Above the gray fog

Chapter 808: Glowing Tribe

The civilization here calls itself the "Glow Tribe".

The Glow Tribe is a group of small and agile creatures with an average height of only one meter, but they have extraordinary wisdom and natural spiritual affinity.

The eyes of the Glow Tribe are large and bright, emitting a soft light, and their hair is thin and lush, emitting a variety of colorful colors.

This tribe is not one of the Ten Thousand Tribes.

It is a new race with a long history of existence.

Because they have no inheritance, everything starts from scratch, and the development of civilization in the early stage is extremely slow.

This tribe has avoided countless disasters in the tribe, and has just emerged from the gray fog.

Until now, it has barely entered the level of first-level civilization, and the strongest in the tribe has not reached sequence 9.

Lin Shan teleported to the gathering place of the Glow Tribe.

The Glow Tribe lives in the forest, which they call the "Glow Forest". The forest is full of mysterious energy flow, and the air is filled with weak fluorescence, which covers the entire forest with a layer of psychedelic color.

Lin Shan stood in the forest, quietly observing the little creatures playing by the stream not far away.

This tribe is very strange, with a natural affinity for spirituality, and can manipulate the ownerless spirituality around it.

This affinity can also be improved through special methods, which are somewhat similar to the cultivation system, but this system is not yet mature.

Lin Shan retracted his mental power and focused all his attention on this forest with a radius of only a hundred miles.

There are many slender streams and lakes in the Glowing Forest, and tiny light particles float on the water, like stars in the water.

There are also various strange plants in the forest. Like the Glowing people, they have their own special fluorescent effects, adding a mysterious and magical atmosphere to the entire forest.

The Glowing People coexist with the Glowing Forest in a harmonious symbiosis. They advocate balance and peace.

Lin Shan disappeared again and appeared in a settlement. They built wooden houses to live in and used natural forces to promote fruit trees as their main food.

Not far away, a dozen Glowing Tribe members sat together, with a fruit tree in the middle. They turned their palms toward the fruit tree, closed their eyes, and began to gather their spirituality, transforming it into gentle natural power. The fruit tree blossomed and bore fruit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Several more agile tribe members climbed up the tree to pick the fruits and distributed them to other tribe members.

This settlement, with about tens of thousands of people, is the largest settlement in the surrounding area.

The Glowing Tribe is not unified, and disputes occasionally occur between settlements.

Lin Shan set his eyes on the statue not far away.

That is his statue.

About ten meters high, it is an absolute behemoth for these Glowing Tribe members who are only one meter tall.

There are still some cracks on the statue, which are traces left by time.

This Glowing settlement was built around this statue.

If nothing unexpected happens, this statue must have been moved from the outside by the Glowing Tribe. It was once built by the Green Mandarin Duck Tribe and the Flower Spider Tribe, and for some reason it was re-believed in by the Glowing Civilization.

This tribe has only tens of thousands of people, and the speed of faith generation is not fast, but the accumulated faith in this tribe is not small.

The Qingyuan tribe and Huazhi tribe have been destroyed, and several generations have passed on the Huiguang tribe. The origin of this statue, as well as the cause and effect of the Qingyuan tribe, Huazhi tribe and Huiguang tribe will gradually be buried in history.

Lin Shan looked at his statue, wondering if he could do something. He was not a real god yet, and could not change the believers through faith. He could only start from the outside.

If this tribe could unify the Huiguang tribe and spread his faith to the surrounding areas, it would be a big gain. The attribute of the godhead of "Good and Evil Lord" should be very rare.

It is not so easy to shape a specific godhead. The power of the godhead is related to the believers' cognition of the gods they believe in. The best way is to give a suitable god name to guide the believers. At the beginning, Lin Shan gave the name "Good and Evil Lord" at random, but he didn't expect it to fit the power of good and evil.

He now has three kinds of faith godheads.

Pioneer, Lord of Good and Evil, and the Son of Darkness who was almost self-dissipating in the small ant tribe.

Pioneer godhood means opening up, and it controls the extremely aggressive power of light.

Lin Shan has never used the two powers of Son of Darkness and Lord of Good and Evil. There are too few beliefs in these two powers, and there is no place to use them.

Lin Shan's thoughts moved slightly.

The statue burst out with dazzling golden light.

Under the influence of the mountain and sea magic, the cracks on the statue healed quickly.

This scene was clearly imprinted in the eyes of the nearby Glowing Clan.

A large number of Glowing Clan members knelt on the ground without saying a word, and prayed in their mouths.

Lin Shan closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, his pupils turned black and white.

This was the first time Lin Shan used the power of the 'Lord of Good and Evil' in the vision of two-color pupils.

The power of faith was gradually consumed, and the consumption of exploration was different depending on the strength of the creatures.

The people below had mixed flames of black and white. Most of the people in this tribe had strong white flames and weak black flames.

There were also a few tribesmen whose black flames dominated.

Among these tens of thousands of people, even in this relatively primitive tribe, not a single person met the standard of 90% kindness, and the most was only 70% kindness.

Most people were 60% kind and 40% evil, which met the standard of normal people, dominated by kindness. In the eyes of many people, people with this kind of composition can be called good people.

The person with 70% kindness can already be called a saint in some people's mouths...

Lin Shan thought that this soul with 90% kindness was easy to obtain, but now it seems that there is no easy material for Sequence 5 potion.

Putting away his power, Lin Shan felt the consumption of faith. Just the exploration did not consume too much faith, probably less than one thousandth of the total.

But this is only tens of thousands of people. If a suitable target is not found after exploring millions or even tens of millions of people, this amount of faith is obviously not enough.

It would be great if there was a sequence ability to explore the good and evil elements. Although the power of faith is easy to use, it is always a consumable, Lin Shan thought in his heart.

However, this kind of thing is only useful when needed, and it is useless when not needed. It is definitely not suitable as a main sequence.

While these people were kneeling, Lin Shan found the believer with the most devout faith.

The field of the "Moon in the Mirror" unfolded. In the eyes of the believer, Lin Shan's statue suddenly came alive and emitted endless divine light.

A glass bottle filled with thick liquid floated in front of him.

The instructions of the gods came to his ears.

"I have sensed your piety. Now I grant you power. Drink it and unify the Glowing Tribe."

The domain dissipated and the statue returned to its original state.

A golden beam of light descended from the sky and shone on the believer, filling him with a sacred light.

At this moment, everyone knew that he was chosen by the gods.

Lin Shan had returned to the aerospace battleship.

The next step was to hand it over to the believer. He had just given out a sequence 9 potion.

There were still many sequence 9 and even sequence 8 potions in his storage ring, all of which were gifts from his aunt. Lin Shan gave all the potions above sequence 8 to the human race, and kept the low-sequence potions to deal with this situation.

With the blessing of the potion and the buff given by Lin Shan, it should not be difficult for this believer to unify the Glowing Tribe. I hope to gain more faith next time.

"Go back to the North."

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