Above the gray fog

Chapter 496 Interception

Parchment: [You need to pay for 70 years of life. ]

Lin Shan; [Cheaper, I might as well use "divination" for such a high price. ]

Parchment: [Cost price, you get what you pay for, it's expensive because it's difficult. ]

70 years... it's indeed a bit expensive.

But if he can get into the "Money Office", he can always observe the target.

In comparison, these 70 years of life are nothing.

Lin Shan: [Pay. ]

Parchment; [Four days later, the cat youth Baker left the Shan tribe and was attacked and killed by the gray elves in the gray fog. His friend Godfrey of the gray elf tribe went to rescue and saved the dying Baker. ]

Parchment: [Four days later, you injured the messenger of the gray elf Godfrey. The gray elf Godfrey received the information late. You saved the dying Baker in the gray fog. Godfrey came late and saw you saving Baker. The two of them had a better impression of you. 】

This operation made Lin Shan stunned. He could only say that he was worthy of being called Parchment.

The result of fate did not change. Baker was not dead. Baker should be the cat youth holding the pillow. Lin Shan's participation only changed the process.

The process is inherently changing, which also makes the fates confront each other.

No one here should confront Parchment. And so far, Lin Shan has never seen Parchment's predictions go wrong. Parchment's control over the power of fate is not something that he, a half-baked person, can imagine.

However, just doing this step... Gaining the favor of the two should not be enough to join the "Money and Love Agency".

If he took the initiative to mention to the two that he wanted to join the agency... Isn't this purpose too obvious?

Parchment: [This is the first step. ]


Three days passed quickly. On the first day, Qi Zhuo spent the whole day taking care of the house, purchasing daily necessities, decorations, etc.

On the second day, Qi Zhuo started to go out early and come back late to make money.

On the third day, Lin Shan followed him quietly. Qi Zhuo was very familiar with the city. He also had a job like a courier, purchasing items for different people.

There are many organizations of ordinary people in this city. They do their own business. Although they don't make much money every day, they can barely make ends meet.

Although the city wants to flush out ordinary people, it does not target all of them. Valuable ordinary people are not included. After all, there are some things that only ordinary people can do, or... only ordinary people are willing to do. Their existence is indispensable.

Lin Shan found another suspicious point. Qi Zhuo goes out early and comes back late. He can earn one or two hundred source coins every day. It should be enough to live here. Why does he often ask the firm to borrow money?

Where is Qi Zhuo's money?

He doesn't look like a person who spends money recklessly. His goal is to save 10 million to buy that bottle of magic potion, but why now... can't even pay the living expenses?

Whenever he wants to explore in depth, there is a very dangerous feeling around him, which is a warning from fate.

Qi Zhuo has a secret, and he is not someone he can mess with...

He kept Qi Zhuo by his side just to deepen his connection with the firm. If this line is too dangerous...it would be bad to get himself involved.

Lin Shan is considering whether to cut off this line.

However, it would be too obvious to do so, and it would seem that he obviously knows something.

To put it another way, if Qi Zhuo's mother is still alive, is she staring at Qi Zhuo?

Qi Zhuo is now in contact with him, so he can avoid trouble. If he cuts off his connection with Qi Zhuo now, will his mother come to him immediately?

In this way, Qi Zhuo has become his amulet in disguise.

"Qi Zhuo's matter...let it go, and I should solve my own affairs first."

After thinking about it for a long time, there is no good conclusion, so Lin Shan stopped thinking about it. Three days have passed, and it is time to ambush at the location located by the parchment.

The time given by the parchment has been changing slightly. This time should be related to the speed of the messenger. In order to avoid mistakes, Lin Shan decided to ambush one day in advance.

Only by intercepting the messenger first can the next plan proceed.

He didn't know what a messenger was, so he could only hope that it was a carrier pigeon, not a spiritual line signal...

He didn't have the ability to intercept spiritual line signals yet.

After leaving the Shan tribe, he flew for more than an hour. At Lin Shan's normal speed, this place should be a hundred kilometers away from the Shan tribe.

The parchment showed that there were still 17 hours before the "messenger" would fly over his head.

Lin Shan planned to disguise himself first.

This happened to be a shrubbery with many rhizome plants, so he could use local materials.

Spiritualization silk, string these leaves together in circles, and make a leaf skirt.

Then make a hat and a veil, and wrap yourself tightly.

This is done to prevent technological equipment. Physical defense is the best way to deal with technological equipment.

As for mental power, Lin Shan didn't believe that a messenger's mental power would be stronger than his, unless the opponent was also Sequence 7, so that he could capture his racial characteristics.

This possibility should not be high. If he was exposed, the subsequent plan would not work. Parchment could not have failed to calculate this.

Time was passing quickly. Lin Shan hid himself in the depths of the bushes and almost blended into the environment here.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan suddenly opened his eyes. The place where his figure disappeared, when he reappeared, was already in the 8th scale of the Void Prison.

A streak of light was approaching him at a very fast speed.


It was a starship flying over.

Going through the airspace of scale 8... it should be a creature of sequence 8.

A wooden stick appeared in Lin Shan's hand, and the stick gradually became longer, a hundred meters, a thousand meters... ten thousand meters.

The starship was still approaching. Although it was very fast, the distance between them was very far.

The radar on the starship seemed to have discovered him and was slowing down and turning around.

How could Lin Shan let it run away? He just teleported and knocked down with a ten thousand meter long wooden stick.

A "boom" explosion sounded.

The starship broke into two pieces. Lin Shan left room for this attack.

In the parchment plan, the messenger message still had to be sent out, but it needed to be delayed for a while.

After the starship broke, a creature struggled to escape from it and ran in the opposite direction without hesitation.

The creature was a woman with pointed ears and a beautiful face given by her race. She was a gray elf.

‘Song of the Forest’

There are trees growing wildly next to the fleeing gray elves, covering them.

Lin Shan narrowed the range of ‘Song of the Forest’, controlling it within a circle with a diameter of 100 meters, and continuously injected spiritual energy into it, so that it can operate for a long time, and it will naturally release when the spiritual energy is exhausted.

If this small range of ‘Song of the Forest’ can automatically absorb spiritual energy from the outside world, then this is a small seal, which Lin Shan cannot do now, let alone automatic absorption, he can’t even remotely transport spiritual energy.

However, this is just right, when the stored spiritual energy is exhausted, ‘Song of the Forest Spirit’ will be released, which is equivalent to a timed sealing device.

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