Above the gray fog

Chapter 780: Mortal Kingdom

After leaving the Judge's Hall, Lin Shan flew directly to the Ghost Gate.

He passed through the barrier of the Ghost Gate without any hindrance.

Lin Shan stopped in front of the Ghost Gate, wondering where to go.

There were no spatial nodes around, which meant... the underworld was not in the scale prison, nor in the space layer.

At this time, Lin Shan noticed that those souls were floating down from the sky.

"The underworld, the underworld... will it be underground?" Lin Shan looked at the dark sky, and a thought suddenly emerged.

The next second, Lin Shan appeared directly in the sky, and went up along the direction where the soul floated down.

I don't know how long I flew, the space became a little sticky, and many illusory souls stagnated here. They were unconscious and drifted aimlessly until the souls were condensed under the influence of the rules of the underworld, and then they would float towards the Ghost Gate.

Continuing to fly upwards, Lin Shan hurriedly stopped and looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

He saw a vast sea suspended in the air, with a huge school of fish swimming in the cold seabed, and colorful seabed plants shining.

The most special thing is that groups of light blue souls are swimming in the seabed with these fish, and they will eventually pass through the seabed and come to the underworld.

"Is this... the East China Sea?"

Before the gates of hell were opened, the East China Sea was the only place for souls to return, but I didn't expect that the entire East China Sea was the entrance to the underworld.

Lin Shan stepped forward and gently touched the sea water.

"Fake... Is it a projection?"

Without any feeling, his hand went straight through.

At this time, a red and white fish with teeth swam over.

Lin Shan was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and grabbed it.

"Plop." With a sound.

The one-meter-long fish was directly caught by Lin Shan from the illusory sea water.

The fish only plopped a few times and soon died.

A little bit of blue light was separated from the fish body and dissipated.

"Fish also have souls?" Lin Shan was a little curious. Aren't those blue particles just now the particles that make up the soul? Unfortunately, they are too rare. Once they leave the body, they can only dissipate.

After trying, Lin Shan already knew the details of this illusory sea area, which is between illusion and reality.

Lin Shan threw away the big fish in his hand and plunged into the illusory sea area.

"Gulp, gulp." A pressure of sea water suddenly hit.

At the same time, there was also a strong spirituality.

At this moment, Lin Shan, like a sponge that has been dry for a long time, madly absorbed the spirituality that rushed into him.

The characteristics in the body revived one after another.

The ownerless spirituality within a radius of hundreds of kilometers rushed into the body with an almost brutal and unreasonable attitude.

Lin Shan's skin turned red, like a cooked shrimp, and the spirituality was like a wave, pouring into his body non-stop. The strange body was not to be outdone, and part of the spirituality was converted into spirituality and stored.

"So comfortable..."

Lin Shan only felt that his whole body was full of strength. At this moment, he was stronger than ever.

Is this the power of Sequence 5...

Suddenly, Lin Shan showed a look of astonishment, which was soon replaced by joy.

In addition to spirituality and supernatural powers, there is also a power that crosses dimensions surging from the soul.

That's right, it is not absorbed from the outside, but surging from the soul.

This power is like countless tiny lightning bolts rushing through Lin Shan's body, leaving a mess wherever it passes.

Lin Shan is too familiar with this power, he has studied it on Earth for decades.

This is ether.

"Ether... Why can gray fog also use ether."

Lin Shan sank into consciousness to find the source of 'ether', and finally locked on the characteristics in his body.

The previous characteristic fragment was completed, it lost its original ability, and became a channel connecting the twin universes.

This channel can only pass energy, not people, and allows Lin Shan to absorb 'ether' in the gray fog universe.

"How did this come from?" Lin Shan pondered, and walked forward following his memory, and there was a blank in front.

The part about the characteristic fragment was completely missing.

Lin Shan remained silent. This was the second time his memory was tampered with.

The joy just now was diluted in an instant.

In any case, being able to use ‘Ether’ is a good thing. Having ‘Ether’ means that he can infinitely strengthen his body, even comparable to the fallen body, and with the ‘Strange World’, it is not a problem to punch a fallen of the same level.

“‘Heart Light’ has been replaced, so... ‘Soul Separation’ is gone.” Seeing this feature, Lin Shan immediately thought that Heart Light is okay, and its value is definitely not as high as ‘Ether’, but ‘Soul Separation’ has always been his trump card.

Lin Shan just sighed a little, without the slightest reluctance. Now he is already Sequence 5, and the basic ability of Sequence 5 is soul separation. For him now, he can use the power of the strange body with or without ‘Soul Separation’.

‘Soul Separation’ must have other abilities to appear when it reaches Sequence 5. It is impossible to just let the soul leave the body. There should be no such useless characteristics in the world, but it has nothing to do with him. He wants ‘Soul Separation’ just to use the ability to let the soul leave the body, and now it is no longer needed.

Lin Shan thought in his heart, and a black shadow broke free from the body.

One second, ten seconds, thirty seconds.

No discomfort at all.

One minute.

Some strange whispers sounded in my ears.

One minute and thirty seconds, my consciousness gradually blurred.

The shadow returned to the body again, muttering to himself:

"Sure enough, the ghost body can't stay in the gray fog universe for too long, but now it can last for nearly two minutes, which is definitely enough for interspersed in battle. Every time it leaves the body, it gathers energy for one second. In one battle, the ghost body can be used 120 times..."

"There is also bad news. I can't use the soul like I did on Earth. Maybe... I can make a few puppet bodies..."

"Bang!" The waves rushed up to the sky, and Lin Shan appeared ten thousand meters above the sky.

Every breath was full of spirituality. Lin Shan now wanted to find a qualitative change strongman to fight and verify his strength.

Of course, it's better not to have such an enemy.

He should be able to easily control the ordinary sequence 5, and the qualitative change is another level.

Lin Shan extended his mental power and scanned in all directions.

Now he is in the first stage of biological sequence 5 and the peak of ghost sequence 6.

The two together can provide a mental scanning range of 320 kilometers. He can clearly know how many earthworms there are underground. This range is also his attack range. His ability can reach any place within this range.

Five minutes later,

Lin Shan looked a little ugly.

I didn't expect the human race to regress to this point.

After spending some time, Lin Shan used his mental power to scan the entire tribe.

He got some useful information from various complicated information.

The area of ​​the tribe has not only not shrunk, but has also expanded a lot. The current diameter of the tribe is probably more than 30,000 kilometers.

Over the years, the population has almost expanded to 70 billion.

Because the protection circle he set up before protected the human race, it also blocked the human race's extraordinary path. The strongest person in the human race is now only a pseudo-supernormal.

Among the hundreds of billions of people, there is no supernormal.

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