Above the gray fog

Chapter 50 The Man Who Grew in the Soil

Inside Zhang Zhonghua’s office.

At this time, Zhang Zhonghua, Zhao Xiaoan, Wu Wang, and Lin Shan were sitting together.

Upon hearing Lin Shan's return, Zhao Xiaoan and Wu Wang dropped what they were doing and rushed back to see Lin Shan.

Zhao Xiaoan is very busy. She is currently busy writing the "Medical Code". As for Wu Wang... he has now started doing business and opened a chamber of commerce, and he named it "Wu Wang Chamber of Commerce" very coquettishly.

Not to mention, the word "Wu Wang" has its own traffic. Wu Wang, the pioneer, is also a legendary person in the eyes of ordinary people.

With this name, the Wuwang Chamber of Commerce has successfully established itself and has become the only chamber of commerce in the clan area. There are mountains of food in the warehouse, and he is behind the funding for three days of free food and lodging for new travelers and some charity support.

"How long do you plan to stay this time?" Zhao Xiaoan looked at Lin Shan and asked.

"The specific time will depend on the situation. I will start retreating soon after I go back. The next time we meet may be a long time later." Lin Shan replied.

"Retreat? We are taking magic potion. Are you cultivating immortality? You still need to retreat." Zhao Xiaoan rolled his eyes.

Lin Shan smiled and said: "I found some things outside that can speed up the digestion of the potion."

Everyone nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way." Lin Shan suddenly asked: "How did you come back when you completed your promotion in the Purple Soul Flower Forest last time?"

This question has always been in Lin Shan's mind. He wanted to ask it several times but forgot about it.

"Do you still remember the golden thread we encountered when we first crossed over?" Zhang Zhonghua asked.

"Which one is connected to the clan artifact?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes." Zhang Zhonghua continued: "After everyone was successfully promoted, the golden thread appeared again. We followed the guidance and returned to the tribe and found that the human race was being slaughtered by the cat tribe. You also know what happened next."

Lin Shan understood that it turned out to be the guidance of the clan artifact. There were too many unknowns contained in the clan artifact, and the functions that are now known may only be the tip of the iceberg.

Finally, the four of them chatted about their opinions on the current development within the clan. By the end, the red moon was already hanging high in the sky.

inside the room.

Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the bed, with 48 elixirs placed randomly on the ground.

Lin Shan did not dare to take the elixir from the two-headed strange bird's nest. If he encountered the two-headed strange bird again, it was unknown whether he could get rid of it again.

It has been half a year since the earliest elixirs were collected. In the past six months, there have been no other changes to these elixirs except their leaves. Leaving the soil will not cause them to die.

He casually picked up an elixir that looked like a starfish. It had a fleshy shape with five horns.


Lin Shan bit off a piece of meat and made a "squeak" sound. It was very crispy and tasted a little fishy, ​​with a little sweetness in it.

The next second, an extremely strong spirituality gathered in Lin Shan's heart. With so much spirituality gathering, his heart soon could not withstand the pressure, and instantly pale golden cracks filled his heart.

"Crack, rattling, rattling."

Lin Shan solved the elixir in his hand in just a few mouthfuls. A more violent and violent spirituality poured into his heart, and his heart, which was already full of cracks, instantly shattered.

Half of the heart, which was made up of flesh and blood, was directly exploded into blood mist, while the other half, which was light golden and made of pure spirituality, was shattered into dozens of light golden fragments.

A darkness emerged from nowhere and enveloped these heart fragments, and the fragments were gradually put together and restored under the influence of darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, half of the pale golden heart has recovered, and darkness is crawling on it. As the darkness squirms, half of the flesh and blood heart is gradually formed, and the regrown flesh and blood heart has a touch of pale gold.

Lin Shan saw all this in his eyes, and the broken heart alone was no longer enough to make him lose consciousness.

It turns out that the spirituality released by the elixir is not absorbed by the heart, but only plays a role in tempering, thereby speeding up the digestion of the elixir. What is digested is not the medicinal properties of the elixir, but some invisible and intangible rules and sequences. The potion only functions as a key from beginning to end, and its medicinal properties are exhausted the moment the door is opened.

After his heart fully recovered, Lin Shan opened his eyes. Red light and golden light flashed alternately in his eyes, and he soon returned to normal.

Seeing through the window that it was daytime outside, Lin Shan got up and walked downstairs to Si Zhennan's office, which was closest to him.

"How many days have it been?" Lin Shan opened the door and asked directly.

At this time, Si Zhennan and a group of people were watching something. They all frowned. Lin Shan suddenly opened the door, which made their hearts skip a beat, with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

When he saw it was Lin Shan, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What? It's mysterious." Lin Shan asked curiously.

"You came just in time, come and take a look." Si Zhennan stepped aside, allowing Lin Shan to get closer.

Lin Shan took a closer look and frowned.

There is a 'person' planted on a flowerpot, looking ahead with a dull expression. His eyes are still moving, but the speed is very slow and difficult to detect.

She is a woman, and all the details on her body are lifelike and as smooth as jade. No wonder the few people just saw him behave like that.

Lin Shan got closer and found that his feet were planted in the soil and his body made a very strange movement, as if he was holding something.

Everything is the same as a real person, but the size is only the size of a palm.

Lin Shan frowned and asked, "Where did this thing come from?"

"It was dug out of the soil." Si Zhennan asked, "What do you think? Is it a plant or something else?"

Lin Shan asked back: "It's not just this one."

"That's right." Si Zhennan replied: "It was discovered three days ago. So far, a total of three have been found. I have studied it for several days but still can't figure out what it is."

"It's a human." Lin Shan said lightly.

"What!" Everyone was shocked.

They thought it might be a human, but in the end they were more inclined to some kind of plant.

"No way." Si Zhennan said: "We dissected it. There is no blood and flesh, only fibers that plants have, and the cut place will grow again after only one day."

Lin Shan said: "Don't study it, find out if anyone has disappeared recently. If my guess is correct, this kind of "plant" will become more and more, and the source must be solved."

Lin Shan waved at the little man in the flowerpot, and a trace of blood gathered and formed a drop of blood so small that it was almost invisible in the air.

This is human blood, distributed all over the body of the little man. Unless you look at it with a microscope, it is impossible to see it with normal eyes.

"Is it weird?" Si Zhennan asked with a heavy face.

"Not necessarily, it may be something else. Some evil degenerates also have strange abilities. Tell me if you find the source." Lin Shan said.

"Okay, I'll go notify the police and the Ministry of Household Affairs." Si Zhennan nodded in response.

Then he looked embarrassed and said, "Then how to deal with this..." He pointed to the little man in the flowerpot.

"She died a long time ago and has become a real plant. If you want to keep her, just keep her." Lin Shan said.

"Then burn her." Si Zhennan replied.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

"By the way." Lin Shan suddenly remembered the purpose of his visit and asked, "How long has it been since I came back?"

"It's November 27th, Year 3 of the Human Calendar. You seemed to have come back on November 1st last time. It's been almost a month. I can't remember clearly." Si Zhennan said uncertainly.

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