Above the gray fog

Chapter 510 Sponge

Wait until everything is settled.

Only then did Rosa Caro turn her attention to Lin Shan again.

"Thank you." Lin Shan thanked him first.

Rosa Caro took a step forward.

The next second.

The space suddenly became black and white.

Rosa Kahlo had a metal needle in her hand and inserted it into Lin Shan's shoulder. As soon as the needle penetrated the skin, the medicine inside was automatically pushed in.

An extreme feeling of weakness filled Lin Shan. The spirituality that originally filled his body was compressed to his heart, and his supernatural powers disappeared directly, unable to find the source.

In a daze, Lin Shan only saw Baker running towards him, shouting something.

When Lin Shan woke up again, the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes. Lin Shan observed left and right for a moment. If nothing unexpected happened... this should be a prison.

He only has about 20 square meters of activity space, and the top, bottom, left and right are all walls made of light, without any blind spots.

There was a corridor in front of him, and looking out from his perspective, he could see many cells like his, with all kinds of prisoners in them.

"You woke up. What did you do?"

Lin Shan looked towards the cell opposite.

There is a gray sponge doing exercises. It is doing sit-ups very hard.

Sensing Lin Shan's gaze, it stopped, stretched out its two slender legs, slowly walked to the edge of the cell and sat against the wall.

"What is this place?" Lin Shan asked.

"Where? You asked knowingly." Gray Sponge turned over and changed his back to Lin Shan at a comfortable angle. "What happened outside? This prison does not accept ordinary prisoners."

"Nothing committed." Lin Shan replied.

"You didn't commit any crime?" Gray Sponge turned around again, "Then you're in trouble. If you commit a crime and are caught, you still have a chance to get out. If you don't commit a crime... and get caught, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out in this life. Now, let’s wait to become a potion material.”

"Maybe, I can go out after a while." Lin Shan replied.

"I have been imprisoned here for 107 years, and I have never seen anyone come out intact." Gray Sponge said disdainfully.

At this time, a low roar suddenly came from the prison next to him.



"This is?"

"That's because he was imprisoned for too long and has been imprisoned for a long time." Gray Sponge explained.

"The one that keeps roaring has been dominated by animal nature and has completely become a beast. Even if it is released now, there will be no possibility of recovery, such as the one over there." The gray sponge stretched out its slender The arm pointed to the next door next to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan mentally explored it. It was a giraffe-like creature with zebra-like horizontal lines on its body. It was constantly hitting its head against the wall made of light.

"It was still a human when I came in. We used to chat a lot before, but it became like this 30 years ago." The gray sponge felt a little emotional, and pointed to the side, "Like the kind that looks like a statue when it doesn't move. , is dominated by divinity, has become a god, has no desires and desires, and can remain motionless for more than ten years. "

Lin Shan turned his mental energy to the side again. It was a humanoid creature, standing upright in the cell, motionless.

Suddenly, there was a stinging pain in his mental power, and Lin Shan quickly withdrew his mental power.

"By the way, I forgot to remind you, don't use your mental power at will. There is no restriction on mental energy in the cell. It's not so that the prisoners can use their mental power to relieve their boredom, but so that... the supervisors of the entire prison can Observe the movements of every prisoner," Gray Sponge reminded him timely.

"Is this a Semitic prison?"

"Yes, in the Semitic luxury prison, there are two in Sequence 5 prisons. Only those in Sequence 7 and above are eligible to stay."

"How did you get in?" Lin Shan looked at the gray sponge opposite. "

"When I was young, I couldn't understand what the Semitic people were doing. I always went against the Semitic people. No, I got involved in this." Gray Sponge's eyes dimmed. "My tribe must be doomed. These Semitic bastards are really evil." It’s abominable.”

"What did the Semites do? Did the Semites do anything bad?" Lin Shan was confused. During the time he came to the Semites, he really didn't find anything dark about the Semites.

"The Semitic tribe issued various tasks to enslave weak races, or directly buy and sell the essence. Because I longed for the title of the strongest Semitic tribe, I came to join the Semitic tribe. As a result, I lived a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife every day. Slaughtering, enslaving, and robbing resources. In their eyes, weak races cannot be called living beings at all. They will first search for all possible resources in the clan's land, and then use a compromise method to obliterate the creatures in the clan's land to collect resources. Quality, this will greatly reduce the attachment of resentment. "

"I worked for the Semitic people for a month, and on average I had to erase the existence of a race every day. Later, I became more and more unhappy, so I started to fight against the Semitic people... I won't say more about it later... "

"So, you are still a good person?"

"What is 'good'? Do you mean the side of human nature that tends to be good?" Gray Sponge smiled, "Also, do you think I look like a human? Many things in this world are defined by you humanoid creatures. , including human nature, is just because you humanoid creatures once achieved great unity. Countless years have passed, who knows whether the previous definition is still suitable for the present..."

"If I remember correctly, all the ancient books encourage creatures to have kindness in their hearts, and good deeds will be rewarded."

"The reality is that good deeds may not be rewarded, but troubles will definitely come one after another. A civilization with good intentions is unlikely to go far, but a civilization that only pursues interests can become the strongest."

"This is why you have been in prison for more than 100 years and finally realized the truth."

"Why, do you have a different opinion?" Gray Sponge faced Lin Shan.

"No." Lin Shan shook his head, "I mean... I have understood these truths in the few years since I came to Gray Mist."

Gray Sponge: "..."

"You are a non-human creature. In your senses, what do human creatures look like?" Taking advantage of this close contact with non-human creatures, Lin Shan asked the doubts in his heart.

He was not worried about being in prison, and it should be... he could get out soon.

"Is it necessary to distinguish so clearly? They are just different forms, or different directions of evolution. Look at the person next to you. He was a humanoid creature before, but now he is a beastoid creature?"

"But I want to tell you that non-humanoid creatures like me will not become beastoid if their beast nature exceeds the limit. You will become beastoid because many of your ancestors were beasts. When the Human Emperor led the myriad races, these beasts began to follow the footsteps of the Human Emperor and evolved in large numbers. This is the new myriad races,"

"The beast nature made them return to their ancestors."

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