Above the gray fog

Chapter 364 The Migrating Cat Tribe

Xi Diao, who had grown in size, hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he did not move his mouth. He quickly shrank in size, turned into a streak of white light and disappeared into the sky.

Based on previous experience, many people would come to find him soon, so he decided to eat in another place.

"Diao Yin."

From a distance, he seemed to have heard Lin Shan's voice.

When he saw the figure in front of him, he knew...it was not an illusion.

"I was right. He does have the ability to locate me."

"I have observed that this race does not have that kind of technological ability, so he must have used some unknown means on me..."

Diao Yin stopped, floated in the air, and greeted Lin Shan, "Hi...I am just strolling around."

"Lend me your mucus." Lin Shan got straight to the point.

"Mucus?" Diao Yin was puzzled, "What mucus?"


"Yes, yes, yes." Diao Yin immediately changed his words, "As much as you want." Lin Shan grabbed it, it turned out that he wanted its saliva, it would have been better if he had said no earlier, which made it nervous every day.

Diao Yin's body began to expand, turning into a kilometer in size.

He poked the ground with his tail, and a big pit appeared.

He opened his mouth and spit.

The pit was immediately filled with sticky liquid.

Lin Shan raised his eyebrows and looked at the sticky liquid in the pit.

"No, this is not the mucus I want."

"Except for this... I don't have any other mucus on my body..."

Lin Shan looked at the parchment.

Parchment: [Blood. ]

Lin Shan: "Your blood."

"No, no, we burrow worms don't have much blood in our bodies. Taking blood will affect our strength." Diao Yin immediately shrank in size and retreated.

"Drain it all or drain a little, it's your choice." Lin Shan looked at it.

"I choose to drain a little." Diao Yin answered very unpromisingly.

It was seen that its face was full of pain, and its rice-sized eyes were completely wrinkled in its face.

After holding it in for a long time, a very fine blood thread was precipitated from its body surface, and its overall breath dropped directly.

Such a tiny blood thread can actually make it downgrade. It seems that blood is really important to them.

"Not enough, one gram." Lin Shan frowned.

"I have less than 10 grams of blood in my body. You want one gram..."

"10 grams is fine." Lin Shan's hand flashed with red light.

A small drop of blood instantly condensed in front of Diao Yin, no more, no less, just one gram.

Lin Shan took out a glass bottle and put the almost transparent drop of blood into the bottle. The blood drop was very viscous and could not fall down the bottle mouth. Lin Shan covered the bottle cap.

Blood is blood. The parchment insisted on saying it was mucus. Is it because its blood is very sticky... or does this blood have other functions?

"Don't make trouble in the human race, and don't think about running away. If you are willing to work for the human race, I will let you leave after the war is over."

"Just consider it as a reward for saving you."

"Isn't that drop of blood a reward?" Diao Yin muttered.

"This drop of blood is for your life." Lin Shan said, "Let's be clear. If you want to be free, you must contribute to the human race."

"You can also try to escape. Each time you catch it, you will get... two drops of blood." Lin Shan found that this transparent blood condensed extremely pure spirituality, which was more than a thousand times more spirituality than the evil meat he had eaten before. No wonder the extraction of blood would make it drop in realm.

"Are you a devil?" Diao Yin said faintly.

"You also know the word devil? Where did you know this word?" Lin Shan was curious.

"I learned it from your people."

"Just pretend I didn't ask." Lin Shan changed the subject and said, "I will make you... the first guardian beast of the human race."

"We are not beasts! We are gods after all. Isn't it normal for me to protect these... weak creatures and give them some faith?"

"Then... Guardian God." Lin Shan said casually. It was just a title, which would also give it a sense of belonging.

Suddenly, the clouds in the sky turned golden, and the breeze dragged Diao Yin up.

"Oh, oh, what's going on?" Diao Yin, who was dragged up by the inexplicable breeze, couldn't speak clearly.

Lin Shan was also a little confused. What was going on?

The next second, with a snap, the golden clouds in the sky suddenly broke and disappeared without a trace.

Diao Yin stopped in the air and did not continue to rise.

"What just happened?"

The man and the insect looked at each other, and no one knew what was going on.

Only Lin Shan must have some guesses in his heart. Could it be that he said those words casually?

On the other side.

Si Zhennan looked at the broken golden clouds in the sky and sighed softly, "The old rules have already appeared and manifested. The human race is now like a newborn baby. This process must be delayed."

"Si Yin, have you remembered everything I taught you?"

Xiao Lancao nodded very humanely.

Time passed, and half a year passed quickly.

In the past six months, Lin Shan has tried to maintain the balance between divinity and humanity, but found that there is no balance between the two.

The flame of divinity will ignite inexplicably at any time. The so-called balance requires the use of the power of faith to extinguish the flame of divinity.

Divinity is fire, and faith is water.

When on fire, if there is water in the body, the flame can be extinguished.

If there is no water, the flame will burn more and more vigorously.

Faced with this situation, Lin Shan did not dare to use the power of faith gathered from the human race as fuel for promotion. He stored the unused power for emergency use.

Although he did not know why the fox tribe always emphasized the need to balance divinity and humanity.

But this was the result of the fox tribe's exploration. If it was useless, they would not care so much.

One day.

The communicator in his pocket suddenly rang.


Yan Ruxin: "Lin Shan, come to me."

Lin Shan: "What's wrong?"

Yan Ruxin: "Cat tribe, the remaining refugees of the cat tribe are stationed near the tribe."

Lin Shan: "Which cat tribe?"

Yan Ruxin: "It should be, they didn't find us, but they seem to be looking for us, come if you have time."

Lin Shan: "Okay, I'll be there in a while."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shan took out Yan Ruxin's beacon, and after a few seconds of continuous teleportation, he had arrived outside the tribe's border.

Yan Ruxin stood in the air, followed by Xia Xuan.

There are at least a thousand tents below.

Most of the cats' clothes are tattered and covered with dust.

"Mother, have a drink of water." A beautiful female catwoman, with wet hair, held a porcelain bowl with a crack in her hand, which was half full of water. She put the porcelain bowl on the ground and supported an old catwoman with gray hair.

"I'm not thirsty, Qiuqiu... have you found it?" The old catwoman shook her head, and then looked at the young catwoman in front of her with her turbid eyes.

"Not yet." The catwoman named Qiuqiu shook her head in disappointment.

"It must be here." The old catwoman stood up tremblingly, "I remember this river. In the past, during the great migration, we crossed from here."

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