Above the gray fog

Chapter 713 Preparing for the Final Battle

"The giants often have civil wars. In addition, there are many strong groups in the cyanobacteria galaxy. The cyanobacteria galaxy has existed for countless billions of years. Our giant group has only traveled through nearly a million years. The giant group is internally chaotic and has not yet unified. ..." The seal master said dryly. He didn't know whether the ghost master in front of him was teasing him or if he really had amnesia.

He didn't quite believe the latter.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Does our giant clan have a clan land?"

"Uh..." The feudal lord was speechless.

Lin Shan was thoughtful.

No need to answer, you can tell by looking at his expression that there must be something.

It seems that the cyanobacteria galaxy where the giants live and the apostle galaxy where the human circle is located have many things in common. They have indigenous people and fire travelers left over from the past.

After knowing this basic information, Lin Shan had nothing more to ask. The feudal lord just didn't react, but he was not really stupid.

If he were stupid, he would not come to Lilliput alone.

Only the feudal lord can do this kind of thing.

Because he is the weakest, it is common sense for weak people to seek alliances. If Lin Shan or Chen Lord come to the door and say that they want to unite to deal with the feudal lord, they probably won't even be able to get in.

"You said you want to form an alliance with me?" Lin Shan asked.

The feudal lord, who was already on the verge of collapse, saw that Lin Shan finally asked about the serious matter. He forced himself to calm down and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, we will form an alliance."

He went on to say, "The Dust Lord and the others are outnumbered. We only have two people. We are outnumbered and the enemy is outnumbered. Only by forming an alliance can we gain a greater chance of victory."

"The four of them...can't necessarily beat me, right?" Lin Shan interjected.

After hearing Lin Shan's words, the feudal lord was very confident, "Everyone knows that the Ghost Lord's combat power is the highest in the mainland, but the Dust Lord and others have hundreds of thousands of combined troops. How do the Ghost Lord plan to deal with these armies?"

"If you don't deal with it, just assassinate him." Lin Shan said slowly.

"Assassination? Can the Ghost Lord find them? Since they know the Ghost Lord's strength, they will never expose themselves again. I have received the news that in the near future, the Four Ministers Alliance headed by the Dust Lord will send a large army to besiege the villain. country."

The feudal lord said quietly, "I don't know how the ghost lord plans to deal with it at that time."

"The only thing the ghost owner can do is to rely on the hilly people's powerful mobility to escape and abandon the territory they have been operating for five years."

"Then, no matter where the Ghost Lord settles, he will be driven around unless he is hiding. In this case, the time of the 'Sequence War' will be extended indefinitely."

"The only chance to break the situation is for the Ghost Lord to take the initiative to assassinate the Dust Lord and others. This is exactly what the Dust Lord wants. In order to deal with the Ghost Lord, they have countless arrangements, and they are just waiting for you to join the game."

"That makes sense." Lin Shan nodded, "If I form an alliance with you, what can you bring to me?"

"If you form an alliance with me, you will get all my information, and I will deal with the army that protects the Dust Lord. It will still be up to you to assassinate the Dust Lord and others, but you will do so under the premise of knowing the truth." The seal master said from the passage.

Lin Shan took over the conversation, "When the Dust Lord and I both suffer, you will profit from it and take the blame for us?"

The feudal lord waved his hands repeatedly, "How can I have that strength? The reason why I join forces with you to deal with the Dust Lord is because I have already planned to give up this 'sequence battle'. After wiping out the Dust Lord's side, our clan will be the worst." Falling into second place will not disrupt our clan's arrangement. When the next 'Sequence Battle' starts, our clan will still have an advantage."

Lin Shan fell into thinking. He didn't believe what the feudal lord said at all, but it was definitely true that the feudal lord wanted to deal with the Dust Lord.

Compared with the feudal lord, the dust lord's side is the most difficult to deal with. If you can kill the dust lord's side with the help of the feudal lord, it would be a good choice.

However, Lin Shan had a hunch that after the fall of Lord Chen, the feudal lord would definitely turn his gun around and continue to deal with him.

In other words, if he accepts the alliance, he will have to deal with the Dust Lord and be wary of the Sealed Lord at the same time, trying to please neither end.

But other than that, there seemed to be no other opportunities. The feudal lord took a fancy to this and came to him.

People from the three parties are all waiting for the other two parties to start fighting first, so that they can reap the benefits.

If one party seeks an alliance with the other party, there will be no fisherman.

"I'm a little interested in the alliance you mentioned. Tell me about your plan." Lin Shan said.

Hearing Lin Shan's words, the feudal lord's spirit was lifted. "There is no plan yet. You must agree to this before I can start making arrangements. Give me two months. Within two months, I will send someone to contact you." ”

Lin Shan looked at him with interest. Was he saying this on purpose because he was afraid that he wouldn't let him go?

Lin Shan knew it well and nodded slightly, "Then I will wait here for your news."

The seal master laughed and said, "I wish our cooperation will go smoothly, and congratulations to the ghost master in advance for getting the 'Heaven and Earth of Strange Appearances'."

Lin Shan smiled and said nothing, stood up and drank some water, signaling the lord with an empty cup.

The lord didn't feel embarrassed. He picked up the water glass in front of him and drank it in one gulp. Then he wanted to hug Lin Shan, which seemed to be a courtesy.

Lin Shan did not hug him, but said lightly, "The water is poisonous. It is different from the previous one. It will not attack immediately. However, if I don't give you the antidote, you will definitely die."

"Cough cough cough..."

The feudal lord ran out retching.

"Ghost Lord, do we really want to unite with the feudal lord?" Anson said from the side. He was very small and difficult to spot when standing aside.

Lin Shan changed his body shape and returned to the size of a normal small human. He looked at Ansen and said, "Unite half of them."

Anson nodded thoughtfully, "Then I'll assemble the small human army."

"Well... this may be the last battle." Lin Shan said slowly.


Two months later.

The Lord's people arrived on time and brought information about the Lord of Dust.

The news brought by the feudal lord stated that the Lord of Dust has sent an army of 200,000 people and is marching towards the country of villains.

This is consistent with the exploration of the small human race.

The intelligence system of the little human race is not false. In addition to the information brought by the feudal lord, he also knows that the dust lord himself is not in the army, but in the palace specially built for him by the Theia tribe. Moreover, she has not been there for several years. Been out.

The Sun Lord, the Dead Lord, and the Nian Lord have always been with the Dust Lord to avoid being defeated one by one.

However, there are some important things attached to the message, which even the small humans have not obtained.

Attached is the internal defense layout of the palace, as well as detailed information on the Brilliant City's external defenses, types of soldiers, and the capabilities of the units.

The feudal lord said that if Lin Shan communicated with him before attacking, he would attract the defensive soldiers of the Brilliant City away. Lin Shan only needed to concentrate on dealing with these ministers and did not need to worry about the pressure from the army.

Lin Shan went through the information in detail and said:

"Recruit all the villain armies."

I silently added in my mind, "Be prepared for large-scale sacrifices."

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