Above the gray fog

Chapter 715: Destroy with one blow

Lin Shan came to the statue and looked at it carefully. There was no record of the specific appearance of the Theia giant in Greek mythology, but this statue filled in the gaps in Lin Shan's knowledge.

The Theian giants also have no specific deity, and the description of him or them in mythology is very vague.

However, in addition to the giant Theia, there is another deity named Theia in Greek mythology.

In Greek mythology, Theia and the Theia giant, although they have similar names, are actually two different concepts.

Theia is the earth goddess, also known as Mother Earth.

She represents the power and vitality of nature and is considered one of the earliest deities in mythology.

The Theian giants are a group of gods with great power. They represent a group of giants. They are one of the dozens of giants born from Gaia and Ouranos. They represent the power of nature and the cycle of life.

The Theia giants in this world hold brilliant power, which is somewhat different from the 'natural power and cycle of life' recorded in myths.

With the passage of endless time, nothing is eternal. Even the power mastered by the ancestors may change during the inheritance.

Lin Shan looked at the map again.

The dust lord's palace is not far from the idol.

Lin Shan circled around the statue and easily locked onto the building marked on the map.

Under the evening sun, the ancient Greek building stood there like a noble goddess.

Seen from a distance, the building looks like a white palace. The walls are carved with marble into various exquisite patterns and decorations, and the whole building exudes a noble and elegant atmosphere.

Lin Shan controlled the blue bird to fly nearby.

There are three huge columns on the front of the building, which are typical Greek column buildings. The capitals are decorated with rows of exquisite garlands, which make people think of the gods in ancient Greek mythology.

The facade of the building is very symmetrical, with a row of columns on the left and right sides, forming an exquisite three-section structure.

The roof at the top is made of wood and is a curved vault.

There was no one outside the palace, and the palace door was open.

Lin Shan knew that this was waiting for him to enter.

This scene made Lin Shan think of a word.

Please enter the jar...

When the blue bird landed, Lin Shan patted the bird's back and said, "Go and hide."

Lin Shan turned into the size of a normal giant and slowly walked into this noble and elegant palace.

In the dark palace, when Lin Shan walked in, the candlesticks were automatically lit.

This is not extraordinary power, it should be some kind of mechanism.

"Why don't you come out and meet me?" Lin Shan shouted in the long corridor.

"The ghost master killed four ministers by himself, and his combat power is not at the same level as ours. Forgive us for not daring to go out to meet him, but we are at the end of this palace. If the ghost master can come in, how about we have a final decisive battle? What if? I don’t want to come in. The door is not closed, so I can’t see you off.” Around the palace, the voice of the Lord Chen came from something like a trumpet.

The other party's words are very direct. You are too powerful and we can't defeat you. We just have to hide. This palace is used to deal with you. If you are confident in your own strength, come in. If you are timid, leave. The 'sequence battle' continues. Dragging.

She placed herself on the weak side, allowing herself to occupy a passive position, and placed Lin Shan on the strong side. Strong people are always proactive. This can also be regarded as a psychological suggestion. Every word of the Dust Lord has its meaning.

"Aren't you afraid that we will both suffer losses and the feudal lord will take advantage of us?"

"He doesn't have that qualification yet." Chen Zhu said from the passage.

"It seems that he has indeed looked for you." Lin Shan smiled and took out the stone dagger from his waist.

"The feudal lord came to me a few months ago and said that he wanted to form an alliance with me. He can lure you here, but he needs my cooperation to move the troops in the city."

"What a coincidence, he also came to me and said he could help me find you and help me deal with the army in your city." Lin Shan said.

“Those who treat other people as fools are the biggest fools themselves.” Dust Lord said without hesitation, “I believe that in a short while, the coalition forces of the Gigantes and Ross tribes will besiege the Brilliant City. "

"It seems you are not worried at all." Lin Shan stabbed the stone dagger into the wall, leaving only a white scratch.

"The same goes for you. Now that you know this is a trap, you still come. It seems that you are very confident in your own strength."

"That's right." Lin Shan nodded and admitted, "With absolute strength, any conspiracy or trick is just a cloud, and it can be destroyed with one blow."

"I didn't expect... the ghost master also has a cheeky trait. If we can meet in the outside world, maybe we can become friends."

"Then it should be difficult for you to meet me." Lin Shan said.

"Oh? Does the ghost master not want to make more of my friends?"

"No." Lin Shan shook his head and said truthfully: "Actually, I am an alien. The universe is vast and boundless, and the probability of us meeting is too small."

"Haha... You and Gexi can also become good friends..." Before Lord Chen finished speaking, Gexi grabbed the microphone and said, "Master Ghost, surrender now, and I can lead you to the outside world in the future. ”

Lin Shan ignored him and asked, "Why do I have to follow the trap you set?"

"Because, we're in there and they want to kill us, and this is the only way."

"Unless you prove that you are inside, I won't go in." After Lin Shan finished speaking, he sat down on the ground.

There was no more sound from the microphone. After a moment, there were slight footsteps on the other side of the passage.

Gosi's voice came, "Is it okay now?"



The stone dagger shot in the direction of the sound and was blocked by something.

"It's confiscated." Gosi's voice came from the other side of the passage.

"Take it, it's for you." Lin Shan smiled slightly, stood up and pressed his hand on the wall, using the atomization ability to try to see if he could pass through the wall.

This wall was attached with a layer of mysterious power, and the atomization could not pass through it. This place seemed to be built specifically to deal with him.

It seems that it was originally like this.

The other party couldn't have been unaware of his ability to exchange positions with weapons. How strong was his confidence to let him in so much?

Lin Shan's answer was somewhat unexpected to the other party. This stone dagger should be a very important weapon of the ghost master. Three of the five abilities of the ghost master rely on the stone dagger to stimulate. Now he just says he doesn't want it?

"Your confidence comes from this mysterious palace?"

"Yes, it's up to you whether to enter or not. Anyway, we won't come out." Dust Lord said frankly.

A brilliant white light condensed in Lin Shan's hand.

The white light slowly took shape, in the shape of a long sword.

The whole sword had no handle or guard, it was like a naked beam of light, but the aura it exuded had seriously exceeded the standards of this world.

The sky outside quickly darkened.

Lin Shan did not make any swinging movements.

Just a light grip, a pure force of light suddenly exploded.

The thick walls of the palace turned into rubble in an instant, and the area of ​​hundreds of meters was razed to the ground and turned into ruins.

The long sword of light in Lin Shan's hand pointed to the Lord of Dust and others who were burned by the power of light and festering all over their bodies a hundred meters away.

He slowly said, "What did I just say, crushing withering and rotten, one blow can break..."

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