Above the gray fog

Chapter 703: The whole nation of the little people

Anyone who knows the history of the small world knows that the Guigantes tribe obviously deliberately targeted the hill people.

The reason is very simple. In the outside world, they were beaten badly by the hill people.

The hill people were able to break the seal of the Guigantes tribe so quickly and take back their own vassal position. They have hard power.

"My lords, let's go out and take a look together." The leading snake-footed giant calmed his anger and made a gesture of invitation, without mentioning the dispute just now.

Entering this world, all divinity is suppressed, and emotions are prone to ups and downs. When encountering people like Gosi, even he can't control himself.

"You are the host, we are the guests, please go first." Eudora stepped back a few steps and said slowly.

Hearing this, Gosi secretly raised his thumb and took the lead in following Eudora to step back and make room for the snake-footed giant.

Other giants followed suit.

The pupils of the leading snake-footed giant shrank slightly, and he secretly said, troublesome woman.

In just a few words, the psychological hints provided divided the giants in the ballroom into two camps.

Although he knew that Eudora had colluded with other giants to resist the Guigantes tribe, he did not care much about it. This was not the first time.

As long as the giants of all races who came to this world knew a little bit of history and knew that the Guigantes tribe had won the crown for 49 consecutive times, they would definitely find a way to resist the Guigantes tribe. Even if Eudora did not collude, other giants would tacitly form a group and would not allow the Guigantes tribe to defeat them one by one.

Now that he had seen her methods and abilities, he felt that the Guigantes tribe might encounter some troubles this time.

There were only four ministers controlled by the Guigantes tribe. In addition to the ghost lord, the other party had seven ministers, which was almost double the gap. If they were really united and determined to work together to deal with the Guigantes tribe, this "sequence battle" would probably be the most difficult one in history for them, the Guigantes tribe.

With a slightly heavy heart, the four snake-footed giants walked side by side in front, and the other seven ministers followed behind.

Walking out of the magnificent ballroom, you can see a black flock of birds, like a huge dark cloud, covering the sky and the sun.

In particular, this dark cloud will also emit annoying noise.

Seeing the familiar blue bird above, and the hill people sitting or riding on the blue bird.

The leading snake-footed giant had a flash of anger in his eyes.

The purpose of these hill people coming here is self-evident.

Eleven ministers gathered here, they must not come here to make trouble. Since they are not making trouble, they want to use this gathering... to join the opposing side of the Guigantes.

"Attack, shoot them all down!" The leading snake giant took out the cylinder used for communication and ordered immediately.

Swish, swish, swish!

After the words fell.

Dense crossbow arrows shot into the air, and only a very small number of blue birds were shot and fell.

Most of them were easily dodged. The blue bird's evasion speed was extremely fast, and this wave of volleys did not cause much damage to them.

"Evade the city! Give them a taste of their own medicine." The commander of the dwarf tribe was not panicked. This was just a city of Themis. Even if it was the main city, the garrison could not be fully stationed in the city. The dwarf tribe was attacking with the whole country. If they really fought, even if the dwarf tribe would fail in the end, this city of law would no longer exist.

Upon receiving the order, the blue bird immediately dived down. At the same time, the dwarf on the bird's back took off the hunting bow on his back, pulled the bowstring to the full, and hunted the giants in the city.

A giant was shot by a small arrow, and it felt like being bitten by a mosquito. He pulled out the arrow with contempt and was about to laugh.

There was a black poison spreading from the tiny wound, and the whole arm quickly decayed and emitted a foul smell.

If the poison arrow was inserted into the arm, thigh, etc., there is still a possibility of survival. If it is shot into the heart or head, only death is relief.

The city was filled with corpses, most of which were emitting a foul odor.

Looking at the piles of corpses, the leading snake giant's face turned black.

The strongest weapon of the hill people is to extract the poison from nature, which even giants cannot bear.

The poison of the hill people outside can even kill high-order extraordinary people.

Lin Shan stood on the blue bird without making a move, looking at the piles of corpses in the city, including men, women, young and old.

In just over ten minutes of fighting, the city had been slaughtered by nearly 50,000 little people. Except for the giants who hid in the house in advance, those who were still watching the excitement on the streets were basically dead.

The little people only suffered a small part of the damage.

This was a bit beyond Lin Shan's expectations.

From this point of view, the strength of the little people is not weak, but too scattered, unable to form a corresponding system to deal with the war, or always being targeted, leaving the scene hastily, and never fighting a truly complete war.

Even if they are ranked twelfth, they are a race that controls the extraordinary power of this world. How can they be weak? It seems reasonable that they can achieve such results by attacking a city with the whole country's strength, especially in such a sudden attack.

The bird carrying Anson came to Lin Shan's side, "The people in this city are all ordinary Themis giants. They don't have the power of "words". Even if they are slaughtered, the Lord of Words will not feel sorry. The real Themis army is approaching from outside. If we continue to stay here..."

Anson didn't say the rest directly, and Lin Shan probably knew what he meant. When the Themis army came to support, the dwarf army might all be defeated here. It's still not too late to run now with the speed of the dwarfs.

"No, running away now will really push us to the opposite side of them." Lin Shan shook his head and said, "Let the army hide in the city, I will go down to meet these ministers."

Angel said worriedly, "Since it has come to this, why not just wipe out these ministers at once? My 50,000-strong army of the Dwarfs can drown them with a spit from each person."

"If you can do this, the Guigantes tribe has already done it. They didn't wipe out these ministers at the party, obviously knowing that it would not succeed and would only push them to the opposite side. Facing the army, these ministers can't fight alone, but running away should not be a problem, and... they are most likely not alone, they must have a backup plan outside the city."

After Lin Shan finished speaking, he jumped off the bird's back. As he gradually fell, his body became bigger and bigger.

The leading snake giant winked at the three people behind him, and the three Guigantes giants immediately attacked Lin Shan without hesitation.

Now is the best time. Facing such a sudden event, the people around will most likely choose to watch.

They are betting that the giants led by Eudora will not stop them.

Once they solve the ghost master, the matter will be over.

The current situation has already put them under pressure. If another unknown ghost master comes, there is a real possibility of a car overturning.

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