Above the gray fog

Chapter 804 Ocean Essence

The thread of fate is connected to it, which means it must be extraordinary. Even though the armored whale struggled and wailed desperately, Lin Shan used his mental power to scan its whole body.

He found a strange place in its brain. There was a dark blue liquid flowing in its brain. The amount of liquid was very rare. If it weren't for the strange power, Lin Shan would even miss it.

With a slight thought, the dark blue liquid was drawn out by Lin Shan. Lin Shan stared at the light dark blue liquid thread the size of a hair in front of him, took out a transparent bottle and put it in.

At this moment, he could be sure that this dark blue liquid was the "ocean essence", but the amount was far less than 5 grams.

When Lin Shan drew out the dark blue liquid, the struggle of the huge armored whale came to an abrupt end.

The breath of the whale's life disappeared the moment the ocean essence was drawn out.

As Sersi watched the whale gradually sink to the bottom of the sea, sadness flashed in her eyes.

"There should be more whales like this in this sea. One whale provides about one gram of ocean essence. Find ten whales and make up two portions."

"Well, okay." Cersei put away her wounds and felt something. Sympathy proved that she still had humanity, but it did not affect her next behavior at all.

"No need to look for them." Lao Wang looked into the distance and said, "They are coming."

The waves in the distance roared loudly. More than ten meters underwater, hundreds of identical whales rushed towards Lin Shan and others.

The Sequence 7 Evil Fallen that we saw before was pulling these whales frantically to prevent them from approaching Lin Shan and others.

"Don't go, don't go, you are not their opponents."

"Come back soon!"

Lin Shan and others were expressionless, waiting for the whales to rush over.

"Woo woo woo..."

The sound of whales roared throughout the sea.

The whales jumped up one after another, trying to press Lin Shan and others into the sea with their huge bodies.

"Boom boom!"

What jumped up was a huge whale, and what fell down was a huge corpse.

The ocean essence in the bottle was getting more and more, and the glass bottle was filled up. Roughly speaking, it was at least 200 grams.

There were corpses of whales floating on the sea, and there were a few small whales in the distance. The sadness in their eyes was indescribable, and they whimpered from time to time.

Seeing that no more whales rushed up, Lin Shan put the glass bottle into the storage space. He originally only wanted to collect ten grams, but he didn't expect these whales to come and die without caring about their lives.

In this situation, this kind of dying style is definitely not advisable. Lin Shan really didn't want to kill so many.

Even Cersei was killing while feeling sad, and didn't say anything about begging for these whales.

These whales seemed to be deliberately dying. The strong should not be provoked.

Lao Wang was killing with relish. He saw that this "ocean essence" was a good thing, and it had other uses even if it was not used as a potion material.

The three of them had collected a lot of ocean essence. Seeing that no whales were rushing up to die, Lin Shan said softly, "Let's go."

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, the first discovered Sequence 7 Evil, enduring the breath of the three people, tremblingly approached.

It questioned Lin Shan and others: "Why are you slaughtering whales! They are a group of kind creatures."

When it approached, Lin Shan realized.

This thing is not Evil, but Sequence 7 of the Plant Clan.

Because it looks like a starfish, Lin Shan initially thought it was Evil, but now it seems that it is covered with green branches and roots and is obviously a Plant Clan.

A pair of narrow eyes are placed in the center, staring at Lin Shan and others.

"Huh?" Old Wang shouted exaggeratedly, "Kind creatures? How kind are they? To whom are they kind? Are they kind to us? The kind creatures you mentioned have the intention to kill us, but we are just stronger."

"You are also Sequence 7, can you not be so ignorant."

Old Wang was about to slap the starfish plant to death, but was stopped by Cersei, "Master Old Wang, forget it, it's not good to kill innocent people."

"Hmph." Old Wang snorted coldly, not wanting to argue with this weak creature.

"It was you who killed the companions of these sea elves first!" The starfish was unyielding and looked like he was courting death.

"I warn you, you are just a little bit away from death." Old Wang looked at the starfish plant and said it casually, but if the starfish dared to say one more word, Old Wang would definitely slap it to death without hesitation.

Cersei looked at the starfish plant and asked, "What do those whales usually eat?"

"Fish..." The starfish plant didn't understand why Cersei asked this, and answered subconsciously.

"When they eat fish, will the fish resist them? Or even put it in front of their mouths for them to eat?"

"No..." The starfish plant was stunned for a moment, as if it had understood what Sersi was going to say.

Sersi then asked, "If the whale's food is put in front of the whale's mouth, will the whale eat it?"

"Yes..." The starfish plant's voice became lower.

"That's it." Lao Wang looked at the starfish plant and said faintly: "The whale may not think of eating so much, but if there is food in front of their mouths, it would be impolite for them not to eat it."

The three disappeared, leaving the starfish plant in place, staring at the whale corpses floating on the sea, these were its former companions.

At an altitude of hundreds of thousands of meters, the three people talked with their mental power.

Sersi: "Master Lin Shan, Master Lao Wang, we are like bullies."

Lao Wang: "What do you mean by like? We are."

Lin Shan: "Okay, okay, it's just natural selection. There is one last material, and I can't find it with my ability. Is there any other way?"

Lao Wang: "The last material is the soul, right?"

Lin Shan: "Yes."

Lao Wang: "You can't find this thing with anything. You need to judge it yourself. The normal way is to pay attention to the lives of a few ordinary people. When you meet a suitable one, take his soul and make medicine when he dies."

Lin Shan: "An ordinary person's life is at least several decades. Is there a faster way?"

Lao Wang: "Yes, you can just ask around. If you feel that someone is a good person, take his soul. This method has an element of gambling. Once the soul composition does not meet the standard, it may affect the quality of the magic medicine. Thoroughly understanding a person's composition is the way most extraordinary people choose to advance to Sequence 5. By the way, this method also has the benefit of enhancing human nature."

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