Above the gray fog

Chapter 444 Xiaoru's life is half of the human race's history

The introduction is Xiaoru's own story.

My name is Xiaoru, also called Guru. I prefer others to call me Xiaoru, because God also calls me that.

That's right, God.

When He came, He was shining.

I know that I will walk with God.

When He left, He was still shining.

I know that the sky will become gray again.

I walked alone on the familiar road.

All the scenery turned gray.

I ran back like crazy.

The familiar shops and familiar painters have changed color.

He left.

Just when everyone thought that I had lost my faith.

I established a new faith, and I also wanted to be the light.

I began to organize ordinary people, and I told them to have light in their hearts.

I invited the best painters to draw His portrait.

I established the first cult organization - Hunting Night, which means hunting the dark night in the heart.

I passed the light in my heart to others.

Hunting Night gradually expanded.

At that time, faith was severely suppressed.

Hunting Night became the largest cult organization, and I took my followers to hide from place to place.

There was no place for us in the vast human race.

However, the number of followers increased, because in that dark age, everyone needed light.

I fought for faith with the pioneers as a member of the Hunting Night Church and as an ordinary person.

Pioneers are human beings, and Hunting Night believes in God, the nameless God.

They couldn't compete with me, so they began to suppress by force.

That period was the darkest moment of the Hunting Night Church.

Although I know that the name of God is Lin Hai, maybe he is just an ordinary person.

But at this time, it doesn't matter who he is, and I never thought about looking for him again.

Because I have become the light of many people.

I understand why he left me.

I can't destroy the light in other people's hearts for my own selfish desires.

Although, I really want to see him again.

Until one day, I saw the portraits of the pioneers.

I knew that the original name of God was Lin Shan.

Pioneers need faith.

I have always believed in Him in the name of Lin Hai, and the power of faith He received is probably very thin.

I began to announce to various cities that the nameless god was the pioneer Lin Shan.

Because the portraits were extremely similar, the believers quickly accepted the reality.

From then on, the Night Hunting Church rose from a cult organization to the open, becoming the most influential church in the human race.

I met the empress Lu Ruan, who told me that she wanted to unify the two cities of the human race.

She hoped that I could help her.

I said, if the god agrees, I will help you.

She smiled and said that she wanted to ask Him, and without His approval, the seven departments could not be shaken.

Later, I saw Him again next to the imperial palace.

Later, I tried my best to help the empress merge the two cities within a year.

Before the empress left, she found me and gave me a bottle of magic potion.

I refused, because the magic potion was not so precious to me.

I was afraid that if I drank the magic potion, I would lose my purity.

The empress died, and I saw her off.

I saw her turn into a ball of white smoke and disappear in the fog with my own eyes.

When Emperor Chen succeeded, he thanked me for my contribution to the stability of the human race.

I told him that I didn't contribute much.

I was just a disseminator, and everything was based on the beliefs of the pioneers.

I hope he can reconsider the relationship between pioneers and ordinary people.

I think that pioneers can be far away from ordinary people, but not far away from the human race.

He said he would consider it.

He wanted to discuss it with me, but I refused. I didn't want to lose my purity.

I couldn't discuss the relationship between God and man.

He was the pioneer of others, but the light in my heart.

The human race and the cat race have been fighting, and I was in the rear and couldn't give any help.

I could only try my best to appease the emotions of others.

The human race has always been at a disadvantage.

I returned to the town where I used to live and met the painter who used to live.

I begged him to help the human race.

He said the time was not right yet.

I asked people to spread the word everywhere that he had the strength of Sequence 8.

This matter attracted the pioneer, and he couldn't hide, so he had to take action.

Later, he seemed to become the emperor of the human race.

But this has nothing to do with me.

I was too tired, and the world in my eyes turned gray again.

Forty years of my life, the first seventeen years were ignorant, and I lived for the light in my heart before the age of thirty.

At the end of my life, when I became the light of others, I found that the light in my heart had disappeared.

I lost my faith in God.

From a devout believer, I became a real pope.

I am a lucky person who can witness the history of the human race.

Lin Shan read calmly.

Xiaoru's life was only forty years.

But it ran through half of the history of the human race.

These histories are only known by every pope of the Night Hunting Church.

During the second pope, the church began to transform and had its own business foundation. The dark age had passed, and the number of believers decreased on a large scale.

During the third pope, the technological invasion caused the church to almost collapse. The church continued to transform into a shelter to eliminate threats for the human race, and then it was able to continue.

The fourth pope was Fu Yiyi.

Every transformation is a change of the times.

Lin Shan looked at Xiaoru's portrait for a while, and there seemed to be light, softness, and a little majesty in his eyes.

The Xiaoru in my memory is no longer the same.

Take a deep breath, trying to get rid of the extra thoughts in your mind.

But he is still a human being, and he has all the thoughts that a human being should have.

When facing people of the same level or familiarity, he is no different from when he first crossed over. Without the influence of divinity, he is still himself.

When facing weak creatures, he will passively dilute the influence of weak creatures. This is due to his extraordinary characteristics.

However, the weak creatures deep in his memory are not included.

Xiaoru's experience aroused a lot of his thoughts and made him a little confused. This is the growth of human nature.

The reason why the power of faith can offset divinity is because the power of faith covers the human nature of all beings.

The human nature that grows in oneself can sometimes even be stronger than divinity.

It is not a good thing to have too strong human nature. This reminds Lin Shan of the captain of the fox clan with sequence 5.

Lin Shan forced himself not to think about Xiaoru anymore. Everything has become history.

Then he looked at Fu Yiyi, "This history should be known to more people."

"She belongs to the human race."

Fu Yiyi saw Lin Shan's serious expression and was a little flustered. She quickly responded, "Okay, I know what to do."

At this moment, she was a little flustered. When she first met Lin Shan, Lin Shan gave him the feeling that he didn't care about anything, and his eyes were as calm as dead water.

Now, the dead water has ripples for some reason.

When an evil beast doesn't care about you, you will only be amazed that there is an evil beast.

When the evil beast starts to look at you, it will definitely make you tremble all over.

Fu Yiyi feels this way now. There is an inexplicable pressure in the whole room, which makes her breathless.

Lin Shan looked at her seriously and said, "Run it well and treat it as an industry. I don't have anything to help you. I hope you can pass on the faith she left behind."

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