Above the gray fog

Chapter 504: You cheat me, I cheat you

The Black Box caravan flew in the Scale 8 prison for two days and two nights, and finally arrived at the destination of their trip.

Ahead is a brightly lit desert city. The size of the city is not too big. It should be built by a small clan.

However, there must be a third-level civilization behind this small tribe.

Because whether it is the aircraft under your feet or the city in front of you, the energy used is not spirituality.

A total of seven aircraft were parked neatly in the empty square.

Four humanoid creatures with green cotton cloths on their heads came down from each aircraft. Their clothes were very casual. Everyone was different and the combinations were strange. However, there were two features that were the same. They had a piece of green cloth on their heads. cotton cloth and a red gauze wrapped around his left arm.

I don’t know if it’s the characteristics of this caravan or the characteristics of their ethnic group.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of red mushroom girls disembarked from each aircraft. They moved forward in an orderly manner, and they did not even need to be driven away.

A leading humanoid rallies those nearby.

"Leave two people to send this batch of goods to the warehouse first, and tell the clan to get rid of them quickly in the next few days and don't keep them for too long."


"Wait a minute." The leading humanoid creature seemed to have thought of something and stopped the younger brother who turned around. "These mushrooms need to be exposed to the sun. If they are not exposed to the sun for a long time, they will wither. Take them outside to bask in the sun for a few hours."

"Okay." The boy next to him responded, then turned around and asked, "Boss, do you still want to go back?"

"There are still many mushroom people in the mushroom tribe. I want to go there again. This is a huge profit. It's like picking up money."

"Okay, boss, please be careful on the road. Bottle and I will get rid of this batch of goods as soon as possible."

"Give it to the Qiqiao tribe quietly. Don't let other second-level civilizations know about it, so as to prevent them from being jealous... and making small moves behind their backs." The leading humanoid creature solemnly asked, "Sell one part and get another part. We are now relying on others, and the relationship above is It must be done well.”

"Don't worry, I understand."

After the leading humanoid creature finished explaining, he summoned the remaining people to return to the aircraft, preparing to return to the original route to do another job.

Lin Shan and Baker witnessed everything happening below.

"They will take the Russula tribe to bask in the sun soon, and they will definitely return to their original tribe. We will follow them." Baker said.

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

Only two creatures wearing green turbans were left. They opened a door to the outside space and directed the red mushroom girl to pass through the door in an orderly manner.

After arriving at the outside world, they walked less than a thousand meters before arriving at the border of the clan.

Two green headscarves opened a passage for these mushroom girls to enter.

Lin Shan and Baker walked along the passage unhurriedly without causing any disturbance.

Inside the clan area, there are birds chirping and flowers fragrant. What you see is a plain. Everywhere you look is grass. You can see butterflies flying and birds looking for food.

"Let them bask in the sun for a few hours first, and then contact the clan to pick them up in the evening."

At this moment, a light blue transparent light shield suddenly covered all the hundreds of people present.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time..." A cold laugh came from hundreds of meters above the sky.

Lin Shan, who was standing nearby, felt his heart skip a beat and thought to himself, could he be here to find them?

However, when he saw the strength of the attacker, he was relieved and a little disappointed at the same time. They were definitely not here to find him and Baker.

"We've got a show to watch." Baker was even more direct. He sat cross-legged on the ground and propped his chin up with his hands, admiring what was going to happen next and had no intention of intervening.

The higher the sequence, the more important people are to causality and destiny. They will not arbitrarily change other people's original trajectories unless it is beneficial to themselves.

"Is it you?" The two green turbans, who were covered in light, suddenly panicked, "How did you know the news?"

"Of course your good teammates told us."

The next second, the two green hooded men below began to vomit blood, and their arms and legs began to twist uncontrollably.

Lin Shan saw all this in his eyes. The person above using his ability was Sequence 8, and the two green turbans below were Sequence 9.

"Well..." The two Sequence 9s continued to twist, and after a few seconds they were no longer human, completely losing their life breath.

Hundreds of red mushroom girls also witnessed all this, and apart from trembling all over, they did not make any overreaction.

The light blue light mask dissipated, and a group of people slowly fell from the sky. There were five people in total, four of Sequence 9 and one of Sequence 8.

Different from those green turbans just now, their heads are bare, without turbans, not only no turbans, but also no hair. There is a very small horn above the eyebrows.

Lin Shan and Baker were sitting less than fifty meters away from them.

These five people are from the same clan as the two green turbans just now. The green turbans used their turbans to cover the small horns on their heads. I don’t know if it’s a custom or something.

"There are at least hundreds of mushroom people here. According to the news sent by Clay, the Qiqiao Clan will buy these mushroom people at a large price and send them directly to the Qiqiao Clan in exchange for resources." The leader, Sequence 8, made a prompt decision.

At this moment, the mutation occurred again, and the two groups of completely dead and twisted flesh suddenly glowed red.

"Boom!" After a deafening explosion, first a strong red light flashed, and then, the earth was suddenly lifted up, as powerful as the sky collapsed, and the terrifying wind howled past Lin Shan and Baker's ears, but both Blocked by the light green shield beside them.

Lin Shan moved his fingers slightly, and a light green halo enveloped hundreds of red mushroom girls.

When the might dissipated, there was no grass within a kilometer radius, only a large pit tens of meters deep. Above the pit, green and gray smoke formed a strange flower of death.

Lin Shan's mind turned again. Could this explosion be aimed at him and Baker?

The intensity of the explosion was comparable to the attack of Sequence 7.

This kind of power could not be emitted from the body of Sequence 9, even if it was a fatal blow. There was something fishy about this explosion.

But the next second, he didn't think so. In his spiritual perception, the Black Box Caravan that had left before appeared outside the tribe again at some point.

"Huh?" Baker also moved his eyes over, "So these people are the old six."

"Human-shaped creatures can't get rid of deception after all." Baker shook his head.

The aircraft of the Black Box Caravan slowly hovered over the big pit.

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