Above the gray fog

Chapter 397 Deep Sea City

"Okay." Yu nodded and waved his hand to let the women go back to their own business. Lin Shan's refusal was also within his expectations.

"I'll trouble you in a while. Asge and Liying live next door to you. You can exchange tactics when you have time. It's tentatively planned to be like last time. The two of us will take action, and Liying will support according to the situation. The Queen of the Crystal Tribe will be the final weight." Yu said.

"No problem." Lin Shan nodded. Since Asge didn't expose himself last time, he didn't need to expose himself this time. He kept it as a trump card just in case.

Then he asked, "How many times have the mermaids experienced attacks? What was the strongest enemy last time?"

"Twice." Yu replied, "The first time, there was only a group of drones coming for reconnaissance. The second time, a Sequence 7 came and was repelled by me. Because the mermaids live on the seabed, they did not suffer much loss. They could only use drones to launch some deep-sea weapons for crazy bombing."

"However, their weapons are not the same as the old weapons, so there is no pollution to the seawater, and the people are not harmed when they dive to the seabed."

"Hmm..." Lin Shan hummed lightly. Living on the seabed, it is a natural defense field.

"Last time, there was one person. This time, it is not certain. Although the attacks are separate, the combat information of the Federation is definitely shared. They probably know that we have joined forces. Fortunately, there are Liying and Asge as backup."

"Hmm, it is better to be cautious." Yu said seriously. He saw what happened to the human race, but the Federation would definitely not attack the mermaids with water. It is likely that it will pollute the water source to reduce the living space of the mermaids.

After Yu left, Lin Shan teleported directly to the bottom of the sea, wanting to see what the mermaids looked like.

Seawater has a certain blocking effect on mental power, but the effect is very weak. This is just ordinary seawater.

He sank all the way down and came to the sea area thousands of meters deep, and finally saw the buildings of the mermaids.

He also knew where the light blue houses outside came from. They were made of a strange coral. Unlike ordinary corals, this coral was extremely tough and had strong plasticity.

At first glance, the houses of the mermaids on the seabed were colorful, square, oval, and some strange shapes. The mermaids didn't seem to care much about the symmetry of the buildings.

There are complete streets here, with coral trees planted on both sides of the streets. The corals are shaped like big trees, with a height of nearly ten meters, and the colors of each coral tree are different.

The mermaids with fish tails swam back and forth under the coral trees, with a hurried and solemn look on their faces. The big stone of war weighed on the hearts of all the mermaids.

This is a small town, located directly below the Sameori Island.

In the center of the town stands a statue that is 20 meters taller than all the buildings.

If there were no people praying below, Lin Shan would have no way of telling that this is a statue.

In fact, this so-called statue is just a huge sailing ship carved out of stone. Somehow, this ship makes him feel very familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere.

Staring at this stone-carved ship, Lin Shan finally remembered that he had indeed seen this ship.

It was the day when he first came out of the gray fog and encountered the red lantern.

An extremely dilapidated and eerie ghost ship was chasing another giant ship. He remembered that there were all kinds of scarlet soft-bodied creatures wriggling on the ship.

And the statue in front of him was exactly the same as the giant ghost ship he had seen.

He didn't expect that the ghost ship was actually a god, or the supreme god of the gray fog world, the Deep Blue Lord...

However, what he saw was definitely not the real body, and it was probably a projection like the Void Lord.

Lin Shan listened carefully to the prayers of the mermaids below.

"Great Lord of Deep Blue, you are the supreme god who controls the void sea, the source of the water spirits of the universe, and the guardian of the gray fog."

"In the storm, only the guardian stands firm..."

Listening to the prayers of the believers below, and then looking at the stone-carved ghost ship.

A picture suddenly flashed through Lin Shan's mind.

In an endless and deep sea, the storm in the sea was surging as if it was about to overturn the sky. A ghost ship of an indescribable size sailed in it, and wherever it passed, the wind was calm.

After these believers prayed, Lin Shan could clearly feel that they were endowed with an inexplicable spiritual power.

It is the ability to manipulate water flow!

However, this ability is like a buff, which is slowly disappearing with the passage of time. After praying, several mermaid children can easily create small water tornadoes, which are scolded by the adults beside them and dispersed by waves.

"Another master. I remember Yu was also collecting the beliefs of the tribe. Why can the people believe in other gods?"

"Ask him when you have time."

Lin Shan weakened his existence and wandered around the town for a while. After finding out the location of the city, he turned into a beam of red light and flew towards the mermaid city closest to the town.

Moving in the water will more or less have some impact on Lin Shan. In this environment, his combat power will be suppressed by at least 30%.

After flying for only more than ten seconds, he saw an extremely prosperous underwater city.

You can ride in the water, like a motorcycle-like means of transportation, and there are all kinds of fish swimming in groups.

Suddenly, a catfish several meters long passed by Lin Shan quickly. On the back of the catfish, a mermaid boy rode on it, holding the catfish's whiskers with both hands, and shouted happily, "Dragon King, hurry up, faster!" Then there was another burst of joyful laughter.

Compared to the children playing, the adults are completely the opposite. Everyone seems to have a mountain on their mind.

When he is free, Lin Shan plans to take a walk in the mermaid city to experience the customs and culture of different races, which is also good for his own state of mind.

The mermaid city is different from the small town he has seen before. There are no fixed roads and you can walk around at will. It is a bit similar to the architectural style of the Stone Eagle Tribe.

There is no hawking on the roadside, but you can see many shops. The main food is some fish and shrimp, and you can even see unknown seaweed. Their cooking method is also very special. There are special psychic machines that can spit out red bubbles. After processing these foods, they can be cooked by putting them into bubbles.

Not only that, there are also large bubbles next to it that provide eating scenes. The main function of these bubbles is to isolate the sea water so that the cooked food will not be eroded by the sea water.

Because they live on the seabed with abundant resources, the mermaids are not short of food, so there are relatively few shops selling snacks.

But correspondingly, there are a lot of shops selling all kinds of accessories. Most of these accessories are handmade and extremely rough, with few exquisite ones. However, the mermaid girls passing by seem to like them particularly and can hardly take their eyes off them.

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