Above the gray fog

Chapter 642: Jiuqu Clan

Lin Shan stared at the crying child under the bed.

He placed his hand on the edge of the bed and exerted a little force, and the moldy wooden bed was moved aside.

With a clang.

A thin skeleton rolled down from the blackened blanket.

It just rolled to the side where the children were facing.

The crying became louder, with undisguised fear.

The young man stood up suddenly and protected the children behind him, but his trembling body had betrayed him.

"I have no ill will towards you, I'm just passing by." The appearance of the skeleton was just an accident. It should be the original owner of this house. Lin Shan tried his best to make his voice soft and kind, and the power of the red moon penetrated and soothed their emotions.

No matter how much he said, it was not as useful as the extraordinary ability.

Influenced by the power of the red moon, the young man suppressed the fear in his heart and turned to look at Lin Shan.

It happened to meet Xiao Hai on Lin Shan's arm.

"Ah!" Xiao Hai grinned at him.

The young man was not scared, but relieved. It turned out that the strange cry he heard before came from this little thing.

"You...you are not one of those weirdos?"

Strange tone, strange language, but Lin Shan can understand the meaning.

Even without mental analysis, the optical brain can automatically give a translation.

Lin Shan suddenly thought that they might not understand what he said and just forgot about it. No wonder they were scared.

Lin Shan used mental transmission, "What weirdo? I'm just a passerby, I have no ill will towards you."

Seeing that the young man was staring at Xiao Hai on his shoulder, Lin Shan explained, "This is my friend, from the elf tribe."

The young man relaxed. Strange species could not cause him panic. The four children he brought also belonged to four different races, each with its own characteristics.

The characteristic of this so-called elf tribe should be its small body.

How lucky, I can eat less food, the young man thought in his heart.

Then he continued to look at Lin Shan.

"Passerby?" The young man's expression became complicated again. This was the first time he had seen a passerby since he grew up.

The city has become a ruin, and civilization has regressed. People living here can only make a living by picking up garbage in the ruins. Every once in a while, there are terrifying monsters. If you meet these monsters at night, you will almost certainly die.

"Well, I just passed by." Lin Shan nodded slowly.

"Huh." The young man breathed a sigh of relief and turned to comfort the children behind him, "Don't cry, it's not a monster, it's my brother who made a mistake, it's just a passerby."

Those children who were crying loudly suddenly stopped crying after hearing the young man's words. Three of them looked in the direction of Lin Shan, and the fear in their eyes could not be hidden.

Lin Shan noticed that although the eyes of these children were red and their faces were pale in the sallowness, it was obvious that they were really scared just now, but there was no trace of tears in the corners of their eyes.

Were they pretending to cry?

What's the reason?

Lin Shan looked back and saw a little girl who was out of tune with the other children. She was sleeping soundly and seemed to have been sleeping for a while.

The little girl had very white skin and circles of bone-like rings on her neck and wrists.

The wide pants under her body also had many holes, no knees, and a ring connecting two sections of bones.

Overall, this little girl looked more like a doll.

[The strongest tribe in the human circle, a member of the Jiuqu tribe, no talent, defects: fragile body, stubborn personality, just like their bones and joints, only toughness, no need for flexibility, exclusive personality, every member of the Jiuqu tribe is an independent molecule (the data is a tribe analysis, and it is impossible to define a single tribe member.) Other information: confidential. ]

Lin Shan looked at the girl who was sleeping soundly. This was a member of the Jiuqu tribe.

The destruction of a tribe does not mean that all the tribe members will die, just like the Night Tribe, although destroyed, it can still form the current Hueco Mundo. As the strongest tribe, the Jiuqu tribe must have a way to preserve the fire.

Why is this girl not with other tribesmen?

Is she alone... or for other reasons, the remaining Jiuqu tribe members do not seem to have returned to the central area.

It is not impossible to be completely destroyed, but the possibility is relatively small. The "Fire Chaser" is different from the Dawn Federation. The Dawn Federation's goal is the grassroots of all races, that is, ordinary people, while the "Fire Chaser"'s goal is extraordinary. They have no reason to massacre ordinary people.

Perhaps they hid in the border. The once strongest fell in one day. Even if they returned to the God Corridor without the high-order ones, they would no longer have the status they once had. Rather than being bullied by dogs in the open, it is better to hide and avoid this war.

Lin Shan thought in his heart, but his eyes were always fixed on the animal tooth bracelet hanging on the girl's wrist.

The tooth is about five centimeters long, and a black rope is tied to the wrist through the hole behind the tooth.

This is his goal of this trip, the sequence 5 weird.

Now it seems that it already has an owner.

This girl is just an ordinary person, without a trace of spirituality. The Jiuqu tribe has been destroyed for decades. This girl should be born after the Jiuqu tribe was in trouble.

With her ordinary physique, it is obviously impossible to activate the weird. Did she pick up this tooth?

Or in a more dramatic way, it was left to her by her parents. Leaving such a high-level weird thing to their child is not a very competent thing on the part of the parents. If the weird thing is activated, the little girl will definitely die.

"Hello, passerby, I'm Abbott, from the Gray Leopard Tribe." Abbott saw Lin Shan staring at Jiuqu with an unnatural look. Jiuqu was the most beautiful child he had ever seen. Her unique racial features and fair skin made her look like a simulated doll.

He was worried that the passerby in front of him had other ideas about Jiuqu.

"My name is Lin Shan." Lin Shan nodded slightly and looked carefully at the young man from the Gray Leopard Tribe in front of him.

The appearance of the young man from the Gray Leopard Tribe was very obvious. His hair was gray and there were long black spots on his face. He didn't look ugly and had a strange sense of handsomeness.

The young man was slender, as if he would fall to the ground if the wind blew. He was over 180 cm tall and wore rags made of industrial fibers as clothes.

Lin Shan suspected that the faded clothes were originally a tablecloth, which was simply modified to become a piece of clothing that could keep out the cold.

Looking down at the children with pale faces in front of him, Lin Shan asked, "Are you hungry? I have some food here."

He couldn't bring himself to rob these people. Although they were within his reach, what was the difference between doing so and being a 'beast'?

The best way was to exchange with them. It was not a good thing to have strange things in their hands.

Suddenly, Lin Shan's expression changed slightly, and all kinds of messy and inferior human nature were aroused by the black flame.

He quickly controlled the power of faith to extinguish the black flame in his body caused by the rush of travel. After the black flame was extinguished, the inferior human nature aroused by the black flame also disappeared silently.

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