Above the gray fog

Chapter 48 Seven Departments Co-Governance

What came into view was a commercial district, with wooden plaques hanging on the uniform storefronts, with the words ‘Teahouse in another world, Li Si restaurant in another world, clothing shop, and even a nursery in another world…’

Many people were strolling around here, buying and selling, and some of them were wearing modern clothes.

The currency they held in their hands was actually small bags of peanuts, which they weighed and bartered.

This is definitely not a long-term solution. As more and more arable land is created, the value of these peanuts will only get lower and lower.

At this moment.

A group of people walked down the street, with a young man in green silk clothes in front, followed by more than a hundred people, young and old, all wearing extremely simple autumn clothes, which cannot be produced by the current industrial level of the gray fog world.

"The street we are on is the only commercial street in the tribe. This world does not have a unified currency, so we use food as a temporary substitute for currency."

"You don't need to work for the first three days after you arrive. All food and accommodation are provided free of charge. You need to use these three days to adapt to the new world. After three days, there will be no more free supplies. You need to work to get these. As for the job, you can choose according to your own situation."

"For the fields, just go to the farming area and mark out a piece. If you have the strength, you can have as much land as you want. Thirty percent of the total harvest will be used as tax."

"If you feel that you are capable, you can also go to various departments to have a look. If you are qualified, you can go to the various departments to have a look. You are a person who eats public food, and you may even have the hope of getting in touch with extraordinary abilities. "

After taking a breath, he continued:

"In the early stages of development, all systems are adjusted at any time. Now the human race is governed by seven departments, namely the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Police, and the Ministry of Education. "

"It's a bit like continuing the ancient system, but the difference is very big. There is no so-called emperor. All major events related to the development of the human race are voted on by these seven departments. "

"Official personnel in the department are divided into six levels, including ministers, deputy ministers, directors, deputy directors, section chiefs, and deputy section chiefs. This is just the current system, and it is unknown whether there will be any changes in the future. "


Lin Shan listened to the man's introduction.

The seven-department system contains almost everything needed now. This system has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can check and balance each other, and the disadvantage is that if some departments are in opposition for a long time, it may form a disguised internal struggle.

However, this system is still feasible at this stage. The current development of the human race is a good proof. If there are changes in the future, they can be changed. As pioneers recognized by the tribe, Zhang Zhonghua and others should have this ability.

Lin Shan followed the group of new crossovers and listened to the explanation for nearly two hours. He roughly understood the current development situation.

"Hey, brother." Someone next to him called Lin Shan and said, "Brother, when did you cross over? I heard that this outfit can't be bought with money. Brother, you are doing well."

The leader in front also turned his head to look at Lin Shan. He had noticed that Lin Shan had been following them. The main reason was that the clothes Lin Shan wore were too conspicuous. At this time, it was almost a symbol of power in the tribe.

The leader carefully looked at the green robe on Lin Shan. The style was much more luxurious than his. This kind of clothes really couldn't be bought with money now. No matter how good the green silkworms were, they couldn't supply more than 70,000 people. Only the departments could get them. His clothes were issued by the higher authorities when he became a new tour guide.

"My friend, which department do you work for?" The leader was much more tactful than those newcomers who had just arrived in the alien world. He had deeply realized that this was a new world with new rules. With the energy of those pioneers, they could have restored the monarchy. Fortunately, they did not do so, and the people still had some democracy.

"I don't work for the department." Lin Shan said lightly.

"So that's the case. It seems that I made a mistake. My name is Jiang Dang. I wonder if I can get to know him." Jiang Dang said politely. Regardless of whether he was an official of the department or not, anyone who could wear this dress would not be a simple person. There was no harm in making friends.

Looking at Jiang Shuo's outstretched hand, Lin Shan hesitated for a moment, but still shook hands with him: "My name is Lin Shan."

"My friend is called Lin Shan? Such a familiar name... It should be the same name."

After saying this, he fell to the ground unconscious.

Lin Shan sighed and watched Jiang Shuo lying on the ground trembling constantly. After a moment, he stopped moving, with a thin layer of ice on his body.

Lin Shan used his spiritual sense to sense it and breathed a sigh of relief. He was still alive.

He hesitated, of course, not because he had mysophobia or any other reason, but because he was afraid that ordinary people would have problems if they came into contact with him.

He had almost completely restrained his spirituality, but he didn't expect that something would happen.

After all, how could ordinary people touch the weird? Lin Shan was no different from the weird now. He had all the weird things, including passive harm to ordinary people.

Lin Shan was worried that if he was promoted to a high sequence in the future, ordinary people would die suddenly after looking at him...

"Ah, murder!"

Some people screamed in fear, while others shouted calmly: "Go call a doctor and find the guards!"

"Don't let this murderer run away, surround him!"

Someone shouted immediately, and some even wanted to capture him.

Lin Shan was so scared that he ran away quickly. A red light flashed on the spot. Everyone only saw a huge blood-red wing shaking, and there was no figure on the spot.

"Where is the person?"

"It seems to be flying..."

"How did it fly?"

"It flew with its wings spread!"


“It’s the extraordinary! Hurry up! Inform the ministers that there is an extraordinary invasion!”

At this time, above the thousand-meter high school, Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that these people would touch him. This was no longer a smuggling, but a complete death.

Landing near the clan hall, this time he entered directly from the gate. The guard already knew Lin Shan at this time, saluted Lin Shan, Lin Shan nodded, and walked into the hall on the first floor.

The first floor is different from the second and third floors. There are no partitions here. It is just a large flat floor to receive new traversers.

The newcomers today should be the wave just now. There are no other people in the hall now except for a few old women who are cleaning.

Go straight to the second floor along the stairs on the side. When going upstairs, you will meet a group of people walking down from the second floor.

“Director Chen, this is the list of gray fog exploration this time. Please take a look.” A mature woman handed the list in her hand to Director Chen in front of her.

The person called Director Chen took the list in his hand and glanced at it, and said, "Is General Zhao going this time?"

"Yes." The woman nodded and said, "General Zhao said she was going to find some new herbs to improve the "Medical Canon."

"This..." Director Chen hesitated: "General Zhao is a pioneer. If she has any unexpected impact, it will be too big. No, I have to persuade her. We can help her find any herbs she needs."

"It's useless." The woman said helplessly: "Minister Zhang, who went to persuade before, had his face swollen and is now in the office and dare not see anyone. He is the Minister of the Military Department, theoretically her immediate superior, and she dared to beat him directly. If you go..."

The woman blinked and didn't finish the rest of the words, but the meaning was very clear.

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