Above the gray fog

Chapter 729 Xu Qing and Xu Shi, a chance to turn the tables

Human race.

Consul Palace.

Xu Qing, the current chief consul of the human race, looked at the light curtain in front of him, his brows knitted tightly together.

No previous consul was under as much pressure as he was.

In the past, all the consuls had to consider was how to balance the human race.

What he needs to consider is...how to continue the existence of the human race.

After a while, he asked.

"Is there any news from the Pioneer?"

The secretary next to him shook his head, "No, since the spiritual network was cut off a year ago, we have completely lost contact with the pioneers."

"Hey, the spiritual network has been cut off. I'm afraid the Xianqiang side will also feel uncomfortable..." Xu Qing shook his head, then stood up slowly and asked, "How many arks do the human race have now?"

"According to statistics, plus one that will be completed in three months, there will be a total of 14 ships."

"14 ships...how many people can they carry?"

"Without overloading, each Ark can carry up to 500,000 people."

"Seven million people...the population of an ordinary city. In a city like this, there are 1,500 humans. In other words, the probability of a citizen getting a boat ticket is 1 in 1,500, which is such a slim probability. "Xu Qing paced around, thinking about countermeasures.

The secretary stood silently beside him. He knew that the words and deeds of the great consul in front of him, who looked to be only in his 40s, would determine the fate of tens of billions of human beings.

As she walked around, Xu Qing's face was covered with fine cold sweat.

Suddenly, he slumped into a hard office chair.

Slowly dial a communication number.

In the picture, there is also a middle-aged man who looks older than Xu Qing.

"Grandpa." Xu Qing called.

The secretary next to him looked at the characters in the picture, then looked at the row of photos hanging on the wall of the Grand Consul Palace, and immediately focused on the one at the front.

This is Xu Shi, the legendary archon.

The only re-elected Grand Consul of the human race.

It is not uncommon for Xu Shi's grandson to become a consul. Such a prestigious consul still has a great reputation in the political world even after he retires. As his grandson, Xu Qing will naturally benefit from it.

"It's Xu Qing, what's wrong? Did you encounter any difficulty?" Xu Shi asked with a gentle smile on the screen.

"Grandpa, I've let you down. It's not that easy to be the great consul of the human race." Xu Qing said with a bitter smile.

"Let's talk about it first. Grandpa can give you some advice." Xu Shi still asked with a smile.

"All the four major satellite cities of the human race have fallen, and only tens of thousands of the nearly 70 million people have been sent back. Now the Evil Fall has surrounded the tribe, and there is a possibility of attacking at any time. There are Sequence 6 pressure formations in the Evil Fall. If they are found by the Evil Fall army, Depending on the location of the clan, what happened to the satellite city may happen again in the clan," Xu Shi said solemnly.

Xu Shi had obviously received the news. Hearing this, his expression did not change. He just asked, "Well, the situation is urgent, so what are your plans?"

"What I want is to start the Ark plan in advance, and the remaining people will stay and fight the evil, but the pioneers have not returned yet..."

"I'm afraid... if we don't start the plan now, it will be too late when the Evil Fallen Attack comes in." Xu Qingxu said solemnly.

Xu Shi shook his head, "Actually, the Ark plan implemented by the strongest is not to escape, but to preserve the fire just in case. Do you think they can take away all the people? My child, let's not talk about the pioneer's failure to return. "Don't be frightened by Evil Fall. If Evil Fall is really that strong, why has it been suppressed by all races for so many years?"

"In the past, the Evil Fall was unorganized and worked in separate camps, and would even kill each other and prey on the same kind. Now the Evil Fall is organized and disciplined, with a unified goal. In addition, the Evil Fall is a natural bearer of characteristics, so the combat power of the front and rear is naturally different. "Xu Qing analyzed.

"You know this. Do you think there is no one smarter than you among the strongest tribe?"

"Grandpa, what do you mean?" Xu Qing's eyes gradually became clear.

Xu Shi shook his head and asked slowly: "Do you know what makes Wanzu better than Zhifei?"

Xu Qing fell into silence, seeming to be thinking, and seemed to feel that the Wan Clan was not as strong as the Zhidao Clan.

Seeing that Xu Qing did not speak, Xu Shi continued, "Zhi clan, those below Sequence 7 have no wisdom, and Fallen clan, Sequence 9 is like a beast, Sequence 8 has a vague humanity, just like the poultry raised by our human race, Sequence 7's Degenerates Only people have normal wisdom.”

"All races are given the seeds of wisdom by God when they are born. How can the two tribes compare with us? No matter how ferocious the beasts are, they cannot win against the civilized races."

"What is different now from before? It is the Fallen and Zhi tribes that have formed a civilization. However, one thing cannot be changed. The Fallen and Zhich tribes below Sequence 7 are not intelligent. They are just influenced by something unknown to us. Affected, there are higher-level creatures commanding them, so...their civilization is limited to Sequence 7 and above, without any foundation. "

"In terms of high-end combat power, are the Wan Clan worse than the Zhi Fallen Clan? There are more than a dozen gods from the Wan Clan, but only three from the Zhi Fall Clan. The two gods from the Zhi Clan have never shown their heads, or... they are against them This organization plays a vital role, so it doesn’t dare to show its face easily.”

"It's easy to deduce that compared to the Fallen tribe, the Zhi tribe should hate the Ten Thousand Clans more. Why are they rarely seen in wars? Don't believe that they are a peace-loving race. This is ridiculous. If you are a peace-loving race Man, I killed your whole family, do you still love peace?”

After listening to Xu Shi's analysis, Xu Qing suddenly relaxed, and the secretary next to him showed admiration. Xu Shi's foresight in ruling the country had seen this war very thoroughly.

Xu Qing asked again in confusion, "If that's the case, why were the Ten Thousand Races..."

"Being beaten so badly by 'Chasing Fire'?" Xu Shi asked.

"Yeah." Xu Qing nodded.

Xu Shi sent a casualty statistics chart published on the spiritual network a long time ago, and then said: "It's very simple. The Ten Thousand Races have been hit hard one after another. First, the Dawn Federation invaded, and then the angels started a civil war. After the heavy damage, the Ten Thousand Races are less than half of their previous strength. If the statistics on the spiritual network are correct, the top combat power of the Ten Thousand Races is probably only one-third of the previous strength. At this time, 'Chasing Fire' took advantage of the opportunity to enter. How could we possibly beat it? It's not too bad to be beaten badly."

"I understand what grandpa means. The Ten Thousand Races still have a chance to turn the tables. We only need to destroy the civilization bond of 'Chasing Fire', and the evil army will collapse without attack, and the human circle will return to the previous balance." Xu Qing's eyes lit up, "The first time the strongest organized The 'Battle of the Gods' was not to disperse or destroy the evil, but to find the bond that united them. However, it seems that it failed, so there was the 'Battle of Fire Control', and then the birth of the God's Corridor. The strongest have been looking for opportunities, opportunities to turn the tables! "

"If your speculation is correct, the civilization bond of 'Chasing Fire' may be the two hidden plant gods!"

"There must be a second 'Battle of the Gods', just when the God's Corridor is broken!"

"The destruction of the God's Corridor does not necessarily mean that the Ten Thousand Races have lost, it may also be the starting point for the Ten Thousand Races to turn the tables!"

Xu Qing clenched his fist, "This kind of news has not been revealed at all, the Council is really hiding it. "

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