Above the gray fog

Chapter 64: Outrageous Distance

Central City.

Lin Shan was walking on the street. This was the most prosperous area in the city. Compared with the previous booming development, he found that something seemed missing here.

He couldn't tell exactly what was missing, and it always felt like a twilight shrouded the entire city.

The new clan palace is erected not far from the previous clan palace, and you can even look at each other.

Lin Shan walked directly in.

This clan palace also has three floors. The first floor is the hall, which is used to receive new travelers.

Walking up to the second floor, this is no longer the office of the Seventh Department, but a place where books are stored.

Lin Shan skipped the second floor and went directly to the third floor. The guard who was watching along the way fainted before he saw him.

Lin Shan only raised their blood pressure by a hundred million points in an instant, which would not endanger their lives.

Although he could go in and take a look as a pioneer, it was too troublesome and he preferred a more direct approach.

Unexpectedly, I slept directly next to the clan artifacts before, but now I have to sneak through them if I want to look through them.

In the empty hall on the third floor, there is only a high platform, and the family equipment on the high platform is suspended quietly above.

Lin Shan stepped forward and took it off, then sat cross-legged on the ground and spread the jade album on his lap.

Since Chen Liyun, there have been two more names: Lu Ruan and Ma Yingying.

Among them, Ma Yingjie was recorded because he developed advanced papermaking technology, and banknotes were made using his technology.

Lu Ruan, on the other hand, has a lengthy description of what she did.

Year 8 of the Human Calendar: Developed advanced sugar-making technology.

10th year of human calendar: Open the first sugar workshop.

Year 11 of the Human Calendar: Lead a group of followers deep into the Purple Soul Flower Forest, and at the end of the 11th year of the Human Calendar, bring back a sequence stone tablet.

Year 12 of the Human Calendar: A new city was built based on the sequence of stone tablets, attracting a large number of new generations.

Year 15 of the Human Calendar: Forced Central City to sign a treaty on the "Residents' Right to Autonomous Migration" by force.

There are some small words at the bottom to introduce the background and some processes. Only contributions to the human race will be recorded here, and privacy will not be involved.

After reading this, Lin Shan could only comment in two words:


Lin Shan felt that the strangeness of the dead machine might be the starting point of everything. Maybe this was the so-called chance.

Next, Lin Shan read the records of other pioneers and learned that the pioneers completely withdrew from the human rights circle in the 12th year of the human calendar, but requested to continue to complete the 13th Regulation.

However, only at the end of the 12th year of the human calendar, the seven tribes were completely divided, the human race was divided into seven internal 'small countries', and the 13th Regulation was almost invalidated.

Without the transfer of faith, many people have died due to faith issues in recent years.

"No wonder the promotion feels so slow. Sure enough, there is something wrong with gaining faith." Lin Shan murmured to himself.

The pioneers stayed in hiding, but Lu Ruan suddenly rose up at this point.

All coincidences add up to historical inevitability.

Even without Lin Shan's nod, Lu Ruan would still unify the human race.

"Maybe Xiaoyuan is still Xiaoyuan..."

Lin Shan put the jade book back into place and teleported back into the air again.

It was only then that he realized that he didn't have a real home in the clan, so that he didn't even have a place to live.

It doesn’t matter, he will go look for materials for Sequence 8 when the tribes are reunited. He will just live in the air for the next few days...

Lin Shan took out the parchment and found that there were still some wrinkles on the parchment.

Lin Shan: [How many years do I have left to live? 】

Parchment: [Two hundred nineteen years and four months. 】

Lin Shan: [Sequence 8—Bing Yan’s position. 】

Parchment: [Requires payment of 200 years of life. 】

A two-hundred-year lifespan is both very cheap and very expensive. With so many materials, it only has a two-hundred-year lifespan, which is much cheaper than the previous weird one with a sixty-year lifespan.

However, if he pays, he will only have the last nineteen years of his life left. There may be other places where his life span needs to be consumed, and his life span will not be exhausted before he has found all the materials...

Forget it, don't think about it anymore. In fact, he has no choice.

Lin Shan: [Pay. 】

At the moment of writing payment.

All the wrinkles on the parchment disappeared and it looked brand new.

There was a vague hint of pressure.

"Parchment has become stronger again..."

Lin Shan remembered that in the past, the parchment would release supernatural power uncontrollably. As the life span of the payment increased, the parchment became quieter and quieter, and would give a few reminders from time to time.

"It has become smarter. It knows that only in this way, I will not give up using it and continue to provide life span." Lin Shan thought secretly in his heart.

This was an honest conspiracy, and Lin Shan had nothing to do about it.

Six light spots appeared on the parchment, and the centermost light spot represented his own position.

Lin Shan took a quick look at the distance between the materials.

The distance is a bit ridiculous.

The most recent freeze is weird, 6658 kilometers.

The farthest yarn beaver-Evil Fall, 86539 kilometers!

If Lin Shan remembers correctly, the diameter of the earth is 12,765 kilometers.

For long-distance flights, it is not a problem for him to travel a thousand kilometers a day. However, when he is in a hurry, he cannot fly at full strength all the time. He also needs to retain his supernatural powers to deal with dangers. Traveling a thousand kilometers a day is considered a normal speed. If he flies in a straight line and there are no accidents, he can arrive there in half a year. Yarn Beaver location.

The problem is, you may not be able to beat it when you get there, it's Sequence Eight... Lin Shan doesn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Lin Shan discovered that the punctuation points on the parchment seemed to form an irregular oval around a certain place.

Before Lin Shan could study it carefully, writing appeared on the parchment:

Parchment: [Sequence materials surround the sequence stele, and sequence eight materials are located within a radius of 100,000 miles from the stele. ]

Lin Shan: [Will someone snatch materials from me? ]

Parchment: [They have lost this sequence, and it is not the same sequence, but it is not ruled out that there are overlapping materials. ]

This means that there is a sequence 8 stele in the center of these materials, and this stele is in the hands of a certain race. The materials they need may overlap with those needed by Lin Shan, and then there may be a drama of snatching materials...

"A radius of 100,000 miles and a diameter of 100,000 kilometers is almost catching up with the area of ​​the earth. It is impossible to just happen to run into it." Lin Shan comforted himself a little.

This world is too big. Under the influence of the gray fog, it is difficult for races to meet each other, let alone a collision between a single tribe.

So far, Lin Shan has only encountered a foreigner once, the fox tribe, and the tribe barrier was destroyed.

The cat tribe does not count, because the distance between the tribes is too close, and encounters are inevitable.

In this way, three days passed in a flash.

During the three days, Lin Shan spent most of his time floating in the air. He even went to the street on the first day, but never went there again in the next two days.

It might sound a bit miserable, as he was penniless and could only look at and smell the delicious food.

Even though he didn't need to eat now, he was still greedy.

So, out of sight, out of mind, he kept floating in the sky, waiting for Lu Ruan's arrival.

He would not interfere, he just wanted to be a witness.

It was noon.

There were thousands of pseudo-supernormal teams, with more than a dozen supernormal leaders in front.

Lu Ruan was like a light smoke, floating in the front.

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