Above the gray fog

Chapter 374 Flathead Brother

"Nothing." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head.

"Let's go."

A red light enveloped the two of them. When the red light dissipated, there was no trace of the two.

Two hours later.

"Haven't you found the location yet?" Lin Shan turned to look at Zhao Xiaoan.

Zhao Xiaoan shook his head, "No."

Then he said, "This place is the place I marked. I can't detect the space node."

"It's hidden." Lin Shan thought for a moment, tore open the space and entered the scale 7 empty prison.

The mental power swept through the deep space like a radar.

"Found it." Suddenly, Lin Shan looked in a certain direction. It was a small meteorite.

The diameter was about 100 meters.

The dark brown, uneven surface looked ordinary, the kind that would not be looked at twice in the deep space.

However, the inside was a different world.

Lin Shan's mental power swept through the interior space of the small celestial body without hindrance. It looked like a research room specializing in the study of old technology.

Humanoid creatures in white coats walked around in twos and threes, with a short tail behind them. Most of them were only one meter tall.

"It's here. The "door" of the tribe's land was hidden by them. If you can't find the space node, you can't get in, but the buildings built in deep space can't be hidden." Lin Shan said.

The scale 7 air prisons are interconnected. If they want to study the old technology, they must build a research room in the scale 7 airspace.

"What should we do next?" Zhao Xiaoan asked.

"Let them pass the message." Lin Shan replied.

They are not here to make trouble. It is difficult to forcefully break into a tribe of this level, so there is no need to go to great lengths.

Lin Shan reached forward and directly grabbed a badger man in a white coat through the air.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, his appearance is no different from that of the human race, except for his petite body.


After being caught by Lin Shan and thrown into deep space, the badger man obviously hadn't reacted yet and was stunned for a few seconds.

Then he opened his mouth and screamed.

He asked in panic, "Who are you?"

Lin Shan stared at him: "I want to find Sequence 7 of your tribe, can you help me contact him?"

The one who can enter the Scale 7 Sky Prison for research must have been brought in by Sequence 7. In Lin Shan's opinion, their technology is still very superficial, and they don't have the ability to break the Scale 7 Sky Prison by relying on old technology.

"Telepathic telepathy...you...you are Sequence 7?" The badger opened his mouth wide, looking surprised.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded slightly, "Please help me inform them, don't worry, I'm not here to fight."

The badger saw Lin Shan's gentle voice, and his tense body relaxed a little.

He said with a bitter face: "We can't contact the tribe. We are in the Scale 7 Sky Prison. There are two layers of space outside to block the signal transmission. Our tribe does not have the technology to communicate across the Sky Prison."

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhao Xiaoan said coldly, "I didn't ask you to use technology to contact."

She just shook her fingers gently, and countless tiny pieces of stone were spliced ​​into a stone sword pointing at the badger's throat.

It is indeed difficult to break through this barrier with technological means, but extraordinary means can easily cross space.

She doesn't believe that this tribe really has no connection with this laboratory.

"Wait a minute, I have to go back and discuss with other members of the research team."

"We will go with you." Zhao Xiaoan said coldly, and then nodded at Lin Shan.

Lin Shan hummed lightly, and the red light spread, and three people appeared inside the small star.

The inside of the star is hollow. Looking around, this is a very backward laboratory, and there is not even a decent display screen. It can be seen from this... The old technology of the badger people should have just started, and it can also be inferred that the badger people's sequence 7 has just been promoted not long ago.

Seeing the three people who suddenly appeared, the badger people in white coats showed a strong quality, and immediately picked up the weapons in their hands and pointed them at Lin Shan and Zhao Xiaoan.

"Don't attack, don't attack yet." The badger wearing gold-rimmed glasses immediately raised his hands to stop them, "These two people want to see the Eagle Slayer."

"Pang Yu, who are they?" A slightly old voice came from an elderly badger.

"I don't know, I was just working, and I appeared outside in a trance, and then I saw them." The badger wearing gold-rimmed glasses said innocently.

"Don't talk nonsense, call your sequence 7 over, and say that we are here to discuss cooperation, and the purpose is to resist the invasion of foreign enemies." Zhao Xiaoan said lightly, whether the badger has been invaded or not, you can just say it directly. If they are in a state of being invaded, they will naturally understand. Even if they have not been invaded by the Dawn Federation, they will take the word invasion seriously.

The old badger's eyes flickered, revealing the wisdom of an elder. He probably already knew the origins and purpose of these two people.

Sequence 7, they can't stop it, and the tribe barrier can't stop it either. Since they already know the specific location, it is only a matter of time to find the space node. The other party's polite coming over actually explains everything.

"Contact the Eagle Slayer." The old badger said hoarsely.

"Okay." Someone nodded next to him.

I didn't see how they contacted each other, but after a moment, a spiritual pressure enveloped the entire small star.

Zhao Xiaoan, who was next to Lin Shan, began to tremble under this spiritual pressure, but his expression remained calm.

Seeing this, Lin Shan directly unfolded the "Moon in the Mirror".

A scream of "Ah~" came from outside, and the spiritual pressure that enveloped the small star disappeared immediately.

"What do you want from me?" A voice sounded in my ear.

"Come in and talk." Lin Shan said.

Although they were indoors, a strong wind blew by, and almost everyone squinted their eyes.

When the strong wind dissipated, a figure suddenly appeared in the laboratory.

The person who came was different from other badgers. He was covered with black hair and had a flat layer of white fluff on his head. He was sideways and his front could not be seen.

"Flat-headed brother?" Lin Shan was puzzled.

"This is a honey badger." Zhao Xiaoan was thoughtful.

There are many types of badgers. Putting the flat-headed brother in front of him together with other badgers, it looks very prominent. Could it be that these badgers evolved from flat-headed brothers?

Badger tribe, or honeypot tribe is more appropriate.

But... is it... reversion?

"What do you want to see me for?" The flat-headed brother was wearing a wide cloak and a red ribbon tied around his neck. He looked very funny.

"We are here." Lin Shan looked strange. Why did this flat-headed brother talk to the chair?

"The flat-headed brother seems to have poor eyesight. Since he has regressed to his ancestors, he may also have this defect." Zhao Xiaoan explained on the side. Of course, this is the most reasonable explanation she thinks.

"Hehe." The flat-headed brother chuckled, not embarrassed at all, and turned around to face the wall naturally, "Can I talk now?"

Lin Shan: "..."

Zhao Xiaoan: "..."

Forget it, he likes to talk like this, so let's just leave it at that.

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