Above the gray fog

Chapter 721 Meeting

Human calendar year 490.

The world is peaceful, the human race is prosperous, and the people live and work in peace.

The social atmosphere is relaxed and the culture is prosperous.

The human race enjoys the dividends of peace in this era.

There are significant developments in the fields of art, technology, philosophy, etc.

At the same time, the human government is also actively promoting reforms to improve social management and laws.

However, the wheel of history will not stop after all.

Peace in the world is not an eternal form.

War is.

General Pioneer Conference.

Zhang Zhonghua: "It may not be so easy to deal with this time. The tepid attack of 'Chasing Fire' is about to end."

Jin Tianzong: "Is the main event about to begin?"

Zhang Zhonghua: "Well, from now on, until the 'Ark Plan' is implemented, the human circle may not be at peace."

Wu Wang: "Is the Ark Plan going to be advanced?"

Yan Ruxin: "When the Ark Plan will start depends on when the God Corridor is broken."

Yan Ruxin: "The Council means that we will set off after the curvature technology makes another breakthrough. At this stage, we will use the weapons inventory of each race to fight a technological war with 'Chasing Fire'."

Xia Xuan: "Delay it for a while. I have some progress in my work. It's best not to give up halfway."

After hearing Xia Xuan's words, everyone was shocked. Xia Xuan has not done anything else in these years. She has been trying to find a way to open up the way to the earth.

If the earth and the gray fog can be connected, the human race will not even need the 'Ark Plan' and can directly take the people to the space where the earth is.

Wu Wang: "Although the current strength of the human race is not weak, it is still far behind those strongest ones. How long can we fight against the "Chasing Fire"? It mainly depends on how much foundation the strongest ones have."

Yan Ruxin: "Well, Wu Wang is right. The resources inside the corridor are getting less and less. If we fight now, we will use the stocks of various races. Our human race has only improved a little in recent years. Where can we get the stocks? If we really fight, we can only stare at them, unless we send extraordinary people to fight."

Zhang Zhonghua: "This is even more impossible. Who can put their own extraordinary people under the coverage of the enemy's firepower? We are not the fallen race and the plant race. Extraordinary people can regenerate after death. Now In the "Chasing Fire", there are very few real evils sent to attack the corridor. They are all replicas. This also makes it difficult for us to obtain extraordinary resources. Every death of an extraordinary in the tribe means one less. "

Zhao Xiaoan: "Are you going to give up the human node?"

Huang Ying: "Let the extraordinary above Sequence 8 go over to hold on, and Sequence 8, Sequence 9 and ordinary people should retreat. These people will die if they stay on the front line."

Zhang Zhonghua: "What Huang Ying said is exactly what I want to say. Each node will be subjected to the cleansing bombing of the "Chasing Fire". It is useless for those who can't withstand the nuclear bomb to stay on the front line."

Everyone discussed with each other, only Lin Shan remained silent.

Zhao Xiaoan: "Lin Shan, do you have any opinions?"

Lin Shan: "Opinions? No... I just have a severe headache. It's okay for me to fight now, but asking me to think of countermeasures is embarrassing me."

Everyone was silent. They already knew that Lin Shan was now a "Lin Shan fragment".

Lin Shan's state was unstable, which was undoubtedly bad news for the human race.

As the only Sequence 6 of the human race, with combat power comparable to that of a Sequence 5, Lin Shan is one of the few pillars of support for the human race. Because of Lin Shan, the human race can stand up straight in many areas.

Now it is almost the moment of the decisive battle, but such an important trump card has gone wrong...

Zhang Zhonghua: "The first fleet of the United Government should also be sent to garrison, which can provide some firepower support."

Yan Ruxin: "How is the 'Ring of the Gods' space-based weapon' running?"

Jin Tianzong: "The engineering ship provided by the Fox Clan is very powerful, the system self-check is normal, and it can be used normally."

Yan Ruxin: "For now, this is the only good news."

Zhang Zhonghua: "Everyone, get ready. According to the news from the Council, there will be at most one week before the surprise of 'Chasing Fire' will be at the door."

Wu Wang: "The two battles of 'God's Coming' and 'Controlling Fire' did not have such a big move. Everyone gathered together to discuss, which made me feel like I was dreaming back to the 'Human-Cat War' 400 years ago."

Zhang Zhonghua: "The two battles of 'God's Coming' and 'Controlling Fire' are no smaller than now. How can a battle where gods have fallen be small? It's just that they were all taken down by the strongest. The human race at that time had not yet We are qualified to participate in the war, but we are just making up the numbers. The human race is not what it was before. We are higher than many people. If the sky falls, we must hold it up. "

Yan Ruxin: "I understand the feelings of those strongest people. Some things are not what they want to do, but they must do them."

Zhang Zhonghua: "Yes, this is the territory of the human race. If the human race does not defend it, who will defend it..."

Yan Ruxin: "Then I will sort out the list of people going to the front line."

Zhang Zhonghua: "I will count the remaining munitions of the human race and transport all the weapons to the front line. We will hold on as long as we can..."

Jin Tianzong: "In terms of nuclear weapons, do we need to continue production? The resources of the human race are a bit tight now. Most of the military factories have been closed. Now we can produce more than 20,000 warheads a day."

Zhang Zhonghua: "Stop production and give all resources to the Ark. Now the 'space-based weapons' can be used normally. The military factories only need to produce the ammunition needed for the four-type weapons. "

Jin Tianzong nodded.

‘Type 4 weapons’ are the main weapons used for the defense of the God Corridor. Although their power is not as strong as that of nuclear bombs, they will not draw out fragments of the old gods because they are pure kinetic weapons.

It is a weapon system that uses the kinetic energy of high-speed moving objects to attack targets.

The principle of Type 4 weapons is to generate energy to hit the target at high speed by accelerating a large mass object, such as an iron block or a tungsten ball, so as to achieve a wide range of killing effects.

Although Type 4 weapons are powerful and low-cost, they cannot completely replace nuclear bombs because Type 4 weapons are installed in high-altitude orbits 500 kilometers above the ground. They use special alloy blocks to achieve ground strikes through electromagnetic acceleration and cannot be guided as accurately as nuclear bombs.

Now this problem has been alleviated.

With the help of the fox tribe, the weapon orbit above the human God Corridor node is equipped with space-based weapons. Unlike Type 4 weapons, space-based weapons are energy weapons that can hit whatever they are pointed at. The combination of these two weapon systems can defend against most attacks.

Although the fault tolerance rate of nuclear bombs is higher, the human race has reached its limit. If nuclear bombs are produced again, the resources of the Ark will be occupied.

The Divine Corridor is the defense of all races, and it cannot be defended by humans alone. It is impossible for humans to cut off their own escape route for the sake of defense.

The image on the communication screen gradually faded, leaving only Lin Shan and Zhao Xiaoan.

Zhao Xiaoan opened his mouth but did not speak.

Lin Shan covered his head and hung up the communicator.

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