Above the gray fog

Chapter 585 Slums

The meeting was not held in the central area of ​​the city, but in the suburbs of Yongchang.

Lin Shan flew slowly over the city.

The darker the sky, the more prosperous the city was.

Lin Shan had to fly to a height of a thousand meters to avoid being blocked.

The crisscrossing traffic network was densely spread over every inch of land that was not occupied by steel high-rise buildings, connecting every building and every corner of this bloated city. Cars on the ground and floating cars drove through these traffic networks, like golden silk threads.

Lin Shan gradually flew to the periphery. Compared with the central area, the buildings here were shorter and the traffic routes were not as dense as before. However, there was a feature between the buildings. They were connected to each other in the sky, like thick lines connecting all the buildings into a whole.

These lines were actually roads, and vehicles could travel on them. In order to prevent ground traffic congestion, the belly of the building was directly opened up to expand the routes that ground cars could travel.

At the outermost edge of the city, there is a slum composed of people from the outside world. There are people from other cities who yearn for the prosperity of Yongchang and come here to pan for gold. There are also races near the human race who want to settle down with the human race. They have no way to integrate into this steel behemoth and can only crawl around the steel behemoth.

They look forward to the day when this behemoth grows again and wraps them in it.

Compared with the prosperity and colorfulness in the distance, this place seems out of place.

In this slum, the streets and alleys are full of dirty garbage, chaotic graffiti covers the walls of low houses, and the buildings here are built in a disorderly manner, like weeds growing in the wild, without any order. Children of all races are dirty and run together.

They speak the human language together. Some parents are drying clothes, and some parents are shouting to call their children home for dinner.

Although life is not so good, it is only relatively speaking. Even in the remote slums, it is backed by Yongchang City, the most prosperous city among the hundreds of tribes nearby, so there is no worry about food, clothing and drink.

The only thing lacking is probably spiritual and material enjoyment.

Two young men in gorgeous clothes walked on the dirty and messy streets.

One of the young men had a pair of rabbit ears on his head. He was the first rabbit tribe to join the United Government. The rabbit tribe was the elder race of the United Government. After so many years of development, the rabbit tribe has also been promoted to the level of third-level civilization.

Next to the young rabbit was a creature with a glittering red light all over his body. He was a crystal tribe.

If the rabbit tribe is the elder, then the crystal tribe is the ruler among the elders, and is definitely the top existence in the third-level civilization.

"Yongchang City is worthy of being the most prosperous super city of the United Government. Even the slums derived nearby are so peaceful and prosperous. The residents of this area rely entirely on subsidies and relief to survive. It can be seen that the human race is still very generous." The young rabbit praised.

The young man from the Crystal Clan shook his head, "That's because this is Yongchang City, under the eyes of the Archon."

"Remember the Gao City we went to some time ago? I went out for a walk that day. There is also a similar slum there. Dirty and smelly people can be seen wandering in the alleys everywhere. Most of them are like mummies, like walking bodies. People from various small tribes gather there. They yearn for a better life and come to the human race... Unexpectedly, they fell into hell. Violence, pornography, and mental drugs are the norm there. The prosperous dream city of Gao City is only separated from them by a wall, but it is a world of two."

"If you only look at the surface, you can't see the brutal expansion of those giant companies and the wailing of powerless people under the pressure of money."

The young man from the Rabbit Clan patted the young man from the Crystal Clan on the shoulder, "You can't say that. You and my tribe all followed the human race. Without the human race, we would not be where we are today."

"How much have we experienced in the past 200 years? How many reforms, Many crises can be quickly resolved and corrected because of the support of the human race. What about those small tribes? Some of them have just crossed over for decades or hundreds of years. They received selfless assistance at the beginning. Isn't it a kind of luck? As for the exploitation of the human race you mentioned, we all know what pressure the human race has... It's better to say less about this kind of thing. "

"Alas, I know all you said. This time the human race summoned us here, it should be for the matter of the corridor. Before, they asked for money and materials... This time they should be asking for people. "

"I have nothing to say about the human race's extraordinary circle. They are all heroes, not only human heroes, but also heroes of our joint government. However, what those giant companies have done over the years is really too much. Even if they leave a little bit of oil and water, ordinary people can live well. Why is it that there are slums everywhere and polarization is so serious now? "

The two talked while walking forward. Some people in the slums saw the two people and avoided them from a distance.

At this time, two little human boys who were chasing came in front.

Maybe because the child behind was chasing too closely, the child in front didn't notice that there was someone in front at all, and ran directly into the arms of the rabbit youth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The human child apologized repeatedly, and a gray-black stain appeared on the clean shirt of the rabbit youth. The human child hurriedly wiped the stain with his hands, but it became dirtier and dirtier.

"It's okay." The rabbit youth smiled and touched the little boy's head, "Be careful next time."

"Thank you, Uncle Rabbit." The little boy thanked him and ran away.

The thin figure blended into the dark night.

"Xiaofeng, you are too bold. Judging from the clothes of those two people, they must be big shots that we can't afford to offend. Moreover, they are not human beings. You dare to steal from them." In the night, the other little boy who chased Xiaofeng before raised his thumb and patted his chest with his other hand. He was obviously scared.

"Wenwen, you don't understand this." The little boy named Xiaofeng grinned, holding a gold-rimmed card in his hand, saying, "Such a target is the safest. They are not human beings. This is the human race. Even if they are discovered, they dare not do anything to us. Even if they go through legal procedures, we are just two children. At most, we will be verbally educated."

"They must be rich and powerful big shots. It is impossible for them to make a big fuss because of our two children. Therefore, this kind of powerful foreigners are the best targets." The boy named Xiaofeng said with a smile, and then he couldn't wait to open the card.

A pile of fist-sized white buns rolled down from the void and turned black after rolling on the ground for several times.

Xiaofeng and Xiaowen were both dumbfounded. Why did such a big shot only carry these steamed buns?

"Forget it, take these steamed buns back. This storage card still has a lot of uses, and it is also a good thing. I will go see if I can sell it for some money." Xiaofeng's eyes flashed with wisdom that did not belong to a child, and he sighed.

On the other side, the young man of the Rabbit Clan and the young man of the Crystal Clan continued to move forward without haste.

"Facts have proved that children who grow up in this environment can adapt to this world better. If the human race is all prosperous cities, and there are no poor people, would you feel that you are missing something?" The young man of the Rabbit Clan looked at the young man of the Crystal Clan and asked with a smile.

"Just say it." The young man of the Crystal Clan glanced at him, "By the way... why do you carry so many steamed buns?"

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