Above the gray fog

Chapter 582 Subversion

The dust and smoke floating inside the pit gradually dissipated.

Lin Shan looked at the things in the pit with a solemn expression.

A pitch-black pipe that looked like a living thing, extending from somewhere to the Void God Corridor.

A hole was blasted open on the top of the pipe by Lin Shan. Under the sweep of Lin Shan's mental power, the crack with a diameter of more than ten kilometers was like a small wound to the pipe.

The reason why this pipe is called a living thing is that it is making weak peristalsis, like the feeling of swallowing something in the throat.

The outer wall of the pipe is covered with sticky fluff, and each fluff is stained with a paste-like liquid.

It may be a bit inappropriate to say fluff, because each of these fluffs is nearly ten meters long.

It is not clear what is inside the pipe. The moment the mental power goes deep into it, it will be erased. Only wisps of golden light can be seen wandering.

The more Lin Shan looked, the more he felt something was wrong. An ominous premonition entangled in his heart.

After being promoted to Sequence Six, the premonition given to him by the divination characteristic became more and more accurate.

In fact, there is no need to use a premonition to judge this situation. Such a large black living channel leading to the Void God Corridor, anyone who is not a fool will know that there is a problem.

The Wanzu has done a very good job in protecting the Void God Corridor node.

It is impossible to neglect the underground or the air.

Not to mention tens of thousands of meters underground, even places hundreds of thousands of meters underground have special monitoring.

The biggest advantage of the Wanzu compared to the Zhiluo and the two tribes is technology. Under the detection of various composite radars such as biological radar and spiritual radar, no living creature can approach the Void God Corridor for no reason.

And this pipeline is buried thousands of meters below the Void God Corridor, and it has not been discovered. This is bad news in itself, which means that the Zhiluo and the two tribes have the ability to avoid their technological radar.

In the deep pit, on the wall of the pipeline.

The black-clothed young man stood there intact, but his expression at this time was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

He really didn't expect that Lin Shan's feeling would be so accurate and he would make such a decisive decision in a moment.

At the moment when time stopped, he knew that it was impossible to restrict Lin Shan for a long time, and he only had a moment of opportunity.

He left a seed, and his soul followed the seed to the ground, and used mental power to control the substitute to make movements.

In this way, he escaped from the shell.

Of course, the most important step is that the vicinity of the fallen god's tentacles can confuse all detection.

He can be sure that Lin Shan has lost his position when he drilled into the ground.

But Lin Shan's operation... really surprised him. He gathered so much spirituality to bombard the earth, and blew out the fallen god's tentacles.

In this way, not only was he exposed, but also the fallen god's tentacles.

If he had known this earlier, he might as well fight Lin Shan openly. Even if he couldn't beat Lin Shan in the end, he wouldn't win too easily.

A trace of regret rose in the heart of the young man in black.

He quickly thought about how to deal with it.

"Did you make this thing? What's its use?" Lin Shan asked in a pretentious manner. Even though he knew that this person would not speak, he still had to go through the necessary procedures. He had already transmitted the scene to the Council.

"Did you come to such a late node just for this pipeline?" Lin Shan continued to ask.

The black-clothed youth was too lazy to pay attention to Lin Shan. He would not take the initiative to take action unless Lin Shan took action. At this moment, he was using an unknown method to transmit the information here to the tribe members outside.

The reason why the plant tribe served as logistics was also related to their various special talents and abilities. Communication was not difficult for them.

"How to deal with it?" Lin Shan looked at the black-clothed youth and asked. This time he did not ask the youth, but the Council who was in contact with him.

A slightly low voice came from his ears.

[There may be more than one such pipeline. We are sending people to search other nodes. As for this soul clone, you just need to solve it. ]

[It is best not to destroy the pipeline. Someone will come to pick you up later. Also, be careful. The soul of the plant tribe just sent a message to the outside world. It is possible that it is a call for help. ]

"Hmm." Lin Shan nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "This pipeline can avoid the detection of old technology and can also confuse mental power. It is definitely a conspiracy of 'Chasing Fire'..."

[Hmm...] The deep voice interrupted Lin Shan and said directly: [I know what you want to say. At that time, I will give you the appropriate level of merit according to the degree. ]

[That's good. ] Lin Shan nodded and hung up the communication. The three thousand guards shared the strongest technology and had to bear the obligation to guard the guard nodes. However, accepting additional transfers or making additional achievements will be counted as merits and can be used to exchange for extraordinary materials.

Lin Shan has always wanted a sequence 6 weird object, but the merits have never been enough. Ten high-level merits can be exchanged for a sequence 6 weird object. Merit is a reward system set up by the Council. Basically, anything can be exchanged, weird objects... carriers. The strongest tribe has developed for more than 100,000 years and has no shortage of these things.

The Human Circle, which had been at peace for more than 100,000 years, has been at war for the past few hundred years. When the Federation invaded, one of the strongest families was destroyed, and now three families have been destroyed. Only ten of the fourteen strongest families remain, and among them there is the Hueco Mundo, which cannot be called a clan.

In peacetime, the strongest are the overlords, and all resources are gathered towards them. Who knows how much foundation they have.

In the war between the Ten Thousand Clans and the outside world, these strongest people must support the "sky" of the Ten Thousand Clans.

Small clans may still have the possibility of escaping, but as the biggest target, they have nowhere to escape.

Union is the only way out.

‘Human Circle Arbitration Agency’, ‘Spiritual Network’, and even the current ‘Human Circle Defense Joint Council’, all of these emerged in response to the situation under the leadership of the strongest.

The Human Circle Arbitration Agency represents hegemony and is a tool for the strongest to divide the resources of the Human Circle.

The Spiritual Network represents concession. The strongest realize that no matter how much resources they accumulate, they cannot rely on their own strength to resist foreign enemies in a short period of time. In addition to continuing to accumulate resources for them, the Spiritual Network is more about supporting the development of small tribes.

The Human Circle Defense Joint Council represents compromise. From restricting the development of all races to now begging all races to develop quickly, and even hand-in-hand to support some tribes to grow rapidly, God knows what they have experienced.

They are tall and have enjoyed prosperity for more than 100,000 years. They are also the main targets of the two tribes of Zhi and Luo, so they can't run away.

Other small tribes are different. They hide in their tribes. The gray fog is so thick that they may not be found. The goal of the two tribes of Zhi and Luo is to destroy the system led by the strongest tribe, eliminate the high-order extraordinary among the ten thousand tribes, and completely unbalance the human circle.

It is not to completely eliminate the myriad races. They do not care about the existence of some small races. This is even what they want. In the gray fog dominated by vegetation, the myriad races can only be regarded as food and tools.

What they want to do is to subvert, not eliminate.

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