Above the gray fog

Chapter 550: Quick Decision

"Is this okay?" Qi Zhuo looked at Lin Shan. Lin Shan's smooth operation... made him unable to sit still. Why did Lin Shan know this...

This ritual...the ritual of the hell lineage. The normal way to obtain it is to have the extraordinary of the hell sequence, communicate with the higher gods and make sacrifices. Only then can you have a chance to obtain it.

Where did Lin Shan get the hell sequence?

Did you learn it from other people?

There is a possibility that it was Rosa Carlo who taught him before...

Qi Zhuo could only think this in his heart and give himself a reasonable explanation.

"What kind?" Lin Shan asked.

"Are you holding two kinds of materials in your hands?" Qi Zhuo asked. He originally wanted to ask Lin Shan how he knew so much, but asking this made him appear ignorant.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

"They are of the same origin." Qi Zhuo reminded, "Theoretically... they are the same material."

"There is still one last step left to do." Lin Shan replied, weighing the illusory copper plate in his hand. Qi Zhuo was right. The copper plate seemed to be separated from the paper money, but in fact it was no different from the paper money. It was still the same material.

In order for the two to change and become the material of Wangchuan, the final step is required - soaking in Wangchuan water.

Beside the river of blood.

Lin Shan threw a piece of paper money and a copper plate into the river, and tied the tail with spiritual silk thread.

Collect the remaining two pieces of paper money. This kind of undead money may be useful in the future. If it is soaked in Wangchuan water, it will lose its original effect.

The copper plates and paper money soaked in blood did not change at first. As the soaking time extended, they gradually turned black, and a strange and unique supernatural power filled them.

When both turned black, Lin Shan picked them up. At this moment, the copper plates and paper money had completely changed.

From its previous illusory appearance, it became a reality. The copper plate, which was only the size of a fingernail, was quite heavy in the hand.

The banknotes became wet, and blood kept dripping down. When it almost reached the ground, the blood became illusory and disappeared, and so on. This was the manifestation of supernatural power.

Parchment classifies copper plates and banknotes into the weird category, because apart from their own supernatural power, they have no other effects and may be somewhat harmful to ordinary people.

This also let Lin Shan know that high-level potions do not necessarily require high-level materials. Wangchuan is a Sequence 6 potion, and copper snakes, iron dogs, copper plates, and paper money cannot even reach Sequence 9 levels.

After the matter here was settled, Lin Shan took Qi Zhuo to the Yuan clan, where the next piece of information was.

There are four materials left. Except for Grandma, who is a little bit difficult to deal with, the other three should not be too difficult with Qi Zhuo's help. After all, they are just auxiliary medicines, so there is no need to fight to the death.

The remaining materials are:

Albert Bart - Abyss tribe - humanoid creature - fallen body - take its bone powder;

Late summer - Mechanical Tribe - Special Creatures - Fallen Body - Take their spiritual powder;

Zhuohe - fallen tribe - take their blood;

Grandma-ghost clan-special creature-fallen body-take part of the true spirit;

The Tool Clan still followed the original plan and went last, just in time to return the core left by Pangdudu to them. This thing should be of great help to the technological development of the Tool Clan. Nuclear energy and antimatter energy are technologically just like ordinary The gap between the supernatural and the divine.

When he is successfully promoted, the armor will be dispensable for him. When the time comes, he can modify it and replace it with an energy center that can be used by other people in the human race. This will definitely greatly improve the deterrence of the human race against the surrounding areas.

Pulled by Qi Zhuo, it took only three days to cover tens of billions of kilometers.

This is very close to the limit speed of Sequence 5. From this point, we can also see the incredible nature of the super-standard sequence.

The most important characteristic of 'Moth Flame' should be its ability to differentiate into thousands of ways. On top of this, it also possesses the ultimate speed of Sequence 5.

This is an ordinary sequence that is absolutely impossible to achieve.

The characteristics contained in the super-standard sequence are already greater than the number "1".

Lin Shan had actually always been suspicious of Qi Zhuo's resurrection, because Qi Zhuo not only lacked a soul, but also dissipated all the characteristics before Sequence 5.

Even if the Forgotten River is used to bring back its soul, the body is easy to shape, but the characteristics cannot be born randomly. The soul that returns to the Sea of ​​Origin will definitely dissipate all the characteristics it carries.

At that time, lacking the characteristics before Sequence 5, can the soul alone carry the characteristics of Sequence 5?

Just like building a building, you can only build it layer by layer, it is impossible to build it from top to bottom.

He didn't know what Qi Zhuo was planning. He also had his own thoughts. Qi Zhuo was quite comfortable as a free thug and means of transportation.

As for who has the best plan in the end, it all depends on their own plans.

The Yuan Clan has Sequence 6 and can already be called a big clan. In this era of joint development, the Yuan Clan has extremely strong control over the surrounding ethnic groups. With their strength, they will naturally not close off the clan territory.

Therefore, Lin Shan walked in openly.

The Yuan Clan is very weird, somewhat similar to the Royal Mosquito Clan we met last time, but the Royal Mosquito Clan is just dim, while the Yuan Clan can no longer be described as dim, it is completely pitch black.

However, for the residents living here, the blue sky, white clouds and blazing sun may be strange. They live like a fish in water in the dark.

Even ordinary people are not blocked by the dark night.

Naturally, Lin Shan and Qi Zhuo would not be dizzy because of the lack of light. One person and one moth flew towards the target without stopping at all.

The creatures of the Yuan Clan are standard humanoid creatures. Their skin is very white, which can be said to be pale, probably because they have been in this dark environment for a long time.

Lin Shan and Qi Zhuo came directly to the sky above an ancient castle.

"It's in here." Lin Shan whispered.

"Yes, I feel it. There is a Sequence 6." Qi Zhuo nodded in response, and then a faint flame emerged from the moth, splitting into another moth, and slowly flew in through the window of the castle.

He was ready to fight quickly.

The top Sequence 5 against Sequence 6, even if it lacks the previous characteristics, can be crushed in the case of a sneak attack.

Lin Shan waited quietly outside. At a certain moment, a terrifying spirituality dissipated, and the castle collapsed with a bang. The surrounding area of ​​ten miles also became ruins in an instant.

Countless creatures turned into ashes, and sparks fell from the sky like rain.

"Go quickly." Qi Zhuo's slightly weak voice appeared in Lin Shan's mind.

The space ahead fluctuated, and a moth carrying a severed arm suddenly appeared.

The next second, the moth and Lin Shan disappeared together, entering the Scale 5 Void Prison.

This clan did not have Sequence 5, and had no way to deal with Qi Zhuo.

Lin Shan only felt a stream of light passing by in front of his eyes, and when Qi Zhuo stopped, they stood on top of a huge meteorite.

"Is this it? Take a look." Qi Zhuo threw the severed arm to Lin Shan.

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