Above the gray fog

Chapter 759 Verifying the hypothesis

This soul fragment only has the power of Sequence 9.

It is composed of part of the spirit of the ghost body and the power of the soul.

This is the first time that he has walked so easily outside in the ghost body form. If it was before, his consciousness might have begun to blur.

It should be related to the promotion to Sequence 5, or it may be related to the rules of the universe, Lin Shan thought in his heart.

If it is related to the promotion, the "soul separation" feature seems to be useless. Now he can maintain the "soul separation" state indefinitely.

In other words, he will have almost unlimited "spirituality" or "ether" to use.

In the ghost body state, he can clearly feel the "ether" in the void, and can even mobilize it easily.

It is not to absorb the "ether", but to mobilize the "ether" of this void at will in the form of a command.

His ghost body is very special, so special that it can take both universes.

The little black man walked with a swagger, followed the yellow-haired and glasses youth before, and entered the Chosen Tower together.

No one checked the identity outside the Chosen Tower.

There was only one hall, surrounded by elevators.

The Chosen Tower is composed of three triangular pillars. The three pillars seem to be connected together, but they are actually very far apart and connected by a bridge.

This place is so big that Lin Shan doesn't know where to go.

He can only follow the two people.

The man with glasses took out a crystal card from his pocket, leaned against the elevator first, and then pressed 1899 floors.

The elevator ran at a high speed, and after a violent acceleration, it reached the target floor in a few seconds.

The elevator door opened.

In front of him was a huge space, and the ceiling was covered with strange devices, shining brightly.

In the center of the space, there was a wide platform with various instruments and devices on it, and some people were busy around.

The ground was a transparent blue crystal, and every step would make a pleasant click.

Lin Shan walked on the blue crystal floor, and the floor reflected the shadows of everyone, except him.

When he walked to the device in the middle, there were only a series of numbers that kept jumping on it.

Several people in white coats recorded the numbers that kept changing in front of the device.

"The concentration of the earth's ether is increasing rapidly, doubling every year. The 'ether' of the entire solar system is leaning towards the earth. For the chosen ones, now is the best time. You can break through by drinking water at home."

"Unfortunately, there are only the last two hundred years left." Someone sighed, "In two hundred years, can the earth really have the god-level strongmen that Noah's civilization said?"

"Do your best. This is the only chance to prevent the earth from merging into the gray fog universe."

"Perhaps, there is nothing wrong with crossing the gray fog. Didn't you see that the powerful Noah civilization is trying hard to drill into the gray fog, but we are thinking about how to reject the absorption of the gray fog."

"We are different from them. They are strong in themselves. They can break through the shackles when they go to the gray fog, but we are weak. If we go to the gray fog, we will still struggle at the bottom. The person who came back from the gray fog hundreds of years ago also said that the gray fog is hell and a meat grinder."

Lin Shan listened quietly on the side.

The conversation between the few people was a little unexpected to him, but it was reasonable.

The Chosen Tower wants to prevent the Earth from merging into the Gray Mist.

For people living on Earth, the Gray Mist wants to destroy the Earth.

They should stop it.

However, for the human races in various places in the Gray Mist Universe, the more people cross over, the greater the probability of the human race rising in the Gray Mist.

If one human race rises, other human races can also benefit from it.

"Where should I go if I want to check some information?"

"Go to the reading room on the 180th floor."

"Huh? Did you just ask me a question?"

"What? I didn't say anything..."

At this moment, Lin Shan is falling down from more than a thousand floors, one floor at a time.

He is in a soul state, and these real materials can't stop him.

The Chosen Tower, 180 floors.

It took some time for Lin Shan to finally determine the number of floors.

Paper books from all over the world are stored here, and rows of bookshelves stand like tall buildings.

Lin Shan walked through the book area and came to the electronic reading area.

A soft chair with a crystal ball floating in front of it.

Lin Shan is also a local, and he is not unfamiliar with today's technological creations.

He sat down on the chair and tapped the light ball in front of him.

A transparent light curtain unfolded around Lin Shan.

[Welcome to this reading system, please tell me what information you want to check. ]

[Call up all information about the Chosen One. ] Lin Shan typed on the light curtain.

[To check the Chosen One information, please log in to the Chosen One official website. ]

[This device has been connected to the Chosen One official website, please enter the registered Chosen One identity information. ]

Lin Shan's finger stopped in mid-air.

Where did he get the Chosen One identity information...

"It's just a piece of information, is it necessary to make it so confidential? There are no external enemies on Earth now, and even if it is directly disclosed, it will not have much impact. It's just a matter of interest and internal struggle." Lin Shan complained, but there was nothing he could do, so he could only wait where he was.

He didn't believe that no novice Chosen One would come to check the information.

One day, two days, until the third day.

Finally someone came in.

It was a blonde foreign woman, in her 20s. She didn't come to the electronic reading area, but just searched in the paper book area.

Lin Shan didn't want to wait any longer, so he had to resort to force.

Bentham Lina had just become the Chosen One. This was her second visit to the Chosen Tower. If nothing unexpected happened, she would settle here for a long time. Everything here made her feel like she was dreaming.

Her favorite thing was this library, where she could see all the books in the world.


She felt that she could not move.

She wanted to call for help but could not make a sound. Her body walked towards a certain place stiffly, and every step was like someone was twisting her joints.

She was extremely frightened and did not understand what was wrong with her. She could only struggle desperately.

But all this was useless.

Until she saw a dark shadow sitting in the seat of the electronic reading area and said to her, "Do you want to die or live?"

Bentham Lina's pupils contracted violently because of fear, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.


"Yes, yes, I am a monster. I don't have any hobbies, but I like to eat people. If you use your identity information to help me log on to the Tianxuan official website, I can consider not eating you."

"If you agree, blink your eyes. If you don't agree, I will start eating..." Lin Shan said faintly with his mental power, and at the same time created a little pressure. The pressure from the life level would affect even Lin Shan himself, let alone the rookie in front of him.

The effect is just right, which will make her feel terrified and on the verge of mental collapse, but will not make her faint directly.

Bentham Lina blinked frantically to express her agreement, fearing that the black monster in front of her could not see it.

"Well..." Lin Shan moved her to the seat, "If you dare to play tricks, you will be eaten by me before the rescuer comes."

Lin Shan opened his mouth, which was bigger than a water tank, to prove that he had this ability.

Bentham Lina's body stiffened again, and she was about to faint from fear, so Lin Shan stopped the action at the right time.

Seeing her trembling fingers, Lin Shan slowly entered her identity information and nodded with satisfaction.

"I'm kidding, I don't eat people." When the system prompted that the login was successful, Lin Shan slowly said, "Sleep for a while, it's just a dream."

Putting the unconscious Bentham Lina on a seat beside him, Lin Shan immediately went to the official website of the Chosen to check the relevant information of the Chosen.

"It's just as I thought."

"The Chosen can use the energy of 'ether' to strengthen themselves and break through the life level by themselves."

"However, after the breakthrough, only the total amount, quality, and part of the life span of 'ether' are improved, and new characteristics cannot be obtained."

"What is this?"

"Martial arts secrets?"

"I see, since new characteristics cannot be obtained, we can only work hard on the use of 'ether' to improve individual combat effectiveness. In this regard, the Gray Mist people are not as good as the Earth side."

"However, the characteristics plus some abilities that come with the breakthrough are enough for the Gray Mist to study in depth, and there is no time to develop spiritual fancy uses."

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