Above the gray fog

Chapter 367: The Broken Body

Wu'an City.

On the national highway in Wu'an City, there was a long queue just like in Yongchang City.

Wang Ling stood in the air, holding a communicator in his hand.

"Xiao Ming, how is the situation?"

"The strange smoke has been basically cleared." A calm answer came from the communicator.

"Okay, continue to be vigilant."

Hanging up the communicator, Wang Ling looked down at the city with a serious look.

One after another, the shops were quickly closed, and people continued to pour out of the shops and large supermarkets, followed by a long queue. Everyone had already lined up in advance to enter a shelter.

It was hard to imagine that half an hour ago, this was still a prosperous city.

"Captain Wang, report the situation."

"Wu'an City successfully resisted the first wave of attacks." Wang Ling replied.

"Received, don't let your guard down."


Suddenly, his mind moved and he looked at the Wu'an City No. 2 Lingyi Middle School not far away.

Once upon a time, he was also a young middle school student, but now he is responsible for protecting Wu'an City.

Directly above him, Sun Ze stared coldly at the crack in the sky, holding a black spear in his hand, with black particles jumping on it.

Wu'an City is now his territory. He will not allow this place that carries almost all of his beautiful memories to be destroyed. Even if it costs his life, he must protect the city below.

"General Sun, the next wave is coming." An urgent voice came from the communicator hanging on his waist.


"Be careful!"

"Don't worry, I won't die before I marry you."

"Okay, if you and I are both alive, I will promise you."

Sun Ze took a deep breath. This answer should have made him ecstatic, but at this moment, it did not pull any of his emotions.

He looked at the city below, and the people who were as small as ants were full of spirituality, ready to welcome the next wave of "guests".

Yongchang, General Control Office.

Yan Ruxin browsed the first-line intelligence that was constantly gathering, and his face was ugly.

In just half an hour, 41 cities in the tribe were attacked at the same time, including three small cities. Because the number of extraordinary people guarding them was too small, they failed to block the spiritual smoke, resulting in the death of almost all the citizens...

Different from the previous attack method, this time the enemy specifically attacked cities with large populations.

The targets were also changed to the most ordinary civilians. These drones ignored the extraordinary people and even avoided the extraordinary people's flight, just to send the missiles they carried to the city.

"Close the fire barrier of Yongchang and Wu'an, cut off all additional spiritual sources, and let 21 third-tier cities raise barriers, regardless of consumption."

"Will this make these two first-tier cities too tired..." someone said.

"Believe in them." Yan Ruxin shook her head. There are only so many extraordinary people in the human race, and most of them are concentrated in developed cities, because these cities have a large population and need to protect a lot of things.

The number of extraordinary people is limited, so they can't take care of small cities accordingly. There is no other way except to move more spiritual sources to small cities.

Moving the spiritual source of Yongchang and Wu'an should be enough for these small cities to fire at full power and raise fire barriers.

Spiritual source is the current unified energy of the human race, covering all aspects of the human race, including weapon charging.

What the human race lacks is not weapons, but spiritual source is the source of limiting firepower output. There is no other way except to use the vortex spiritual pattern to gather. The gathering speed of the vortex spiritual pattern is very slow, and it is not enough to be squandered in a war even if it is stored for decades.

There are dots of starlight in the cracks of the sky.

The red light in Lin Shan's hand condenses.


For a while, the ground shook.

Houses collapsed, the ground cracked directly, and shrill shouts came from the ground below from time to time.

"What kind of weapon is this..." Lin Shan wanted to resist, but found that there was no trace of this attack.

It's like... it's like a high-sequence extraordinary using ability.

Unlike the use of ability, this attack does not reveal any spirituality.

"Old weapons?"

It shouldn't be. The Dawn Federation is so opposed to the old days that it shouldn't use old technology.

The whole tribe was shaking, more and more cracks, high-rise buildings collapsed, more and more people fell into the cracks, or were smashed into meat patties by the collapsed high-rise buildings. Even if Chaofan tried his best to rescue them, he couldn't take care of these people. The orderly team was completely broken up.

This is not a solution. Lin Shan said to the communicator, "I'll go and take a look." Then he immediately flew in the direction of the crack flash.

Before approaching the crack, he found a violent spiritual fluctuation.

There are people fighting ahead.

A thousand-meter-long white giant worm collided with a middle-aged man, and the sound waves spread out ten thousand meters away.

Around the white giant worm and the middle-aged man, there were also several streams of light in a stalemate.

It was other pioneers, each one against three, or even four.

He Awei was fighting seven people alone, but in terms of combat power, He Awei had surpassed many pioneers.

This group of people should all be genetic warriors trained by the Federation. They have strong physical fitness and some strange abilities. With the blessing of spiritual weapons, they also have good combat power.

The one fighting with Diao Yin is a Sequence 7 strongman. Just looking at the combat power, you can tell that this person must have been promoted through the magic potion path. He is a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes. He holds a pistol with an extremely exquisite pattern in his hand. With the help of spiritual weapons, Diao Yin is fighting very hard and can only rely on his strong physical fitness to withstand the damage.

Just above them was the crack that broke the clan land.

Lin Shan looked at him with a slight look, "This is..."

Half of a human face, suspended in the center of the crack.

A closer look would reveal that this half of a human face was not made of flesh and blood, but of machinery.

The shape was very symmetrical, just half, and the faint light emanated from the eyes of the broken face, which looked very beautiful, but it was these beautiful light spots that caused a great earthquake in the entire clan land.

Lin Shan teleported away from the original place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the eyes of the broken face.

The red light in his hand condensed, and the thousand-meter-long spear took shape in an instant, turning into a beam of red light and shooting towards the eyes.

This eye seemed to have only an effect on the earth, and had no resistance to the attack.

The spear instantly pierced in and exploded.

With a loud bang, the starlight in the broken face's eyes became dim.

"Protect the giant spirit!"

Someone suddenly shouted, and the middle-aged man who was fighting with Diao Yin suddenly attacked Lin Shan.

'Confusing sense' was activated.

He pounced on the fake Lin Shan.

The real Lin Shan appeared beside him.

‘Soul Separation’

In an instant, red light filled the sky, and many gene warriors who fought with several other pioneers fell from the sky, already without life.

The blond middle-aged man was fixed on the eyes of the broken face by a red spear.

The starlight in the eyes completely dimmed.

“Crack, crack, crack.”

The crack in the sky became larger and larger, and an invisible pressure enveloped everyone in the field.

“Others go first, Diao Yin stays.” Lin Shan said solemnly.

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