Above the gray fog

Chapter 40 Xiaoyuan

No one objected. This was their final plan and the worst plan.

They didn't have the ability to lead their people through the gray fog. If it was Lin Shan... maybe it would be feasible.

Zhang Zhonghua smiled bitterly and said, "We moved once, but we only walked less than three kilometers and more than two thousand people died. When we moved, the barrier would gather the dangers in the gray fog."

"The main thing is that even if we moved three kilometers, we were still found by the cat tribe... They seemed to have some means of tracking."

"Where are you going to move to? Do you have a specific location?" Wu Wang asked.

"Next to the purple soul flower forest." Lin Shan said.

"That place..."

It's not too far, but not close either. The barrier of the human tribe now covers an area of ​​12 kilometers and a diameter of nearly 25 kilometers. This area is very large. I don't know how many dangers will be gathered there. I hope we can hold on...

"You can notify them to take away everything you can take, the most important thing is food. Forget about what you can't take away. Pack up within two days and start migrating the day after tomorrow morning!"

Lin Shan was a little worried that the cat tribe would soon reach unity. Then he seemed to think of something and said to himself: "Maybe, Shashali will help to suppress it for a few more days..." Even so, two days is still the most stable. If you believe everything the enemy says, you are a fool.

"I'll go first." As he said that, a red light flashed, and Lin Shan appeared in the sky thousands of meters high and flew towards the camp.

"Tsk." Wu Wang saw that Lin Shan's original position was empty, and smacked his lips and said: "He is becoming more and more elusive."

"Humph." Zhao Xiaoan snorted lightly.

Xia Xuan pursed her lips and chuckled, "So General Zhao also has this little girl attitude. Where is the ruthlessness of killing enemies on the battlefield?"

"What do you care?" Zhao Xiaoan got angry and scolded everyone. She had forgotten to call Sister Xia, Sister Xia before.

"Ahem." Zhang Zhonghua coughed lightly to interrupt them and said, "Get ready, organize your troops, tell them that the war is temporarily over, and the next task is the 'Long March'!"

Everyone nodded and returned to their respective areas to organize troops.

At this time, Lin Shan, who was flying at high speed in the air, suddenly remembered that he forgot to ask everyone how they came back from the Purple Soul Flower Forest.

"Forget it, I'll ask later..."

Running all the way, you can soon see the gathering place. Looking down from the air, you can see densely packed linen tents with leaves on them to shelter from the rain. The empty road between the tents is considered a street.

If it weren't for the cats, with the creativity of the human race and the rich resources here, not to mention brick and tile houses, at least one wooden house for each person would not be a problem.

Finding a remote corner to land, Lin Shan walked forward along the street.

The people on the street all had numb eyes, and occasionally there were a few newcomers who had just crossed over and were curious about everything.


"Don't run, thief!"

Lin Shan looked over and saw a little girl running in front, with a little boy chasing her behind.

The girl stuffed something into her mouth while running, and then swallowed it in one gulp, her face flushed.

"Cough cough cough!" After a violent cough, she finally felt better.

Then she stopped, opened her mouth and pointed, meaning that it was gone, and she had eaten it.

"You... you you you thief, that was the only candy I brought from Earth, I kept it as a souvenir and couldn't bear to eat it, it's been half a year, you compensate me!" The boy said with a sad face.

Lin Shan was relieved to see this, fortunately it was not the scene he imagined, although life was hard now, but he could still maintain basic food and clothing.

"You stare at this candy in a daze every day, it's better for me to eat it, at worst I will compensate you later." The little girl replied.

"Why are you still here, this place is not on Earth anymore." The little boy looked uncomfortable.

"I can do it for you!"

"Who would believe you! Go home quickly, I have to go to the fields to work."


Lin Shan walked forward and saw all kinds of people. He also found that there was a white silk hanging on almost every tent, some tents had two or even four.

Due to the forced conscription, there are no complete families here, at least one relative has been lost.

Lin Shan suddenly thought of his parents, wondering how they are now.

After walking forward for more than ten minutes, he saw the tallest building in the tribe - the human tribe hall. Lin Shan walked straight into Jin Tianzong's wooden house opposite the tribe.

Jin Tianzong was writing and drawing in the house, with various drawings lying on the ground. Suddenly, he saw a shadow appearing on the drawings. He looked up and saw that it was Lin Shan. He continued to draw the drawings with his head down and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Where is Yan Ruxin?" Lin Shan asked.

Jin Tianzong replied without raising his head, "In your house."


Lin Shan stepped over the threshold and retreated again.

Turned around and walked to the door of his villa and knocked.

"Who is it!"


Before Lin Shan could answer, the door was opened.

The one who opened the door was a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old.

Looking at this familiar face, Lin Shan was stunned for a moment. Isn't this the girl he just met on the street?

"Xiaoyuan, who's here?" Yan Ruxin's voice came from the house.

"It's a beggar." Xiaoyuan replied.

Lin Shan's face was dark, and he said: "Little sister, this is my home."

"Lululu." The little girl stuck out her tongue, ran into the house, and said loudly: "Dean, that person said this is his home."

Yan Ruxin, who was cooking, wiped her hands and hurried out when she heard this. Seeing that it was really Lin Shan, she said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I'm taking up your house. My place is too small to accommodate so many children."

Lin Shan smiled and said: "It's okay. It's empty anyway."

"Come in. We are just about to have dinner. You can have something too." Yan Ruxin invited.

Lin Shan nodded. It seemed that he hadn't eaten for a long time.

When he walked into the house, there was only a large round table with more than a dozen children, both boys and girls, sitting around it. There was a long piece of cotton cloth on the ground next to it, which should be their common bed.

"Wait here for a while. I'll go see if it's ready." Yan Ruxin said, and ran to the only compartment kitchen in the house.

Seeing that the table was full of people, there was only one empty seat, which should be Yan Ruxin's own.

Lin Shan just sat on the ground and waited, listening to the children on the table chattering about something.

If nothing unexpected happens, this place has been transformed into an orphanage, and they were not orphans originally, but now they have become orphans...

"Thank you for giving us your home. Here, you sit in my seat." Xiaoyuan suddenly walked down from his seat and pulled Lin Shan and said.

"Are you sure you want me to sit?" Lin Shan asked with interest.

"Sure, it's just a seat. I, Xiaoyuan, am not a stingy person." Xiaoyuan said generously.

"Okay." Lin Shan sat down without any hesitation and said, "You can find me if you need anything in the future. I am not a stingy person."

"This is what I should do. Don't be polite to me. If you help me, I will help you!" Xiaoyuan still said generously, and patted her undeveloped chest.

This made Lin Shan happy. She looked at her with a smile and said, "Are you sure?"

"This guy is not an ordinary person, Xiaoyuan." Yan Ruxin came out of the kitchen with a big iron pot.

When Xiaoyuan heard this, his eyes rolled around and he said loudly, "I'm not sure."

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