Above the gray fog

Chapter 43 Sequence 8 Weird

Hearing Lin Shan's roar, everyone nearby immediately dispersed.

But it was too late. A dark ink-like substance emerged from the fluctuating node, instantly enveloping the people around.

Ordinary people who came into contact with the darkness had no resistance. Their bodies began to slowly melt. Their eyeballs, mouths, and other organs fell directly to the ground, and turned into a pool of blood a moment later.

When others saw this scene, they were immediately scared and screamed with bloodless faces. Some even sat on the ground with weak legs, and a pool of water gradually expanded.

No one laughed. Everyone felt a suffocating fear, including Lin Shan!

"What is this? Sequence Eight?"

"Damn it! At this time!"

However, this strange body gave people a very contradictory feeling. It seemed to be stuck, and something was pulling it into the space node.

Lin Shan tried his best to release his power. The light golden light and the red light intertwined, and immediately opened a gap in the darkness, just like a corner of the black cloth was lifted.

"Quick, get out from behind me!"

The darkness covered a huge area, at least 10,000 people gathered here. If they were all wiped out, it would be a huge blow to the human race.

Lin Shan would not allow this to happen! Especially under his nose!

"Didn't you hear me? Hurry up!!! Hurry up!!!" Lin Shan shouted hoarsely, and because of excessive force, two drops of black blood and tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

At this time, everyone reacted and hurriedly got up and ran out.

"Don't take anything. Life or things, don't blame me if you die if you don't run away!" Seeing that there were still people stumbling here with luggage, Lin Shan was so angry that he laughed. At this moment, he really had the urge to give up these people.

As the strange body became more and more complete, Lin Shan's pressure became greater and greater, and more and more people melted. The black curtain raised by Lin Shan was gradually closing.

"Crack, crack!" Lin Shan's bones were trembling. The bones could not bear the strong spiritual pressure and gradually cracked...

Some people turned into a pool of blood while running, and their eyes were paralyzed in the blood and stared at the front, but more people were lucky enough to run away. Ordinary people could not feel this pressure. Perhaps it was all concentrated on Lin Shan...

He felt that his bones were not just cracked, but had begun to shatter. The bone spurs had pierced the flesh and blood. His whole body was like a ridiculous blood hedgehog, and black blood flowed all over the ground.

He could feel his spirituality gradually draining away, and the weirdness gradually got rid of the pull behind him, and his body was gradually becoming complete.

The blood wing's spirituality had long been used up, and only relying on the amount of recovery to replenish it, the spirituality of the heart light was gradually exhausted.

Lin Shan looked at the red lantern at his feet. After mastering the blood wing and gaining spiritual power, he could already fully control the red lantern and would not let its power overflow.

The source of the strange body was transmitted to the red lantern. In an instant, the dark space was dyed red. Endless flames were burning, and a "sizzling" sound suddenly came out in the darkness. Lin Shan felt that the pressure was at least relieved by more than half, but the curtain was still shrinking.

At this time, there were not many people left in the field. They were either dead or escaped.

The remaining ones were basically half melted, and the remaining half of the people...

You can hear miserable screams from a distance, and even the screams are unconscious.

Seeing this, Lin Shan no longer insisted. He looked deeply into the center of the darkness. He could only vaguely see a bloody face with a crescent mark on the forehead, and the rest of the body was blocked by darkness.

Lin Shan struggled to get out of the gap that was only half a meter high.

After he came out, the dark curtain suddenly closed. Looking forward, it was empty and he touched it with his hand and passed through it directly, as if everything he had just experienced was illusory.

Lin Shan knew that thing was in front of him, but he couldn't see it, couldn't touch it, and even now it couldn't affect him. It was as if he was in two different worlds, it was inside, and Lin Shan was outside.

"Lin Shan, are you okay!"

Hearing Zhao Xiaoan's voice, Lin Shan turned around and saw that all the acquaintances he knew were there, except Yan Ruxin, who should be taking care of the children.

"I'm fine." Lin Shan said lightly.

"You call this nothing?" Zhao Xiaoan's voice was a little trembling. Lin Shan's current state would have killed a normal person long ago. His body was covered with bone spurs protruding from his body. How strong a willpower must be to not even frown? She hurriedly took out a pottery bottle from her pocket and said, "This is the best medicine I have prepared. Try it."

Lin Shan said helplessly, "Where should I apply it? On the bones?" Then he continued, "Don't worry, I'm fine. It will be fine after a while. I'm used to this kind of injury."

As he said, he waved his hand and said, "I'm going to the front. Don't stay together. Spread out. There may be other dangers."

Seeing Lin Shan walking farther and farther away, the others sighed and dispersed back to their original positions.

Lin Shan walked along the crowd. Everyone was scared to make way when they saw his appearance. Some people who had just been rescued knew him and whispered thank you to him.

When he reached a place, Lin Shan stopped. The little girl named Xiaoyuan in front of him couldn't stop sobbing. Yan Ruxin patted her back to comfort her.

Of the original seventeen children, there are only nine left now, and the little boy who had a good relationship with Xiaoyuan is also gone... It seems that they were also drawn into the strange area just now. At that time, nearly ten thousand people were squeezing out frantically, and Lin Shan had no time to care who was inside.

Yan Ruxin turned around and saw Lin Shan. Seeing Lin Shan's injuries, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes. In the end, she just nodded to Lin Shan and said thank you in lip language.

Lin Shan nodded in response, stepped past them, and walked straight back to the front of the team.

Due to the gathering of people, the team is now several times shorter. Although the probability of encountering danger is reduced, if there is danger, the casualty rate will also increase several times.

Fortunately, except for a few evil attacks that were solved by Lin Shan in advance, there was no danger again.

The sun rose, and the fear that had been maintained in everyone's eyes for a night faded a little.

After eating some dry food, the crowd once again formed a long dragon several miles long and continued on their way.

At this time, Lin Shan's bone spurs had almost completely retracted into his body, leaving only a few longer bone spurs that had not been repaired and exposed, and the originally brand new silk robe had been stained black with blood.

Since the fusion of the blood wings, his blood is no longer real blood, but is manifested by supernatural power, and the color has also turned into ink-like black.

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