Above the gray fog

Chapter 783 Two Things

The moment Lin Shan's voice sounded, the whole city was suffocatingly quiet. Citizens stopped what they were doing, looked up at the golden light and huge projection in the sky, and were filled with shock and confusion.

Then it boiled like an explosion.

"Ah~" Many people were shocked by the sudden voice.

"What's going on?" Someone looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

"Look at that shadow, who is that person?" Someone asked his companion next to him.

"Is this a god descended?" Someone exclaimed.

"He said he was Lin Shan, such a familiar name..."

"Human pioneer... Lin Shan..."

As Lin Shan's name spread, more people began to realize.

This is a legendary figure, a pioneer of the human race.

The eyes of the citizens gradually changed from panic to awe.

"He is back? The book doesn't clearly record that he did not leave with the Ark Fleet, because he died of exhaustion protecting the human race... Lin Xianxian is still alive? Is this true?" An old man first talked to himself, and then asked excitedly.

"This is a legend, and there are clear records that he has died. How can we see him in person? Isn't this a new trick of the Ministry of Science and Technology?" Someone expressed doubts.

The whispers of millions of people can be clearly heard by Lin Shan.

Lin Shan then said:

"I am a little disappointed with the current situation of the human race. In seven days, leaders of the tribe and the countries, I will wait for you in this building."

As time passed, Lin Shan's projection also disappeared, and the golden light in the air gradually shrank, shining obliquely on the square building.

This peaceful city, like a series of bombs, exploded one after another.

There were many people who had not reacted just now, and they woke up in an instant.

The whole city was boiling, and there were many opinions.

"Isn't that an illusion? Is it real? Is that projection the legendary Lin Xianfeng?"

"Lin Xianfeng? Isn't that a god?"

There are also a few people who are still confused: "He said... he is back, who is he?"

"Was that a supernatural power just now? It turns out... does it really exist..."

After the projection disappeared, the whole city began to gradually return to calm, but the uneasiness and doubts lingered in people's hearts.

The lower-class people knew limited things. The scene that just happened was very shocking to them. They could be used as a topic of conversation for a long time in the future, but in fact, it would not have the slightest impact on their lives.

The high-level representatives of various countries were completely the opposite. Some of them were already sweating anxiously, "He is a little disappointed with the human race? What does that mean?"

"Hunter, is he back to rectify the human race..."

Some people were in tears and whispered to themselves: "We have tried our best..."

Some high-level people even worried about their status. They have been in high positions for a long time, so they don't have much respect for terms such as pioneers. When the pioneers come back, what they are most worried about is... Will their rights be affected?

According to records, the pioneers are all powerful people who master extraordinary powers. The sky and the earth can collapse with a wave of their hands. The scene just now is the best proof.

After Lin Shan issued the notice, he went directly to the roof of the building and waited, locking the whole city with his mental power to collect information.

From the third day, there were continuous convoys entering the city and walking into the building under Lin Shan's feet.

Lin Shan sat on the edge of the building, looking at the dense crowds below.

But his heart was unusually empty.

There is really no acquaintance in this clan land now.

I don't know how the Ark Fleet is now.

Where is it going, and how long will it take to reach the destination.

After arriving at the destination, how long will it take to settle down.

After settling down, will you think of returning to the ancestral land again?

Lin Shan is not worried about the safety of the Ark Fleet.

The Ark Fleet of Ten Thousand Races is a force that can conquer most galaxies.

There are not a few gods following it, and there are countless high-order strongmen.

As long as it does not encounter a situation like the human circle that is almost hostile to the entire galaxy, there are few problems that the Ark Fleet of Ten Thousand Races cannot solve.

In the human circle, the "Chasing Fire" has not been completely resolved, and the development of the ancestral land is also a big problem. Everything has to start from scratch. The only difference is that there is no need to grope anymore. If we go step by step, sooner or later we can restore the previous level.

The only change that will occur is "Chasing Fire".

I hope that "Chasing Fire" has calmed down and will not launch a second purge.

Lin Shan thought secretly in his heart.

He sat alone on the rooftop of the building, blowing gusts of cool breeze, looking at the distant sky. Under the afterglow, the shadow was stretched very long, as if abandoned at the end of the city.

Several wilted plants grew precariously in the corner, and as the wind blew, they made a faint groaning sound, and dust was also raised with the wind.

The afterglow was gradually obscured, and only some weak light passed through the thick clouds and fell on the city in front of Lin Shan.

Lin Shan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A bottle of wine that was placed in the storage space at some point appeared in Lin Shan's hand.

After taking a few sips, I felt a little tipsy, and the scenes of the tribe’s land in different periods emerged in my mind.

From a few thatched houses to tall buildings everywhere.

Long March after long march, disaster after disaster.

Development, fall.

The higher the development, the worse the fall.

The road ahead for the human race is too tortuous.

He gazed into the distance, looking at the horizon dyed red by the afterglow of the setting sun, and felt an unspeakable sadness and loneliness in his heart.

After returning from Earth, some inexplicable emotions became more and more.

Is this the side effect of surviving the Nine Tribulations?

Day and night alternated, and Lin Shan did not move for seven days.

However, there were hundreds of empty bottles on the rooftop of the high-rise building.

After being still for a long time, Lin Shan stood up and sent a message to everyone in the building, "Find a meeting room, I'll be there in a while."

Upon hearing this, representatives of various countries immediately began to choose the venue.

The venue was very luxurious, with gorgeous decorations hanging on the walls of the hall, and various gems and precious items dotted the entire venue. In the center of the hall, there was a huge round table with various delicacies and drinks on the table. Representatives of various human countries sat at this round table.

That's right, most of the people who came were representatives, not the leaders themselves.

Not only that, the venue was filled with various guards inside and outside.

Most of the senior executives were wary of the sudden appearance of the pioneer. They did not live in an era of pioneers' protection. This era was dominated by them. The sudden appearance of a pioneer was not necessarily a good thing for them.

However, due to the prestige of the pioneers among the people, if it was a real pioneer, they had to come. Before the meeting, they had deduced all the possibilities and prepared various arguments to deal with the pioneer.

Lin Shan walked into the hall. His clothes were very simple, a white robe with gold edges. The only decoration was the extremely sci-fi diamond necklace hanging around his neck.

There were hundreds of people sitting at the huge round table. There was an empty seat reserved for him. They also put up a sign for him with the words Lin Shan on it.

Lin Shan directly crossed the seat and stood under the big screen in front of the conference room.

"I'm Lin Shan. If you don't know me, you can go and look at the history books."

"I know what you talked about, what you prepared, who came and who didn't."

"I won't argue with you about these. There are only two things you need to do in the future."

"The first thing is the unification of the human race."

"The second thing is to restore technology."

"Don't think about refusing, and there is no need for other excuses. I am responsible for the human race, and you can't represent the human race."

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