Above the gray fog

Chapter 659: Beast Fangs and Total Spiritual Ability

In the dark space, the sky was filled with fire.

In the sea of ​​fire, a looming white shadow shuttled through it.

Suddenly, a huge rumbling sound shot through the air, and a huge spider was stabbing Bai Ying with its sharp branches.

All attacks will be skillfully avoided by Bai Ying. Even if his back is turned, he can still sense the attack of the giant spider.

This white shadow is naturally Lin Shan.

At first he wanted to avoid the spider when he saw it, but unexpectedly, this spider... seemed to have a radar on its body, able to accurately locate him.

He had been chasing him for half an hour now, and he relied entirely on his own mental and physical strength to avoid the spider's attack.

This spider's strength isn't too strong, it's almost at the level of a Sequence 7 Evil Fall.

If Lin Shan wanted to kill this level of evil, it would just be a casual matter.

But the current situation is special and the environment he is in does not allow it. He does not want to waste his spiritual energy on this weak thing.

Suddenly, Lin Shan's expression changed.

In his mental perception... there was a huge spider web shooting towards him. There was thick mucus on the web, which made Lin Shan feel sick.

Lin Shan jumped to the left, leaping hundreds of meters at a time, but still within the scope of the spider web.

Lin Shan pulled out the rattle from his waist, and the huge shadow of the rattle appeared, completely rebounding the spider web.

The giant spider's navel was sealed by its own web. It quickly stopped and used its forelimbs to dig at the web that sealed its navel.

Lin Shan stopped to take a look at it, ignored it, and continued running towards the inside, losing sight of it in a few jumps.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Lin Shan looked up at the sky. There was a suction force on it every moment, as if it was going to be sucked up.

In fact, this is not suction, but a wind flowing from bottom to top.

"It's so far away, and I don't see where the elevator is... Could it be that it's relatively small? I've already walked by it, but I didn't find it." Lin Shan took out the sketch again, took a look at it, and said to himself.

This possibility definitely exists. If the elevator sign on the sketch is really just an upward elevator, it may not be too big, and there is a high probability that he will miss it.

"It's not an option to keep going like this." Lin Shan frowned and looked at the hole in the sky. From here up, it should be possible to reach the abdomen. The straight-line distance may be more than 4,000 kilometers.

At this distance, the sickle, sword and rattle can't reach it even if their spiritual power is exhausted.

Fortunately, he doesn't only have these two strange things now. It's time to put the animal teeth he got from Jiuqu to use.

He had already identified it when he first got the animal tooth. The ability of this animal tooth is very special. It can transform a living being into a semi-animal. The price is... it will be infected with a bit of animal nature. This kind of animal nature is the real animal nature, not Lin Lin's. Be kind to the inferior human nature that you have seen before.

If he uses his Sequence 6 strength to drive Sequence 5 monsters, the price he pays will only be higher.

Of course, when he thinks of the beast's fang now, he does not want to use the ability to transform into a beast, but he wants to borrow the supernatural power of the animal's fang.

Lin Shan took out the animal tooth bracelet from the storage space.

"Take me up and fly up." Lin Shan said, but the beast's teeth showed no reaction.

Lin Shan knew that it could understand it, but it just didn't want to care about him. Sequence 5 monsters had basic communication skills. This was what the parchment told him.

The birth of strange objects is extremely complicated. In this era, it is impossible for new strange objects to be born.

Among the monsters, the Sequence Seven monsters have begun to show incomplete consciousness, just like a rattle. When using the rattle, you will always hear the laughter of children.

The sickle sword should be an exception. Lin Shan did not feel the conscious presence on it.

But this beast's tooth must be conscious. This is the real reason why it has been hanging on Jiuqu's body but has not backfired on Jiuqu. If it were other low-level monsters, Jiuqu would have been in danger long ago.

The consciousness of Sequence 7 monsters is incomplete, the consciousness of Sequence 6 monsters is ignorant, and the consciousness of Sequence 5 monsters is already within the range of normal communication. It can be treated as a weapon spirit and can attack independently.

It's just that... the monster lacks the function of truly identifying its master, so it's not impossible for it to be counterattacked.

Lin Shan poked the beast's tooth with his finger, but the beast's tooth showed no reaction, perhaps because he thought he was weak.

Indeed, the strength of this beast's tooth is equivalent to the peak of Sequence 5. If Jiuqu hadn't given it to him on his own initiative, plus what Auntie had explained before... Lin Shan would have to spend a lot of money to get it and use it. Zhou Zhang.

Beast Tooth was unwilling to cooperate, and Lin Shan had nothing to do with it.

He can only actively use Beast Ya's ability to transform into a beast, and cannot force Beast Ya to use his supernatural powers to lead him to do other things.

If you want Beast Ya to take him flying, you can only do it if Beast Ya takes the initiative.

With his current remaining spirituality, even if it is exhausted, he cannot fly to the waist of the statue.

If the total amount of extraordinary spirituality is divided by numbers, the initial level of Sequence 9 is one, the peak level is ten, the initial level of Sequence 8 is one hundred, the peak level is one thousand, the initial level of Sequence 7 is ten thousand, the peak level is one hundred thousand, and the initial level of Sequence 6 is one hundred. The top ten thousand is ten million.

Sequence 6 to Sequence 5 are special. The initial value of Sequence 5 is 10 million and the peak value is 100 million.

The promotion interval from Sequence 6 to Sequence 5 is not the same as that of other sequences. When first promoted to Sequence 5, the total amount of spirituality is even the same as the peak of Sequence 6. This also creates conditions for Sequence 6 to counterattack Sequence 5. .

Sequence 5 has many special features. It focuses on the soul. Anything, even a weird thing, will be born with wisdom when it reaches Sequence 5. Moreover, Sequence 5 is the end of the extraordinary and a summary of all previous sequences.

There is another main reason why there is not much spiritual improvement after reaching Sequence 5. Sequence 5 has its own special way of becoming stronger - sequence fusion qualitative change. Lin Shan does not know much about sequence qualitative change.

It is only known that not all extraordinary people can achieve qualitative change. Only a small part can achieve it. The gap between before and after qualitative change is huge.

The total amount of spirituality of all extraordinary people is almost the same. There is no saying that people with better talents have more spirituality. There is no nonsense like the fairy tale novel that the larger the Dantian is opened, the more energy can be stored.

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