Above the gray fog

Chapter 542 Wu Lai

A group of five people, two Sequence 9s with three pseudo-transcendents.

Each of the three pseudo-transcendents had a beast on his shoulder, and these beasts had lost their vitality.

In addition, a Sequence 9 dragged a long tail in his hand. Looking back, it was a Sequence 9 evil that looked like a dinosaur. The tail was estimated to be seven or eight meters long. The evil was dragged behind him, plowing a shallow gully in the ground.

Another Sequence 9 had nothing in his hands. He was vigilantly observing the four directions and responsible for reconnaissance.

They passed less than 10 meters in front of Lin Shan and did not find anyone standing next to him.

Before entering the tribe, the two Sequence 9s were very vigilant and circled in the gray fog to prevent enemies from the outside.

The three pseudo-transcendents were no different from blind people in the gray fog. After the two Sequence Nines left, they could only stay trembling and guard the prey.


One of the male creatures couldn't help but take a step back, tremblingly stretched out his finger, and pointed in a direction.

The expression on his face was extremely terrified, and a frightened expression appeared on the screen-like face.

The other two companions saw the expression on his face and showed puzzled expressions on their faces at the same time.

"What's wrong with you?"

"There... over there... look... over there..." The frightened creature stammered and was obviously frightened.

His hand trembled in the air, pointing to a void.


The two companions looked in the direction he pointed. Their visual range in the gray fog was less than 10 meters. Except for the hazy gray fog, they could not see anything.

Lin Shan was standing in the direction he pointed, about six or seven meters away.

"Can he see you?" Qi Zhuo was puzzled.

"My ability is just to eliminate the sense of existence, not to be invisible, but it's still a bit strange. He is just an ordinary person..." Lin Shan was also a little puzzled.

The frightened creature, seeing that his companions couldn't see what he pointed at, suddenly collapsed, "How could he not see it? It's white, transparent, it's standing there, it's watching us!"

"Wu Lai, don't scare us, this is not the time to joke, did you really see anything?" The female companion with a big red flower on her head felt a little scared when she saw that Wu Lai didn't look like he was pretending.

This is gray fog, a mysterious unknown place, anything can happen.

Wu Lai was about to cry, and said in a sobbing voice, "Really, do I have to lie to you, it's coming, it's floating over...ah!"

Wu Lai ran into the depths of the gray fog like crazy.

"Wu Lai..."

"Wu Lai..."

The two companions hurriedly called him, but it was too late, Wu Lai had already entered the depths of the gray fog and disappeared.

"What should I do? Should I chase him?" The female creature crossed her arms and felt cold.

Wu Lai's big reaction doesn't seem to be fake at all. There won't be anything nearby...

"Lu Lao told us not to run around. We don't have the ability to walk in the gray fog. No matter what happens... wait for Lu Lao to come back."

"Don't think too much. We are fine now. Wu Lai may be too nervous and dizzy..." Another male creature could only pretend to be calm and comfort the female creature next to him, but he couldn't hide the expression of fear and terror on his face.

The female creature next to him was not so scared when she saw his appearance. She patted him and said, "There is nothing. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid..."

Lin Shan silently floated between the two people and chased in the direction of Wu Lai.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's good to be young." Qi Zhuo couldn't help but sigh when he saw the postures of the two people.

"When I was young, I should be similar to this."

"After becoming a supernormal, the original me died..."

Lin Shan didn't listen to his sigh and floated quietly not far from Wu Lai.

Wu Lai looked back and saw that the white shadow was still chasing him. He was so scared that his soul flew away. He screamed and ran towards the depths of the gray fog.

"What are you doing?" Qi Zhuo flew to the front of Lin Shan's sight, "Why are you targeting an ordinary creature?"

Lin Shan shook his head, "Although my ability can only weaken the sense of existence, it is not something that ordinary creatures can see. This creature... is a little special."

"Maybe it has some strange talents, it's normal. All races have inherited races." Qi Zhuo didn't care, and then said, "And this creature's psychological quality is too poor, it can't go far."

Lin Shan thought about it, he should have inherited some talents, but with this person's psychological quality, if he doesn't make changes, it will be difficult for him to do anything big in the future.

"The two creatures went back." Qi Zhuo suddenly reminded.

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded slightly, he also wanted to take a look at this tribe's land.

Lin Shan's palm was deep, and the bright red crescent moon slowly rose into the sky through the palm of his hand.

The 'Moon in the Mirror' instantly covered a radius of several kilometers.

"Where's Wu Lai?" The Sequence 9 who rushed back found that one of his companions was missing and immediately asked.

"He...he said he saw something terrible and ran into the gray fog."

"What? A person went into the gray fog?" Another Sequence 9 raised his voice and scolded, "Haven't I told you many times? Wait here for us to come back, and you can wait to be punished when you go back."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. It is important to find Wu Lai first. If he steps on the trap we set, it will be over."


Just then.

"Ah... don't chase me, help!" Wu Lai's voice came from not far away.

"It's Wu Lai!" the female creature exclaimed.

The sound got closer and closer, and within a short time, Wu Lai appeared in everyone's sight, rolling and crawling.

When Wu Lai saw his companion, he immediately crawled forward using his hands and feet.

He shouted in horror:

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Qi, help me quickly, there is a monster chasing me!"

"Wulai, where did this monster come from? Please wake up." Lu Lao Qianqian helped Wu Lai up. Although he said this, he kept observing the surroundings nervously.

Wu Lai was definitely not pretending to be frightened like this. He must have really seen something terrible.

"Okay, okay, it's okay. Please describe in detail what you just saw..." Qi Lao approached and asked.

This place is near the clan barrier. If unknown creatures appear, we must be more vigilant in the future.

"I saw a white shadow at first...another monster just appeared. It wanted to eat me with its big mouth and kept chasing me..."

The more Wu Lai talked, the more emotionally unstable he became, and black lines appeared on his face, indicating that his thoughts were now extremely confused.

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