Above the gray fog

Chapter 723 Blocking War

I don't know how long it took.

The ground began to shake.

"Here they come." Lin Shan said in a deep voice. "Disperse."


Everyone responded and dispersed to various garrisons.

They didn't know what the enemy's attack method was, but no matter how they attacked, their bodies would definitely not be able to cross the corridor immediately.

At most, they would bomb the rear of the corridor.

All races had received notifications long ago, and the low-order and ordinary people in the rear garrisons had already evacuated. Even if the enemy's firepower covered the rear of the corridor, it would not cause too much damage to the Ten Thousand Races.

Everyone dispersed, and only Lin Shan was left in the R1 garrison.

Lin Shan performed gigantism and became a giant 100,000 meters high.

This size is the size of a normal sequence 5 evil fall.

Lin Shan can continue to grow, but if he grows bigger, he will consume extra spirituality. This 100,000-meter form is a regular form, which is no different from the normal size for Lin Shan.

This is also a special case exclusive to the super-standard sequence. The ordinary sequence just maintains the size, which is a considerable consumption.

After growing bigger.

The mind was blessed, the headache disappeared, and the vision became extremely wide. Even without using mental power, he could clearly see the scene hundreds of kilometers away.

The abandoned military camp under his feet was so small that it was almost invisible.

Lin Shan clenched his fists and felt the abundant power in his body.

At this moment, he even had the urge to rush out and fight the evil army.

Although this was an act that would surely lead to his death.

As Lin Shan clenched his fists, the surrounding space was distorted under the pure force.

Any attack after the giantization will be blessed.

His feet are about fifteen kilometers long. In this state, he can destroy a small city with one foot.

The white robe with gold edges is transformed by spirituality and will grow with him. The wind at an altitude of 100,000 meters is very strong, blowing the white robe whistling.

Look up.

The high-altitude orbital space station of the human race is not far above his head, and he can take it down with his hand.

This kind of space station is the base of space-based weapons and type IV weapons, and can also be used for monitoring, positioning, communication, etc.

Around the nodes guarded by the human race, there is a space station carrying weapon systems above each station, and three stations have been launched in key stations such as R1.

With a visual range of hundreds of kilometers, he did not see the figure of the evil, but he could feel that the ground was shaking slightly.

In the evil army, there were creatures of the same size as him, and even larger than him.

Lin Shan wanted to use the optical brain to check the situation, but found that the words on the light screen were too small to be seen clearly.

Only by scanning with mental power can the picture on the optical brain be clearly seen.

The evil army is still marching.

From the perspective of the evil army, the golden corridor that reaches the sky and the earth can be seen.

At a certain moment.

Lin Shan felt a heat on his head.

A hot beam of light shot out from the space station above his head.

At the same time.

Almost all the nodes above the corridor, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of space stations, all began to actively attack.

The picture in the optical brain suddenly changed.

When the first laser hit the evil army, accompanied by strong energy fluctuations, the violent explosion instantly enveloped all the evil within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

More and more lasers formed a huge light curtain, illuminating the entire sky, which shocked people.

The evil roared in the direction of the corridor.

But they did not fight back immediately, but just stepped on the bodies of their companions and kept moving forward.

Some powerful evils used various abilities or used their bodies to block attacks for the rear army.

"Swish, swish, swish!"


The extremely chaotic scene, the picture in the optical brain began to flicker constantly due to the strong interference of energy.

It can only be seen vaguely.

The dazzling light emitted when the laser beam penetrated the body of the evil.

And accompanied by explosions and roars, the entire battlefield was suddenly filled with smoke and flames.

In the sky, countless laser beams can be seen flying in an interlaced manner, like a dense and airtight net, covering the evil army.

The scene was extremely chaotic and tragic, which made people shudder.

The evil fell continuously under the attack of lasers, but due to the huge number, the evil fell continued to fall, and the overall number did not decrease at all.

It was the change of the terrain that hindered the subsequent marching speed of the evil fell.

The laser energy can easily penetrate the surface, and the vegetation is evaporated into ashes, turning the soil and stones into lava and fragments.

Large areas of land and mountains were destroyed, leaving only a scene of ruins and trauma.

In the area bombarded by the laser, huge cracks and deep pits were densely covered.

Under attack, the evil army began to run faster, and the deep pits were filled with the bodies of their companions. The subsequent evil fell stepped on the bodies of their companions and marched quickly.

The earth trembled more and more violently, and the place where Lin Shan was could already feel the strong tremor.

Space-based weapons continuously fired hot high-energy lasers, and the large net of lasers covered the evil fell, and the evil fell fell under this net one after another.

This scene would make even some low-order extraordinary people weak in the knees.

It was as if the evil fell could tear them into pieces in an instant as long as they rushed over.

"Boom boom..."

The nuclear weapons silo at the human camp opened automatically.

This means that the evil army has entered the range of nuclear weapons.

Although space-based weapons are powerful and have a long attack range, in terms of real lethality, nuclear weapons definitely exceed space-based weapons.

This type of nuclear weapon is specifically designed to target evil. The explosion generates tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature. Sequence 6 will not be able to survive if it is hit.

The missile, which is more than ten meters long, slowly rises into the air with a light blue tail. When it reaches a certain height, it begins to dive down and accelerates towards the location of the army.

One, two, ten, a steady stream of nuclear weapons fly out of the launch silo.

Not only the human race, but other nodes are also like this.

The screen can already see that the first nuclear weapon has arrived at the scene.

This nuclear weapon is tens of meters thick and hundreds of meters long. Compared with this nuclear weapon, the nuclear weapons launched by the human race are like newborn babies and giants.

Following behind are nuclear weapons of similar size, like shining stars, carrying the invitation of the god of death.

Zooming in the picture, you can see that the logos of various races are printed on the missile heads.

Fox head, four-pointed star, unknown flower symbol...

These giant nuclear weapons were made by the strongest. With their technology, they can make more fancy weapons, but none of them have the direct lethality of nuclear weapons.

The most important thing is the follow-up reaction.

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