Above the gray fog

Chapter 733 Orcs

"Did the evil retreat because of Si Yin's action?" Lin Shan asked.

The big black dog did not answer again, lying on the ground with his eyes closed to rest. It was lying there, but few people could see it.

Just when Lin Shan was about to go to the Ghost Gate with Xia Xuan, the big black dog suddenly opened his eyes again.

"Si Yin has no ability to protect the human race. Her action will definitely cause some unknown chain reactions. This reaction may be small or it may be huge. You must be mentally prepared...prepared for the human race's ancestral land to be completely destroyed."

"What do you mean?" Lin Shan looked back at it.

The big black dog closed his eyes and ignored Lin Shan.

"Let's go to the Ghost Gate to see." From the big black dog's words, Lin Shan could vaguely guess that there would be a bigger disaster behind.

That's right, it can only be regarded as an appetizer now. The God Corridor has not been truly broken, and the real evil army has not arrived.

Xia Xuan stretched out her hand and pressed towards the void.

Waves passed by, and a dark hole appeared, blowing out a wisp of cold wind.

Xia Xuan led Lin Shan deeper inside. Xia Xuan was familiar with this place and had been there countless times.

As they moved forward, a pale blue light appeared in front of them.

A thousand-foot-high archway stood tall, with the three characters "Ghost Gate" printed on it in a vigorous and powerful manner.

Unlike before, the Ghost Gate now had a small gap, and it was obvious that the Ghost Gate was trembling, as if there was a force pushing it.

A closer look would reveal that there was nothing in this place.

A string of white lanterns hanging next to the door kept shaking in the cold wind.

"What is pushing the door?" Lin Shan looked at the trembling door.

Xia Xuan thought for a while before saying, "You can think of the East China Sea as a container. This container is now full, and the Ghost Gate is the lid of this container. The one pushing the door is the endless resentful souls of the East China Sea."

"Looking at the force, I'm afraid it can't be pushed open..." Lin Shan frowned.

"Well, as long as the East China Sea is stabilized, there will always be a day to push it open." Xia Xuan said.

"Well...is there any progress on Earth?" Lin Shan asked. It was easy to stabilize the East China Sea, but he was afraid that by then the tribe would have lost all their land and the Gate of Hell would not be opened.

"No." Xia Xuan shook her head, "There are only some ideas, but they cannot be implemented."

When the two left the space where the Gate of Hell was, they injected spirituality into the East China Sea barrier again.

Three months later.

During these three months, the human race carried out a comprehensive reconstruction.

The casualty statistics have also been sorted out.

This statistics has not been published yet, and only a few people are qualified to see it.

Inside the aerospace battleship.

Lin Shan stared at the light curtain in front of him.

The number of injured and disabled people was directly ignored by Lin Shan.

He looked directly at the number of deaths below.

The human population has decreased by 25%. This all-out attack by the evil has caused nearly 3 billion people of the human race to leave forever.

More than 20,000 extraordinary people, close to three-quarters of the total number of extraordinary people, are at the forefront and sacrifice the most tragically.

Lin Shan frowned, was silent for a while, and continued to stare at the light curtain.

In addition to the loss of population, countless buildings, cities and infrastructure were destroyed and needed to be rebuilt.

The price was too heavy.

He was not there in this war, but the casualty rate alone showed how tragic it was.

It was the war with the highest casualties in the history of the human race.

White silk was hung in every household, and grief and wailing filled the entire tribe.

He was powerless to do anything about it.

Below the casualty statistics, there were letters from other races asking for help from the human race.

Lin Shan spent more than half of his time in the past three months rushing to the surrounding races for support.

The human race was not the only one attacked. Almost all of the more than 100 races in the United Government were attacked. Now there may be less than half of the races still around. The area where the human race is located is less than one light year away from the God's Corridor, which is the front line of the central area.

As the most powerful civilization nearby, the human race is the first target of these small civilizations to seek help.

And the human race, as the strongest in the region, has no one to ask for help.

The human race also asked the Council for help, but all they got was a reply that all the races were defeated and couldn't spare any manpower.

This is indeed the case. Everyone is in trouble, so who has the energy to help you?

Lin Shan is the only one who provided external support. He is very powerful and is not afraid of Sequence 5. The other Sequence 7s in the tribe are not as powerful as him. As long as these Sequence 7s are still there, the human race will always be a strong race, and these people cannot be lost.

However, facing the requests for help from hundreds of tribes around, the human race can't just sit back and watch. These small tribes usually offer sacrifices to the human race and even give their faith to the human race. Now that the human race has ended the war, it is reasonable for them to support them.

There are three letters in total.

It represents requests for support from three tribes. If he is fast, he can finish it in one day. All he needs to do is kill high-sequence enemies.

Lin Shan randomly picked one.

[Dear human leaders:

We, the Behemoths of the Orcs, are being invaded and oppressed by the evil. Our homes have been destroyed by the evil army, our people have been killed, and our lives and dignity have been insulted and destroyed beyond our capacity.

We, the Behemoths, have tried our best to resist the invasion of the evil, but our strength and resources are far from comparable to those of the evil. We are now in a desperate situation and urgently need the assistance of the human race. We hope that the human race can send troops to support us, help us regain our lost land, and defend our homes and families.

We sincerely hope to get a reply and assistance from the human race as soon as possible. We will keep it in mind and do our best to repay the help and friendship of the human race.


The beast king of the Behemoth tribe of the Orcs - Segram. ]

"The Behemoth tribe..." Lin Shan muttered. This should be a tribe with great potential. Don't ask him how he knows. As an earthling, he naturally knows the royal family of the Orcs.

Coming to the gray fog world, even the mythical races such as the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan have to develop from scratch. The name is just a name. The glory they once had has little to do with the present.

And according to the data secretly investigated by the human race, the Behemoth tribe themselves know that their ancestors are very powerful, but other races have not even heard of the Behemoth tribe. The earth is still special. What they know is far more than other civilizations.

The Behemoths should be a race that came back later. The strongest in the tribe is less than Sequence 7. When the human race discovered them, they were still in a wild state of twos and threes, and had no resistance to the human race.

"Go to the Behemoths." Lin Shan said.

Dakong immediately completed the positioning, and the aerospace battleship began to accelerate. In just a few minutes, it stopped outside the Behemoths' tribe.

The starship entered the tribe without any hindrance.

This place has been completely occupied by the evil, and there is no sign of war.

Lin Shan has also encountered this situation. For a small tribe, there are not many people. When encountering an invincible danger, it is also a way to abandon the tribe and escape.

The human race did this when it was weak.

Especially for a race like the Behemoths who are naturally strong, it is normal to make this choice. The danger of the gray fog is now only weird. Compared with weirdness, the pressure from the evil army is obviously greater.

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