Above the gray fog

Chapter 448 Divine Art

Lin Shan: "He wants to be promoted to master?"

Turtle: "No, he's dying."

Lin Shan: "God can die too?"

Little Turtle: "Nothing is immortal, even the old Human Emperor eventually embarked on this path."

Lin Shan: "Can faith last as long as it exists?"

Little Turtle: "This little faith is not enough for him to turn around."

Lin Shan: "Is his lifespan coming to an end?"

Little Turtle: "No, his lifespan has long come to an end. The current situation is a bit special, I can't tell you."

Lin Shan: "What can you tell me?"

Turtle: "What I know."

Lin Shan: "What do you know?"

Little Turtle: "What do you want to know?"

Lin Shan: "What's above the gray fog?"

Little Turtle: "I can't say."

Lin Shan: "Do you know the human race? What's special about the human race?"

Little Turtle: "I know, I can't say."

Lin Shan: "Look, there's something wrong with me."

Little Turtle: "A lot, I can't say."

Lin Shan: "What can you say?"

Little Turtle: "I can tell."

Lin Shan: "What can you say?"

Little Turtle: "I can tell."

The conversation between the two made Lin Shan have the urge to shoot him to death.

Repeat the turtle? This is?

Co-author, the god of mountains and seas just gave him a turtle immortal as a pet.

However, Xiaohai seemed to like the turtle shell on the back of the turtle very much. He kept lying on his back motionless with an expression of enjoyment on his face, and kept whispering, "Turtle... turtle..."

The little turtle didn't have any objection to Xiaohai and let her lie on his shell.

"Forget it." Lin Shan shook his head. After all, he has some memories of the gods, which should be of some help. Maybe... the thing he asked was too high-end, "You should know the magic, right? How to use it?"

"I will directly give you the magical mark of the God of Mountains and Seas, so that you can directly borrow His power without complicated rituals. It is equivalent to adding an extra characteristic that will not dilute the sequence. Moreover, the mark contains all The magic of mountains and seas allows you to deal with almost all emergencies.”

After a pause, Little Turtle continued:

"Using divine magic requires sacrificing one's own spiritual power, which will permanently reduce the total power, overuse, and even downgrade."

"If the sequence stage does not reach the peak, the reduced total amount of spirituality will be automatically replenished, but it will no longer be able to reach the peak later. The spirituality contained in a complete potion can only push a sequence to the peak. This amount is fixed. Donate The more you sacrifice, the less you will get.”

"Of course, there are ways to make up for it, that is, taking elixirs or other spiritual substances. Before the sequence of magic medicines is digested, the elixirs are a catalyst, which can speed up the digestion of the magic medicines. After the magic medicines are digested, the elixirs or spiritual substances It can be used as material to supplement the missing spiritual energy, but the conversion rate is very low.”

Lin Shan nodded to express his understanding, and then checked the extra information in his mind.

A mysterious symbol, like a mess of lines kneaded together, floats quietly in my mind. It can be said to be the spiritual sea or the soul sea.

It seems that whenever gods are involved, there are always some strange symbols.

This space is where the parchment and quill are, and today it finally welcomed a new resident.

However, the old residents seem to want to put it to the test first.

The parchment was turned twice around it.

The symbol floated quietly.

After observing for a moment, the parchment lost interest and returned to its original place.

This symbol is a bridge connecting the gods. As long as basic faith is established, it will be born.

However, Lin Shan's one should be different. He doesn't seem to have established a basis for belief.

The symbol is equivalent to a converter. If you sacrifice your own spirituality, the converter will produce the energy of mountains and seas.

Lin Shan came to the ground and planned to try out his new abilities.


Lin Shan's whole body immediately sank into the ground, like a fish swimming in the water, able to move freely in the mud.

"Rock wall"

A hundred-meter-high rock wall suddenly rose from the flat ground.

"Stone Golem"

The hundred-meter-tall giant puppet stood quietly in front of Lin Shan.

"Water World"

Wild waves surged up from all sides, forming a square box of water.

Divine arts are not the same as the characteristics they use. All foundations of divine arts lie in gods. Divine arts only exist when gods exist.

To understand it in a simple way, the god is a huge center, and he can give power to every believer.

But this power is always His, and believers only have the right to use it, and they still have to pay a fee.

Another difference is that the effects of each magic spell are fixed. This is incomparable with characteristics, which can be used in various ways.

Divine magic cannot change its form, just like a fixed game skill.

But the number is very large, tens of thousands of divine spells, with the lowest level 1 and the highest level 5. He can only use level 1~3 divine spells now.

"Can't I edit the effects myself, just like developing features?" Lin Shan asked his doubts.

"It used to be possible. In the library of divine spells, every divine spell was once created by the believers themselves. Mountains and seas only gave the possibility for everything to begin. Each god represented a system. For ordinary people, the lowest gods and There is no difference in the master." There was a trace of worry in Xiao Gui's eyes.


"It can't be done now. Shanhai is the god of the seventh era. He does not belong here. You can understand that the authority he holds has expired."

"The seventh era...what era is it now?"

"I don't know either. When you reach a certain height, you will naturally know that every era is the time from birth to destruction of the universe. It is meaningless to low-level creatures."

"Although there is no way to edit it, the previous magic spells have covered almost everything. What you create yourself may not be practical." Xiaogui said.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded.

He had just used a few third-level divine spells, and the spirituality of the sacrifice was completely within his acceptable range, and was less than the total amount of spirituality he would automatically increase in a day.

This is considered normal. If it is a brand new system, there will be no such phenomenon of falling down the level after using a few magic spells.

It can be used as a normal ability. At most, it will delay the promotion time.

It seemed that he had to choose some more practical magical skills. Don't face the problem of not knowing what to use when the time comes. Lin Shan looked at the little turtle sitting on his shoulder and asked, "Can you transform into something else?"

"You can change your eyes back." Xiao Hai said, Xiao Hai still clinging tightly to his turtle shell.

"Then change back first." Lin Shan said.

"Okay." The little turtle responded and jumped onto Lin Shan's palm. His body slowly softened, melted into the skin, and turned into eyes again.

Unexpectedly, Xiaohai was not happy when he saw the little turtle turned into eyes.

I saw her diving into the eyes without any hindrance.

Lin Shan was stunned for a moment after seeing this operation. What on earth is Xiaohai? It can change its form at will, it can also become larger or smaller, and now it can directly penetrate into his body.

No, she was not in her body, but in the turtle's transformed eyes.

"Let her stay with me for a while. I can just teach her some things. This kind of creature has a lot of room for growth."

After the little turtle finished speaking, he became silent and the eyes on his palms were tightly closed.

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