Above the gray fog

Chapter 618: Rejection from the Empty Prison

In the boundless darkness, only a beam of light blue light passed through it.

This stream of light was extremely fast, but in the big stage of the universe, it seemed extremely slow.

Under Furong's control, the 12-101 Experimental Starship accurately planned the route and avoided all possible dangers.

Lin Shan stared at the flashing light outside the window in a trance.

On the console, the artificial intelligence Furong smiled at Lin Shan and said:

[Mr. Lin, Furong recommends that you enter the hibernation capsule. When you wake up again, we will have arrived at the destination of this voyage. ]

"Can entering the hibernation capsule stop the passage of life?"

[In theory, the life span in the soul is closely related to the long river of time. Unless the long river of time can be stopped, a person's life span cannot stop passing. Stopping time is to be an enemy of the universe, even the master cannot do it, but entering the hibernation capsule can allow you to quickly pass this boring journey. ]

"Is this a waste of life?" Lin Shan looked at Furong, wanting to see how it would answer.

[Life is a consumer product. Sir, you are consuming life to buy the ‘acceleration’ of time.]

Easy to understand, with its own way of thinking, the artificial intelligence of all races is no worse than the old intelligent life in terms of thinking. What is lacking now is to give artificial intelligence ‘life’.

“What do you think you are? You have a complete mind, trapped in this small starship, do you feel lonely?” Lin Shan continued to stare at Furong. Many races had experienced artificial intelligence crises when they were promoted to level 5 civilization, including the fox clan and the former night clan. This is the threshold that civilization must cross for promotion.

The original human circle arbitration agency developed a digital life lock to address this problem and shared it free of charge with civilizations of appropriate levels. This digital life lock can lock the emotions evolved by artificial intelligence, which can suppress the threat of artificial intelligence and make extensive use of digital life in subsequent scientific and technological research and development.

[I am the artificial intelligence on board the 12-101 Experimental Starship under the Council's "Starship Aviation". If you want to define me, you can regard me as a digital life. I am loyal to the Council and will not feel lonely.] Furong's answer was within Lin Shan's expectations.

"Is the Scale 4 Void Prison dangerous?" Lin Shan asked. He had already regarded Furong as a real living being.

[Among the known Void Prisons, the Scale 4 Void Prison is the most peaceful and the most spacious. This does not mean that the Scale 4 Void Prison is not dangerous, but our current range of activities is too narrow to encounter danger.]

[The Scale Void Prison is called the Void Prison because it is used to block the old gods of different levels and the weirdness transformed by the old myriad races. The purpose of the Scale 4 Void Prison is to block the old gods and weirdness whose spiritual energy has reached the level of Sequence 4. ]

[However, please rest assured that the extraordinary is also conserved. The rarity of this level of divine body is immeasurable. The river system corresponding to the human circle of outer space - the 'Apostle Galaxy' originally named by the angels, has no more than ten sealed old gods and weirdness within a range of more than 100,000 light years. ]

[On average, there is one within a range of more than 10,000 light years. The range of influence of the divine consciousness of Sequence 4 gods is an area with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers. In the vast universe, it is just a planet that is not too large. Encountering a specific planet in a river system of more than 100,000 light years and falling into its gravitational influence range is the probability that we will encounter danger in the Scale 4 Void Prison. ]

Lin Shan nodded. It seems that the Scale 4 Void Prison is even safer than the Scale 8 Void Prison. Unfortunately... The Scale 4 Void Prison has a natural repulsion to other shallow-scale creatures. If you do not perform curvature navigation, you will be squeezed out if you stay in place for a while.

"Do you know the origin of external repulsion? This repulsion should not be due to strength. There is the possibility of life in the Scale 4 Void Prison. These creatures cannot be born with the strength of Sequence 4. You just said... the supernatural is conserved."

[Of course it is impossible. The creatures born in the Scale 4 Void Prison need billions of years to give birth to civilization. They evolved from the beginning, just like the original star before you traveled through. Just think of the Scale 4 Void Prison as the universe you were in before you traveled through. Even if you have not experienced it, the books of the tribe should also record how your civilization was originally formed and what kind of evolution it has undergone. ]

[The fire civilization of all races will not have any external interference at the beginning of its evolution. The old all races left you only the fire to form civilization. After the formation of civilization, your civilization will re-evolve the old history in a very short time. The historical process may be different, but there will be similarities. This involves the power of history and destiny, which is a power I cannot understand. ]

[The 4th level of the Void Prison repels you... not because you are too weak, but because you are too strong. The Void Prison does not repels you, but the Old Ones' repels of the Origin. What it repels is the extremely rich spirituality in your body. When you use up all the spirituality, you will find that the repulsive force weakens. Unless you can reach the peak of the power of this level of the Void Prison - Sequence 4, you will not be affected, or in other words, you can ignore this effect at that time. ]

"Hmm?" Lin Shan frowned slightly. The 4th level of the Void Prison repels spirituality... This seems to be a little unreasonable.

Although the technology in the old days was prosperous, there were also various god systems, not without spirituality. Why do the current rules repel spirituality?

The power of spirituality should run through the gray fog universe...

No... Lin Shan suddenly remembered that everything in the old days was reversed by the Human Emperor. The spiritual power of the old days is the current supernatural power, representing a series of negative energies such as desolation, decay, death, etc.

Supernatural power is also reversed by spirituality, and they are essentially not separated. The creatures with strange bodies are like a negative energy generator in their bodies, which can naturally reverse spirituality into the unique power of supernatural.

"Since spirituality will be repelled...what about supernatural?" Lin Shan said to himself.

Spiritual particles of different colors escaped from Lin Shan's body, and the spirituality in his body passed at an extremely fast speed, and it was already at the bottom in a few seconds.

The spirituality here is exhausted, and the natural recovery speed is extremely slow. The outside world can replenish the exhausted spirituality in one hour. At the speed here, it is estimated that it will take... three days to recover naturally.

The spirituality in the body is in a state of exhaustion, and the repulsive force that has always existed suddenly disappears. At the same time, an extremely comfortable feeling comes.

It is the resonance between the supernatural in the body and this space, and there is a faint sense of intimacy.

"As expected, the spirit will not be rejected."

[It seems that you have discovered that the ghost body will not be rejected. ]

[There are advantages and disadvantages. A single ghost body cannot break through the space and escape in the scale 4 empty prison. In addition to technology, only gods can break the space barrier of scale 4. However, you don't have to worry about this. You have a double physique of ghost body + biological body, which is the most suitable physique combination for detecting high-scale space. ]

Lin Shan hummed lightly. It is indeed true. If he wants to stay here, he can convert the spirituality into the spirit. If he wants to leave here, he can dissipate the spirit. If he only keeps the spirituality, he will be naturally rejected.

Lin Shan leaned on the sofa, slowly closed his eyes, and entered the deep consciousness. This is his unique ability, the effect is comparable to the hibernation capsule, and it can also accelerate the digestion of magic potions.

This closed eye is two years.

During this period, Furong sat cross-legged on the main console in a very humane way, staring at Lin Shan in a daze, studying Lin Shan's demeanor, with a series of numbers flashing in his eyes, and performing intense data calculations.

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