to resolve the contradictions between extraordinary people and civilians. In addition, there is another reason."

"That is to commend the heroes of the human-cat war and the heroes who made great contributions to the human race afterwards. The reason why the current aristocratic families can become aristocratic families is basically the descendants of these people. If you carefully dig into the groups that are grouped with the aristocratic families, you will find that their ancestors may all be great heroes of the human race. In this regard, the aristocratic families are very smart."

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