Above the gray fog

Chapter 565 Choice

Inside the coffin-shaped airport are mechanical creatures coming and going. There are wide metal suspension bridges on both sides, and there are many huge metal arms in the middle.

The arm holds a processing tool and is processing the huge component at the bottom.

This is just one of the processes. The interior space is very large. In the center area, you can see a behemoth ship hundreds of meters long being assembled.

Xia Mo took Lin Shan across the suspension bridge in the middle. The surrounding mechanics did not pause when they saw Xia Mo and were still completing what they were supposed to do.

The Tool Clan's current intellectual brain management policy has no etiquette and division between superiors and subordinates. It seems that the entire Tool Clan is a whole, and every citizen has his or her own job.

"If the sequence becomes higher and higher in the future, I will definitely not stay in the central area of ​​the human circle. Going to the border of the human circle, or even leaving the human circle, is what young extraordinary people yearn for. Let's not talk about the human circle for now. Going to the border of the human circle in the future , there are no jump channels everywhere, and it is common to endure loneliness and travel for decades or even hundreds of years. At this time, the role of a vehicle is very important. Choose the one you like, which is the intention of the Tool Clan. "

Xia Mo said very confidently that all the sky warships here can sail at 15% light intensity in Scale 5 Sky Prison. He doesn’t believe that any clan will be more generous than the Machinery clan. Any sky battleship Warships are strategic resources that are difficult to measure with source coins. I have never heard of any clan selling aerial warships to others.

The sincerity given by the Machine Clan is absolutely unprecedented. The main reason is...the things Lin Shan brought back are too important.

If the Machine Clan can use antimatter as energy, they can even...use technological power to become the strongest.

To become the strongest within ten thousand years is something that is unique in the human world.

That's right, compared to warp speed navigation technology, the Machine Clan is more concerned about antimatter energy. With the emergence of that old ruins, warp speed navigation technology can no longer limit the human circle. It is only a matter of time to conquer it. In the near future, the human circle will You will take the first step towards the gray fog universe. If you want to drink this soup, your own strength is the most important.

Speaking of which, the ruins are also related to the young man in front of him. When Lin Shan first appeared in the Tool Clan, his relevant information had been exposed, but these had nothing to do with the Tool Clan. They did not want to go into the muddy waters of the old ruins.

Just give him a gift, express your feelings, and send him away.

Cross the suspension bridge in the central area and come to a warehouse-like hall.

Looking around, there are three brand new aerial battleships parked here.

The first one is a silver-white coffin. Its shape is almost the same as that of the airport outside. It is much smaller in length, only less than a thousand meters, but compared to Lin Shan's size, it is still a top-notch giant.

The second ship... is a mecha. It is about less than 200 meters tall. It has sound hands and feet. It looks like a humanoid creature. It is also silver-white. The Machine Clan seems to particularly like this color... This is also Is it considered an aerial battleship...

The third ship is regular, oval and somewhat oblate, about four hundred meters in length, and has a nice curvature.

Seeing Lin Shan making the selection, Xia Mo introduced:

"The first one is a functional warship that can be used for maintenance, transportation, and even temporary production."

"The second one is a combat-type mecha. It has a more flexible human form and is equipped with a variety of long- and short-range weapons, including space-time force fields and super-material protection... It can break through even small black holes. Its overall strength is comparable to that of an ordinary Sequence 5 , but it consumes a lot of energy, and daily maintenance is also troublesome. It is not suitable for traveling far away, and don't expect it to really be able to beat Sequence 5. The extraordinary moves are weird and changeable. What I mean is comparable to... I mean standing up to Sequence 5 extraordinary. On the premise that you fight.”

"The third ship is suitable for long journeys, inspections and leisure. It can also be used as a temporary base, with built-in complete facilities for living, entertainment, biology, mineral laboratories and other facilities. These things take up too much space, so the third aerospace battleship The combat power is the lowest. Navigating in the five-scale prison... If you encounter danger, intercepting and protecting yourself will be a problem. You must have some strength. It is not recommended to drive under Sequence 5..."

"I want the third ship." Before Xia Mo finished speaking, Lin Shan made his choice directly.

The first functional aerospace battleship was useless to him, and the second mecha... piloting a mecha... he was not good at it, and what he wanted was a vehicle, not a weapon. Just the fact that he couldn't travel far away was already enough for him. It is even more impossible to rule out the need for regular maintenance. We can't always drive to the Machine Clan for maintenance...

The third ship perfectly meets his needs for a vehicle. With its low combat power, he has never thought of placing his combat power on an aerial battleship. Flexible mechas are just a showpiece in front of Chao Chao. Combat power still depends on the sequence. It's better to start with it, as the technology is definitely not as good as the mainstream potion system.

"...Okay." The rest of Xia Mo's words were stuck in his throat.

It clicked in the void, and a blue light shrouded the aerial battleship that Lin Shan was interested in. The battleship suddenly disappeared, leaving only an oval pendant floating in place.

"It turns out that you have been using the cube as a storage space. This dimensional pendant is also given to you. The length, width and height are each one thousand meters. It is a top-level space restraint device and cannot be measured with source coins." Xia Mo specially mentioned it. sentence, let Lin Shan understand the value of it.

Under Xia Mo's control, the oval pendant slowly flew to Lin Shan. "The 1261 model aerospace battleship has an independent maintenance cabin and a passive short-time space reversal cabin. There is no need to worry about simple maintenance and destructive damage. The dual fusion engine can automatically collect available elements in the universe. In theory, as long as it is properly maintained, the energy can be used until the aerospace battleship is scrapped. Oh... By the way, some special structures have a service life. If there is no major damage... About 2000-2500 years, it will become unstable."

"The cost of such an aerospace battleship is 8.2 billion source coins. There will be people who buy it even if the selling value is ten times higher. Of course... The price is not important. This is the friendship given to you by the mechanical clan."

"The authorization has been completed. You will be the owner of this aerospace battleship in the future. Come with me... Don't you want spiritual powder?"

Lin Shan came to a flat land with Xia Mo in a daze.

8.2 billion source coins... One sequence 7 characteristic is worth 10 million... 820 sequence 7 characteristics.

Characteristics are resources that are priced but not sold. Although it is impossible to exchange for so many characteristics, Lin Shan does think so in his mind. He has never had any idea about source coins. He only knows that source coins are tools for powerful tribes to gather nutrients. In fact, many things do have prices, but they cannot be bought anywhere, such as the aerospace battleship in his hand.

At this moment, he felt like he had picked up a new car, fearing that he would bump the aerospace battleship if he did not operate it properly.

It was not until a roar of an animal that Lin Shan was brought back to reality. The sky became a little dim for some reason.

Xia Mo has become a terrifying giant beast thousands of meters high, with a body that covers the sky and the sun. The most horrifying thing is that this giant beast is like a hedgehog, with huge gun barrels all over its body. It has transformed its fallen body into a war fortress.

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