Above the gray fog

Chapter 719 Super-standard ability

Lin Shan, who had become gigantic, saw one kind of scene, while the citizens of Yongchang saw another.

When Lin Shan turned into a giant towering into the sky, the citizens of Yongchang were immediately immersed in fear and panic.

Some citizens looked at him in surprise, screaming and trying to get out of his sight, while some citizens collapsed directly to the ground. At this moment, they no longer had the strength to escape.

People on the edge of Yongchang City tried to escape from Yongchang City, but they soon realized that this was impossible and could only run around in the streets, trying to find a safe shelter.

The traffic in the entire Yongchang City fell into chaos, with vehicles and pedestrians squeezing each other and traffic accidents occurring frequently. Police officers and guards tried to control the crowd and guide the citizens not to panic. They had received news that the giant would not pose a threat.

However, because the situation was too chaotic, it was difficult for them to effectively control the scene.

Lin Shan sensed the chaos below, lamenting the fragility of ordinary life, and quickly shrank his body.

After sending a message to Yan Ruxin, he moved away from the crime scene.

Yan Ruxin sent him a "shocked" emoticon.

Lin Shan took out Dakong from the storage space.

Dakong was placed at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters as a temporary residence.

Two service robots were added to the interior of Dakong.

Seeing that the human race had mastered the corresponding technology, Lin Shan made two and placed them on Dakong.

The robot looked similar to humans, about 1.5 meters tall, made of silver metal material, with only two blue eyes on its head, very flexible arms, no feet, and walked using a suspension technology.

Lin Shan threw the storage necklace in his hand to the robot and said, "It's broken, reconnect a line for me."

The robot took the storage necklace to the maintenance cabin, and another identical robot took a glass of mixed wine and placed it in front of Lin Shan.

Lin Shan sat on the soft sofa and recalled the situation when he had just grown bigger.

When he became a giant, he felt that his mind became very clear, and the headache would disappear, as if he was the complete Lin Shan at this time, not a fragment of Lin Shan.

He could sense everything around him, and seemed to be able to see through everything, and the increase in strength was secondary.

Coupled with the information brought by the characteristics, Lin Shan had some enlightenment.

The essence of the ‘Weird World’ is not to transform a weird body into a fallen body. Even if it becomes extremely huge, the weird body is still a weird body. It is far behind the fallen body in terms of pure strength, and the physique is even more incomparable. If you enlarge cotton, it is still cotton.

But if you attach supernatural power to your body during the battle, and put on a supernatural gauze for your giant self, even if it is not as strong as the fallen body, it will not be much weaker. The ‘Weird World’ comes with super strong recovery ability. If the physique is not enough, you can use the recovery power to make up.

Adding these points together, he can completely treat himself as a fallen body after being giantized. He no longer needs to use the weird body origin to recover when he is injured like before. The weird body origin in the future can be used to accelerate the promotion of the living body.

‘Weird World’ is an extreme sequence.

It has only one characteristic, ‘Giantization’.

Regeneration, defense, attack, these bonuses are all attached to ‘Giantization’.

‘Weird World’ can be an ultra-standard sequence, not because of the regeneration, defense, attack and other attributes improved after gigantism.

There are two interpretations of the "gigantic" of "Weird Heaven and Earth".

The first is the literal meaning, which is to enlarge the body, thereby improving the attributes in all aspects.

This ability can also be achieved by ordinary sequences, and it cannot bear the title of super-standard sequences.

What's more, "Weird Heaven and Earth" is also among the top in the super-standard sequence.

The reason why it ranks high is because of another interpretation of "gigantic".

After gigantic, the use of spirituality does not produce additional consumption.

How much spirituality is consumed when Lin Shan, who is 1.8 meters tall, releases the spiritual gauze clothes.

Lin Shan, who is 100,000 meters tall, still consumes these spiritualities when using the spiritual gauze clothes, and the consumption will not increase. These spiritualities are affected by the characteristics of "gigantic", breaking the rule of no consumption expansion.

Because the total amount of spirituality is fixed, after enlarging and using spirituality to attach to the body to fight, it must consume more than a small body, but "Weird Heaven and Earth" breaks this convention.

With this as a premise, the strange body can be used as a fallen body.

Among the existing sequences of the human race, there is a sequence nine sequence that is related to "gigantic". After becoming bigger, all attributes of the body are improved. However, in the state of "gigantic", the use of spiritual power is affected by the enlargement of the body, and the consumption of spiritual power also increases.

"Giant" only improves the volume, not the physique.

Lin Shan also has "heart light". Now "heart light" is a spiritual saving feature for Lin Shan.

For the same power, other people need 1 point of spiritual consumption, but Lin Shan with "heart light" only needs 0.9 points, or even 0.8 points.

Because there is a process of "shaping" before any ability is released, the ability of "heart light" is to save this process.

"Heart light" plus "gigantic" will undoubtedly prolong the fighting time of Lin Shan in the "fallen body" state. Even if it only increases by one tenth of the time, it is very important at the critical moment.

In addition.

"Weird World" has a passive ability.

After gigantism, there is no increase in spiritual consumption, which can only make "Weird World" listed in the super-standard sequence.

However, this passive ability is the fundamental reason why "Strange World" ranks among the top three in the giant clan's inheritance sequence.

‘Weird Heaven and Earth’ can increase the total amount of spiritual power of the holder tenfold!

I have said it before.

If the total amount of extraordinary spiritual power is divided into numbers, the initial value of sequence 9 is one and the peak value is ten, the initial value of sequence 8 is one hundred and the peak value is one thousand, the initial value of sequence 7 is ten thousand and the peak value is one hundred thousand, and the initial value of sequence 6 is one million and the peak value is ten million.

Sequence 5 is a little special, with an initial value of ten million and a peak value of one hundred million.

His strange body has just entered sequence 6, and the total amount of spiritual power is exactly one million.

After the blessing of ‘Weird Heaven and Earth’, the total amount instantly expanded to ten million.

Moreover, he has just entered sequence 6. Every time he advances to a higher level, the total amount of spiritual power will increase by one tenth. With the blessing of ‘ten times’, when he reaches the peak of sequence 6, the total amount of spiritual power will break through the 100 million mark.

At that time, it will be possible to beat the peak of sequence 5.

The only weakness is the quality of spiritual power, which is still far behind sequence 5. Even if his strange body has top talent, it is impossible to break through the level limit.

The above is the improvement brought by the sequence ‘Weird Heaven and Earth’.

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