Above the gray fog

Chapter 745 Pink Romantic Tavern

Human race.

Lin Shan returned to the former Yongchang City.

After Lin Shan's explanation, the Ark Plan is fermenting in the human race.

Such a large-scale selection cannot be concealed for long. The human race is now in a turmoil because of the "Ark Plan".

There are even small-scale uprisings, demanding an explanation from the human government.

However, for the current human race, these meaningless uprisings cannot cause any splashes.

The former Yongchang City was the most prosperous city of the human race. This city has the most advanced technology, the most advanced culture, and the most advanced lifestyle.

However, after the baptism of war, there are still ruined streets here. These places are flying with dust and smoke, and scavengers can be seen everywhere, looking for things that can be used here.

Lin Shan walked in the simple streets rebuilt on the edge of the ruins.

He accidentally glimpsed a familiar poster.

It was a pink ghost.

Posted in front of a tavern.

Lin Shan has seen the image of this pink ghost many times.

There was a melodious song coming from the tavern. The song was very infectious and had a healing effect on the soul. It could affect Lin Shan, and it was obvious that there was a supernatural factor in it.

Listening to the song, Lin Shan felt calm unconsciously in his heart. He took a step and walked into this tavern that looked extremely popular.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a round stage in the middle of the bar. A pink ghost stood under the lights in the center of the stage, and everyone stared at it intently.

There were no seats left in the bar, so Lin Shan walked to the corner and leaned against the wall.

"Friends of the human race, the war has brought us indelible scars. My own race has also suffered heavy losses in this war, but we cannot give up. As long as we are alive, there is still hope. If we persist until the last moment, perhaps we will be the winner. I have written a new song "Rebirth" for all my friends of the human race."

The once prosperous city

is now a ruin

The blade of war is merciless

Leaving endless scars

I hope we will no longer see

Such destruction and devastation

I hope everyone can feel

The beauty and light of life

Let us take steps together

Move towards the future

Rebuild our homeland

Fill the scars with love and peace


We fill the scars with love and peace

Rebirth, let us be reborn.

The beautiful melody smudges every listener. Because of the ability, the whole tavern is filled with spirituality, as if it is a fairyland.

Only singing and sobbing echoed side by side in the tavern.

"Go to work! Go to work!"

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly outside the door.

Everyone in the tavern fell from the fairyland to hell in an instant, sighing listlessly, as if living no longer had much meaning for them.

This generation had experienced the prosperity of the human race and enjoyed an abundant material life. Now they eat on time and work on time. This huge change in life is tantamount to falling from heaven to hell for them.

After a war, the original money becomes waste paper, and the rich and the poor return to the same level again. In this era, even if you have a smart mind, it is difficult to stand out because the people have lost the most basic freedom.

The human government also knows that this is not a good way, but the ultimate goal of all this is to reduce the number of deaths when the next battlefield comes. The human race has the technology and creativity that they once had, which can be put aside and they can climb up first according to the original blueprint.

The most important thing to do is to turn the existing resources into storable food and weapons and ammunition as quickly as possible.

After those people left, only Lin Shan and two others were left in the tavern, one was a sequence 9 extraordinary, and the other was an ordinary person.

Three people in three different corners.

Seeing that all the guests had left, the pink ghost floated down from the stage and asked, "Do the guests need wine?"

"Two bottles of your best 'Le Xin'" said the extraordinary person in the corner with a smile.

"Me too."

"What about this guest?" The pink ghost looked at Lin Shan.

Except for the center of the stage, the lights in other places in the tavern were very dim.

"Same as theirs." Lin Shan said.

Lin Shan turned on the optical brain, searched for Wu Wang's number in it, and dialed it directly.

Wu Wang should have nothing to do at this time.

Sure enough, as soon as he dialed, the other side immediately connected.

Wu Wang: "Lin Shan, you're back, how is the battle over there?"

Lin Shan: "Come to this position, I'm here."

Wu Wang: "You are in the pink romantic tavern, wait a moment, I'll be there in a while."

Wu Wang hung up the call, and before the wine was brought up, Wu Wang had already appeared at the door first, and he walked straight towards Lin Shan.

"Why did you come to this place? If you want to drink, just come to me. I still have a lot of old stock." Wu Wang sat opposite Lin Shan and said with a smile.

Then he shouted naturally, "Boss, two bottles of 'Le Xin'"

"Okay." The pink ghost responded.

"I've already asked for two bottles." Lin Shan said.

"It's not enough to drink." Wu Wang said with a smile, "Only 'Le Xin' is worth seeing here, the other wines are very ordinary."

"Do you come here often?" Lin Shan asked.

"Occasionally, occasionally." Wu Wang smiled.

"By the way." Wu Wang looked at Lin Shan, "How was the second battle of 'Shen Lin'?"

"We were just tools in the past, and some of us died. The gods of the Fallen Clan should have been besieged by the Ten Thousand Clan. The specific situation is still unknown, but it is estimated that it is not very good. I mean, even after the gods of the Fallen Clan are killed, the situation will not improve."

"When the Ark plan starts, you can go with me. I will watch over the human race. This is the ancestral land of the human race, and the inheritance cannot be broken."

"Are you really going to stay?" Wu Wang said seriously, "Or let's go together. The ancestral land is here. We can come back sooner or later."

Lin Shan shook his head and replied slowly:

"I have reasons to stay. I am not complete now. If I follow the Ark to leave the human circle, I will never be able to piece it together again in this life. Moreover, the importance of the ancestral land is self-evident. We have not explored the secrets of the Purple Soul Flower Forest. In addition, the lives of billions of people cannot be given up in vain..."

"By the way, don't tell Zhao Xiaoan that I want to stay. Others can do whatever they want."

"Well..." After a moment of silence, Wu Wang nodded in response.

Wu Wang knew clearly that among these people, the one who was most suitable to stay was probably Lin Shan.

Except for Lin Shan, other pioneers could hardly protect themselves, let alone protect the human race.

If all the extraordinary people were transferred, leaving billions of people in the tribe would be the same as abandoning them directly. This approach was inhumane.

They had to do something to show that they had not given up the tribe.

Whether it was to seek comfort in their hearts or for other reasons, the human race must have pioneers to stay. Not only the human race, but I am afraid that other races would do the same.

All races are emotional creatures, and both sensibility and rationality must give a result.

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