Above the gray fog

Chapter 698: The Great Palace of Regents, the acquisition of faith that keeps up with the times

Human race.


Yongchang City.

This sci-fi city is located in the heart of humanity.

Towering skyscrapers and streamlined buildings are intertwined, giving a sense of modernity and the future.

The city's roads are wide and flat, vehicles drive autonomously, and drones patrol the air. The center of the city is a huge square with eleven statues standing in it. Bright neon lights and high-tech screens flash alternately on the surrounding steel buildings, showing a A dizzying sight.

In the square, you can see many devout citizens praying devoutly to the statue.

Almost every huge statue was crowded with people. Except for the pioneer statue named Si Zhennan, only a few people prayed to it.

Zhang Zhonghua, dressed in formal attire, and Zhao Xiaoan, dressed in red, shuttled among the crowd.

"What's going on with Lin Shan?" Zhang Zhonghua asked.

"He's not awake yet." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head, "His soul is not in his body."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhonghua frowned, "It seems... the situation is very difficult."

"According to the artificial intelligence on Lin Shan's starship, Lin Shan seems to be able to control himself, and there is still some soul power left in his body. It may be just related abilities that allow his soul to be separated from the body for a long time. , The family artifacts have also been checked, and there is no record of Lin Shan's death." Zhang Zhonghua said solemnly, not knowing whether he was comforting Zhao Xiaoan or himself.

"It just happens that at this time..." Zhao Xiaoan clenched his fists, and an invisible force escaped, causing the gravel on the ground of the square to tremble.

"This is Herald Square, not a battlefield." Zhao Zhonghua reminded.

"I know, let's go quickly. We have to return to the node before dawn." Zhao Xiaoan loosened his clenched fists and walked quickly forward. The people in front of him automatically made way for her.

The two quickly crossed the square and came to a building called the Grand Administrative Palace. The height of the palace was only about 20 meters. The outside was golden yellow. Through the front hall, one could see tall buildings in the courtyard. The people's flag is raised.

Among the buildings in Yongchang City with an average height of no less than 200 meters, such an antique palace is of great significance.

The symbolic significance of the Dazhi Regent Palace is greater than that of residence. It was originally built for Lin Shan, but Lin Shan never lived in it.

Over time, this place has become a photo-taking spot.

Except for Lin Shan, the palaces of other pioneers are also nearby, and their symbolic significance is greater than their residential significance. For the pioneers, wanting to drink tea and retire in the palace during this period is nothing more than a daydream.

Moreover, since it has become a check-in attraction for people, it is naturally not suitable for living, unless you like noisy things.

In front of the golden gate of the Grand Regent Palace, two soldiers holding spiritual firearms stood upright to prevent blind people from intruding.

Taking photos and checking in, or promoting it, is also an alternative way to collect faith. Although it may not be pious, it adds up to a considerable amount of faith income. Therefore, even if this is a very solemn Grand Administrative Regent Palace, They are also allowed to take photos and even live broadcast.

The human race now has a centralized ruling system. Centralization is not undemocratic. On the contrary, with the implementation of the centralized ruling system, successive generations of ruling officials of the human race have continued to pay attention to democracy, and various ideas have flourished.

However, once it comes to the military aspect, it is true centralization, and there is absolutely no possibility of decentralization.

"Family members, welcome to the 'Bai Xiao Sheng' live broadcast room. Our current location is in front of the golden gate of the Da Zhi Sheng Palace. This is one of the must-visit check-in places in Yongchang City. Family members in other cities, I believe you You must know whose residence this is.”

In front of the golden gate, a dozen meters away, a well-known anchor was pointing the light curtain in front of him at the golden gate.

The light curtain reflected the entire door. After hearing the anchor's words, colorful barrages immediately floated out of the light curtain.

[Pioneer Lin Shan! ]

[Photographed by Da Zhi Lin Shan! ]


Densely packed, the entire light screen was already filled with similar barrages.

The young man known as Bai Xiaosheng secretly rejoiced when he saw the response on the light screen, feeling secretly that his trip was not in vain.

These days, traffic is money. He has discovered that the secret of the current traffic of the human race is the pioneers of the human race. As long as it is related to the pioneers, even the path that the pioneers have walked has become a tourist attraction now, gathering countless people to pay their respects.

The most important thing is that the current human government supports this kind of activity to promote pioneers.

With the support of the human race government, coupled with the current low-level use of the spiritual network, the deeds of the human race pioneers for more than 400 years have gradually fermented in the past ten years, and have become a household story.

Bai suppressed his joy in a low voice, "It's a pity that I don't have permission to go in. In the human race, only a handful of people can enter the Grand Regent Palace. Let's go and see the residences of other pioneers."

At this time.

The light screen was once again filled with barrages.

[Back there, old man, look behind you! ]

[Only a handful of human beings can enter the Palace of Regents? What's going on with those two people at the back? ]

[That’s a slap in the face. Did you lie to us on purpose because you didn’t want to buy tickets? ]

[Hurry up and buy tickets, we want to see what it’s like inside the Grand Regent Palace! ]

Bai Xiaosheng was stunned for a moment as he looked at the barrage that was squeezed together. Then he turned his head sharply and saw a bright red skirt disappearing from sight. Two soldiers holding spiritual firearms worked together to close the door.

There are many people like Bai Xiaosheng. When the door opened, they poked their heads out to see who was going in. Some people also wanted to see what the place where the legendary pioneer Lin Shan lived looked like.

"Red clothes... pioneer." Bai Xiaosheng first said to himself, then opened his eyes wide, "Family! You made a fortune. Do you know who just went in?"

[Who is it?]

[Is it also a pioneer? ]

There are many comments like this, but it is not only the citizens of Xiaojing who watch the live broadcast. The appearance and clothes of the pioneers are not secrets. Although the pioneers are not easy to see, most people will never see the pioneers in their lifetime, but there are many photos of the pioneers on the spiritual network. There are always some lucky people who accidentally meet the pioneers when they travel and leave traces.

[Those are the two pioneers Zhang Zhonghua and Zhao Xiaoan. ]Someone pointed out the answer directly, [Zhang Xianfeng likes to wear formal clothes, Zhao Xianfeng always wears red skirts, and those two just fit the bill, and Lao Bai just said that among the human race, there are only a handful of people who can enter the Great Zhishe Palace, and these few people must include other pioneers. ]

Bai whispered: "..."

You've already said it, what else do you want me to say?

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