Above the gray fog

Chapter 45 Dark Space

Lin Shan's speed was getting slower and slower, but the strange bird was still full of energy, its eyes were blazing, and it stared at Lin Shan with its sharp gaze, as if it would not give up until it killed him.

Lin Shan was helpless. During the flight, he kept trying to light the strange bird with a red lantern, but the flames of the red lantern were extinguished as soon as it reached it.

That's right, it was extinguished directly, without even the process of supernatural confrontation. The red lantern's supernatural power disappeared mysteriously.

This strengthened Lin Shan's determination to escape!

However, if you keep flying like this, the distance will only get closer and closer. You must find a way to get rid of the two-headed strange bird behind as soon as possible.

Lin Shan began to fly low into the sky, and did not stop until he reached a height of 100 meters. The two-headed monster behind him was still chasing after him, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Lin Shan kept staring down, hoping to find a barrier to avoid pursuit.

When passing by a small hill, Lin Shan suddenly felt cold all over, as if he had passed through a freezer.

"It's you!"

Lin Shan quickly landed towards the hill. There was some hesitation in the eyes of the strange bird behind him, but its speed did not slow down at all, and it flew to the ground with Lin Shan.

A hundred meters away in the blink of an eye, Lin Shan had already seen the strange body here.

"A house?"

This strange appearance turned out to be a house. It occupied a small area and only had two floors. It had white walls and red tiles. There were also words of happiness on both sides of the door. Lin Shan's approach to it did not trigger his attack.

The more this happened, the weirder Lin Shan felt. At this time, the strange bird also arrived. It also saw the small house. In addition to anger, Lin Shan's eyes looked at Lin Shan with a little more amusement.


The strange bird landed. Its huge body was taller than the small house with white walls and red tiles in front of it. The airflow generated when it landed at such a fast speed stirred up a cloud of dust.

The two-headed strange bird stared at Lin Shan with cold eyes and walked towards Lin Shan step by step.

The next second, the beak with a strong sense of pressure pecked in the air, and a blood hole suddenly appeared on Lin Shan's body, and black blood gurgled out like spring water.

Lin Shan's face turned pale, he no longer hesitated, turned around and ran directly towards the small house.

The door of the small house was opened easily by Lin Shan. The room was dark and empty, and no interior decoration could be seen.

Just as Lin Shan was observing the environment inside the small house, the two-headed strange bird outside raised its claws and kicked into the air. Suddenly Lin Shan felt a strange force coming from behind him, "Crack." There was a sound, and the fragile spine It broke into several pieces, and then he flew straight into the room and hit a black curtain heavily.


The door closed with a bang, and the last light in the room completely disappeared. Fortunately, the red lantern in his hand could give him the last bit of comfort.

Lin Shan lay on the ground for a while, and when his spine was almost recovered, Lin Shan stood up and explored the place.

Even if he doesn't recover, he can still stand up with his strange body, but he has to endure severe pain. It's better to be pain-free. After all, he doesn't have masochistic tendencies.

Carrying the lantern, I returned to the location of the previous door and found that there was no door here, only darkness that could not be seen.

After walking several hundred steps forward, there was still nothing but darkness.

He observed outside that the area of ​​this small house does not exceed fifteen square meters. What is going on now, space folding? Or a phantom space?

After walking for more than ten minutes, Lin Shan felt like he was spinning in circles.

Immediately, he stopped walking, and a red light flashed behind him, turning into huge four-meter-long wings. The wings shook slightly, opening a red wound in the darkness.

An hour later.

Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the ground as if thinking. A red lantern placed beside him emitted a faint reddish light, illuminating a small area.

"I can't get out of this space on my own..."

After thinking for a while, Lin Shan gave up decisively.

Take out the parchment paper.

Lin Shan: [How to get out? 】

Parchment: [Requires payment of three months of life. 】

Lin Shan: [Pay. 】

Parchment: [Opening the inner space requires the power of Sequence Eight. Just become Sequence Eight and tear the space apart. 】

Lin Shan almost wanted to tear up the parchment when he saw this answer. What is the concept of tearing apart space? He couldn't do it now.

"This is the inner space, and that house is just an entrance. In other words, my previous guess was correct. Sure enough, there is an invisible layer of space. Most of the higher-level weirdness is in this layer of space..."

Lin Shan suddenly had an idea.

Lin Shan: [Locate the nearest Sequence 8 weird location. 】

Parchment: [Requires payment of 60 years of life. 】

Lin Shan frowned. He didn't expect it to be so expensive. It seemed that anything involving sequence potions was not cheap, and it was still sequence eight.

In the end, Lin Shan still didn't use parchment, and he still needed to obtain the Sequence 8 formula. If his lifespan was insufficient, it would be a waste.

Besides, if there is something weird in this space, it shouldn't be too difficult to find it. It just takes a little more time at most.

"I wonder if the efficacy of these elixirs will weaken if they are kept for a long time?"

Lin Shan glanced at the backpack on his back. It was a big bulging bag. In the past three months, 47 marked elixirs had been collected. The strange bird was the 48th one. Although he encountered many dangers during this period, However, Lin Shan successfully escaped by flying and teleporting. He did not expect to encounter a monster like a two-headed bird at the last moment.

Next, Lin Shan was like a headless fly, flying around in the boundless darkness.

Walk on the ground when you are tired of flying.

Just like that, I don’t know how long it has been, and finally I feel a hint of coldness somewhere, it is a weird smell.

Lin Shan was happy, he finally found it. Usually when he was outside, he didn’t want to encounter it everywhere, but when he wanted to find it, he had to look for it for so long, and he didn’t know how many days had passed outside.

His physiology is completely different from that of normal people now. He doesn’t need to sleep, eat, drink water, and all the things that normal people need to survive. Now, except for the evil meat, he only eats the rest to cope with the feeling. The spiritual black blood of the blood wing can replenish all the energy needed by the body.

Lin Shan slowly approached the location of the weird. He didn’t dare to get too close. If he accidentally entered the opponent’s attack range, the consequences would be disastrous. The sequence eight weird was not something he could resist. The one he encountered during the migration before, only part of the body came out, which made him unable to fight.

Keep a distance of about 900 meters, which is just enough for teleportation, and there is no need to worry about being attacked by the weird.

Wait quietly, if he guessed correctly, the weird will sometimes open the space outside.

I don't know how long it has been, there is no concept of time here.

Suddenly, Lin Shan, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes, and red light flashed in his eyes. His strange body sequence finally broke through and entered the second stage. The blood-winged phantom behind him appeared a little bigger than before, and became more gorgeous, with a few more strange patterns on the blood-red wings.

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