Above the gray fog

Chapter 634 Unknown Creatures

Scale 6 is an empty prison, silent and silent.

At this time, a starship flew from a distance, and its engine gave off a dazzling light, flashing past like a bolt of lightning.

Lin Shan looked out the window in the starship. The stars were dotted like shining gems, shining brightly in the universe.

The nebulae in the distance are like a gorgeous ocean, surging with colorful colors, and the distant planets are like huge balloons, floating in space.

In Lin Shan's perception, the starship given to him by the Machine Clan had a bullet-shaped pendant at the tail. It was this not-too-large pendant that condensed the efforts of countless civilizations in the human world.

This bullet cabin was forcibly welded by Tu Shanfuru. It looked a bit ugly. The silver-white metal walls were exposed, and there was no industrial beauty at all.

After removing the curvature cabin, Tushan Furu hurried to the divine corridor. He was obviously worried about something. He didn't tell Lin Shan what it was about, and Lin Shan didn't ask any questions.

But from the plan Tushan Yanyang mentioned before, he could probably guess that the Supreme Clan was preparing to run away. Once they gave up the human circle, the consequences of the human circle could be imagined.

However, this preparation time should be very long, and the current technology is not enough to support them to fly out of the human circle.

After Tu Shan Fu Ru left, he could only rely on himself for the rest. For some reason, he felt more at ease when he was alone. Although Tu Shan Fu Ru was a super bodyguard, he was also a trouble. kind of trouble.

There are still 97 light years away from the location of the Sequence 5 monster, which means...at his current speed, it will take him 97 years to fly.

For such a long time, among other things, Lin Shan was worried that the curvature module welded to the starship would not be able to hold on.

There is a reason why a starship is equipped with two curvature chambers. A starship anchoring is different from a car. Once such a light-speed starship anchors, it may never be able to return.

Lin Shan looked at the parchment in his mind.

"It's been too long. It's been two hundred years of going back and forth. I don't know what changes will happen to the human circle by then. Is there a shortcut?"

Parchment: [You need to pay for one month of life. 】


The parchment charges a nominal fee, and I guess it didn’t expect things to develop like this.

The journey to find the fragments of power, which had been postponed indefinitely, actually embarked on the journey again in this way.

It...should be happy now, right?

Lin Shan thought in his mind while looking at the words on the parchment.

[There is an abandoned jump channel 0.7 light-years away, which can be restarted by injecting spirituality. 】


The following series of numbers are coordinates, taking the current position of the starship as the origin. There is no need to use the spiritual network to locate. The starship can deduce the movement of such a small distance by itself.

A few months passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Shan felt that there were signs that "Forget River" would reach a higher level.

But it will take many years to truly cross the barrier.

Each small stage of promotion to Sequence 6 takes fifty years. Normally, it takes nearly five hundred years to reach the peak of Sequence 6.

His talent is considered to be among the top, and he can naturally digest magic potions very quickly.

Other talents that are less advanced may take thousands or even thousands of years. If sacrifices are made frequently, this time will be extended again.

Lin Shan could have used the method of burning the origin of the mysterious body to accelerate the promotion of the biological body, but he has never found a suitable curse. Promotion to sequence 5 is still far away. At this stage, the most important thing is to bring the mysterious body to sequence 6 first. If the mysterious body You can add one more super-standard sequence, and the improvement in strength is no worse than promotion sequence 5.

Several months passed in the blink of an eye, and the starship arrived at the coordinates provided by the parchment.

The starship began to slow down and was expelled from the scale 4 empty prison.

Lin Shan felt a pain in his head, as if he had been hit hard with a hammer.

This happens every time someone is expelled from the Scale 4 Empty Prison. Not sure what the reason is, Lin Shan named it the ‘head-knocking effect’.

When the starship sailed into the scale 8 prison, the sky suddenly sounded an alarm.

On the radar, a red dot was approaching the starship at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Shan quickly teleported above the starship and put the starship into the storage necklace.

He can be hurt, but the starship cannot. Losing the starship in this vast universe, or having his legs broken in the desert. There are no supply points or repair points nearby. There must be no problem with this only means of transportation.

Lin Shan looked into the distance, and a strange-looking plant appeared directly in front of him.

[Ugu vine, plant tribe, is a black slender vine as a whole. There are dark black spots on the surface of the vine. The texture of the vine is rough and has a faint dark atmosphere. People who come into contact with it will feel heavy-hearted and in a trance. Fear may even appear, distributed throughout the gray fog, and is good at disguising itself as ordinary vines. ]

A curtain of light appeared below Lin Shan's line of sight, visible when he lowered his head.

The light brain contains the known information about the Plants and Fallen Tribes in the Gray Mist. When it encounters information that is included in the database, it will pop up the information on its own. It can also actively include information that has not been collected to reward the unique contributions of the Spirit Network.

Lin Shan had little interest in discovering new species, nor in the characteristics and names of weak species.

But the Zhi clan in front of him still made him look at it a few more times.

This is the Zhi clan, not Ling Zhi and Evil Fall.

Extremely rare!

He has traveled hundreds of places in the gray mist and experienced countless evil deeds.

But as for the main body of the plant race, I have never seen many of them, and there are not even as many as the plant race soul clones of Sequence 5...

Spiritual plants are different from evil fallen ones. They can only have wisdom after they are promoted to Sequence 7. They can be called plant race after Sequence 7. Before Sequence 7, they are just plants carrying characteristics without any wisdom.

There are two reasons for the scarcity of plant races. The first reason is what I said above. Spiritual plants must be Sequence 7 to be called plant races. At any time, Sequence 7 is the overlord of an area, so they are naturally rare.

The second reason, which is also the most important reason, is that the characteristics carried by the plant race are the characteristics required for the promotion of the organisms of all races. The ratio of the organisms of all races to the fallen bodies is almost ten to one. When the all races are prosperous, the plant race has no room to survive and can only be hunted.

This vine swept towards Lin Shan at a very fast speed. Lin Shan gathered his breath and looked like an ordinary person.

"Be careful..." A clear and moving shout followed.

But the next scene made the voice suddenly stop.

Lin Shan held the slender snake-like vine in his hand. The vine, which was originally very majestic, withered in his hand. It knew Lin Shan's horror only after it came into contact with him, and dared not move in Lin Shan's hand.

"Previous... Senior... This is my pet..." A small figure stopped in front of Lin Shan and said intermittently.

Lin Shan looked at it, but the optical brain did not give any hint.

Unknown creature, is it the Ten Thousand Races or something else?

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