Above the gray fog

Chapter 441 New System, Turtle


One of the four satellite cities of the human race, it has autonomy and is also the most developed city among the four cities.

Its predecessor was the Qing'an stronghold that was moved from the clan area.

Due to the establishment of the coalition government and the development of trade among various ethnic groups, these four strongholds were not merged into ethnic areas, but became pilot areas for new policies.

Various new external policies are started from these four satellite cities. After the pilot is completed, if there are no negative effects, they will be liberalized and implemented in the entire human race.

Because of this, the overall development of these four satellite cities far exceeds the average level of the clan and is only lower than the three cities of Yongchang, Wu'an and Yehua.

Speaking of which, we have to mention the current policies of the human race.

Since the end of the Human Empire system, the human race's political power has been centralized again.

The current system is a centralized system of governance.

There is one big consul and three minor consuls.

The Grand Archon has absolute real power. If the three petty Archons deny the Grand Archon's decision together, the resolution will be invalid. Otherwise, the direction chosen by the Grand Archon will be the direction in which the human race will move forward.

Because the Grand Consul has absolute power, in order to prevent irreparable losses, each Grand Consul can be in power for a maximum of five years, and the Small Consuls are also elected every five years, and there is no re-election.

The Grand Archon oversees everything, while the Minor Archons manage diplomatic, civilian, and extraordinary affairs respectively.

Since extraordinary people and civilians are incompatible, it would be better to separate them completely and do what each of them should do.

Under the three little consuls, there are complete subordinate organizations to ensure that all orders can be executed quickly.

So far, the Archons have gone through many rounds without any major problems.

The idea of ​​establishing the centralized ruling system came from the pioneers. The pioneer association was renamed the Control Yuan, and each pioneer still held the title of executive director and exercised the power of supervision.

If two or more pioneers jointly accuse the then-consul, a new election will begin immediately.

The executive is responsible for managing the human race, and the executive is responsible for supervising the ruling.

Although there were some problems over the decades, no pioneer ever used the rights.

The first is that I am too lazy to take care of it, and the second is that the problem is not big yet.

This kind of management method, at the management level... divides extraordinary people and civilians into two circles, with almost no intersection. In the past, we always thought about equality and gave ordinary people the hope of promotion. This vision is actually difficult to realize.

Now all the potions are centrally controlled, one point is given to those who have made great contributions, one point is given to scientific research talents, and one point is given to individual people with good talents, and then it is gone.

However, with the advancement of science and technology, ordinary armies have gradually gained extraordinary strength. Things that only extraordinary people could do before can now be done by ordinary people.

There is a conflict between the two circles. The cake that used to belong only to the extraordinary is now also wanted by ordinary people.

Conflicts have been forcibly suppressed, and both parties have been restrained in their own circles. This is the benefit of centralization. If it were still the human court system, if this situation occurred, I am afraid that there would have been a fierce fight long ago.

High-level extraordinary beings will not be affected. Only Sequence 9 extraordinary beings will have their status affected. The main combat power of the human race has also been transferred from extraordinary... to ordinary people.

Although there are conflicts, the human race is not panic at all. Chaofan in peacetime is relatively scattered. The previous army has been demobilized long ago. They are scattered all over the human race. They are either performing tasks, leisurely retiring, or running their own industries. It is difficult to gather together. .

As long as the extraordinary Archon who takes office doesn't act stupidly, there won't be any problems.

The foreign policy of the human race is also very tough. In addition to using business to search for resources, they also use fists to rob them. The non-war between different races just means that the strong combat power of each race will not fight, and there will still be some small fights.

The general policy for the development of the human race now is to strengthen itself regardless of the cost.

Even if there will be sequelae, we must seize this opportunity.

"You go notify the local management agency, gather 100,000 people, and find a flat place." Lin Shan looked at Huang Ying and said.

"Okay." Huang Ying nodded and flew towards the city center.

Huang Ying used to be in charge of various churches in the clan and knew more about gods and beliefs than Lin Shan.

Huang Ying left, and Lin Shan teleported outside the barrier to find suitable materials to make the statue.

The method to create a new barrier is simple.

As long as there are enough tribesmen surviving in the wild for a period of time, new tribe artifact projections will be born.

Lin Shan circled around Qing'an and finally fixed his gaze on a low peak.

To carve an idol of the deity, any ordinary stone, wood or clay will do.

Letting humans believe in the God of Mountains and Seas was not a temporary decision. He had previously used prayer rituals to contact the eyes on his arms.

After the ceremony, he was sucked into a mysterious space where there was only a statue and a mysterious and complex mark.

There was a consciousness in the dark that told him that He was very weak now and needed the spirituality and faith of believers.

As long as the mark is carved on the statue of God and then the ritual is performed, one can truly communicate with Him.

After that, he was ejected from the space, and the eyes on the back of his hand were completely darkened, even a little transparent.

Maybe after some time, this mark will disappear.

Lin Shan used his finger as a carving knife and operated on the short peak from a distance.

After a moment, an ordinary statue full of scratches was suspended in the air.

If you don't look carefully, it's difficult to identify what the carving is.

If you look closely, you can roughly see that it's a turtle carrying a mountain peak on its back.

The statue is about 5 meters high, of which the mountain is 4 meters high, and the turtle below is less than one meter high.

"Well... it's okay." Lin Shan is quite satisfied with his craftsmanship. Although it is not very similar, it has no temperament at all, and it does not carve out the majestic and domineering feeling, but at least the proportion is right.

Put the statue into the cube.

Lin Shan returned to Qing'an. It should take a few days to arrange to gather so many people and find a venue.

During this period, Lin Shan planned to stroll around nearby. He has not been here since the satellite city was built.

At this moment, the white bracelet on Lin Shan's wrist shook restlessly.

Lin Shan thought about it, took off the bracelet, and threw it on the ground.

The bracelet kept crawling, stretching, and expanding on the ground, and finally turned into a girl with white hair. The hair was very long and dragged directly to the ground.

She looked around as soon as she came out, and seeing the crowd next to her not only did not scare her, but also seemed very excited.

Then she looked at Lin Shan.

She said, "Ah...ah...ah..."

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