Above the gray fog

Chapter 820 Master Long Ling

This means that Lin Shan can use the name on the stone tablet to search for these materials within the human circle.

With the existence of divination, it is not impossible. Now that Zhuhuo has established the four realms, the sequence 5 creatures of the Plant Falling Clan will definitely stay in the four realms, and there should be no need to cross 100,000 light years to search within the human circle.

However, traveling between the four realms also requires years, not to mention the Shem Clan that gives Lin Shan a headache.

Although the acquaintances may have left with the Ark, Lin Shan really doesn't want to go to the Shem Clan for a stroll. His name is probably still on the Shem Clan's wanted list.

"Master Lin Shan?" Just when Lin Shan was lost in thought, Cersei interrupted Lin Shan.

Lin Shan came back to his senses and looked at Cersei.

"Was this room destroyed by monsters?" Cersei asked, looking around.

"Yes, it's a sky-eating beast." Lin Shan nodded and explained, "It's a means of self-healing in the universe. There is a chance that this kind of creature will be born in the space opened up by humans."

"Sky-eating beast..." Sersi murmured, "No wonder I feel that monsters will come out every time the sacrifice is not good. Those damn guys, don't they know that it's dangerous to do this..."

"What guy?" Lin Shan was curious.

"To connect to that strange space, you need a little thing called a deep-sea elf to help open up a channel, but you need sacrifices to drive them. If the sacrifices don't satisfy them, they will trip you up in the process." Sersi explained.

"Is that so..." Lin Shan suddenly realized. He had been wondering why the master would accept such a useless sacrifice except for its good looks. It turned out that there was someone else who accepted the sacrifice...

Then he asked: "Can this small stone tablet only display the name of the material? Is there no specific location?"

"No." Sissi shook her head. "If you want to know the specific location, you need to spend money to find some extraordinary people with predictive abilities. If you don't have money, you can slowly find out the information."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded lightly and instructed: "You find someone to repair the house, and I will study how to find these materials. I will also help you get the materials you need as soon as possible."

Lin Shan returned to his room and sat on the bed to observe the words on the mini stone tablet over and over again. His room was in another corner and was not affected by the strange fish.


In a strange space full of threads of fate.

An intricate scene unfolded before Lin Shan's eyes. Countless tiny threads intertwined and entangled, like an invisible net, weaving the entire space together in a chaotic manner. The threads flashed various colors, and each thread represented a trajectory of fate.

Lin Shan noticed that there was a ball of tangled threads in front of him, and one thread from the ball of threads was derived and connected to him.

How complicated the trajectory of fate must be to be entangled like this...

Lin Shan stared at the thread ball for a while, and then started to do business.

Thinking about the names of those materials in his mind, Lin Shan tried to locate the main medicine first.

A dark passage suddenly opened, and a thread flashing with gray light flew out of the passage, along with tentacles.

The moment these tentacles appeared, golden arrows were shot without hesitation.

The two collided, and the tentacles directly turned into black mist and melted.

Then, more tentacles rushed out of the passage and rushed towards Lin Shan, so fast that they had transcended time.

The tentacles whipped Lin Shan, leaving black lines.

At this time, Lin Shan had also obtained the thread.

When the passage dissipated, Lin Shan had many black marks on his chest and back.

Suddenly, the thread of fate in his hand trembled slightly, and a message flooded into his mind.

This was a very confusing string of information, which was the response given to him by the divination feature, just like the information obtained when he just took the potion, very messy, but the person could easily understand the meaning.

The general meaning of divination is to use divination as little as possible to interfere with the trajectory of one's destiny.

Lin Shan was silent for a while and began to check the black tattoos on his body.

The price of this black tattoo should be a stronger level of curse than the last thread penetration, but Lin Shan did not feel any discomfort.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Shan continued to use divination to obtain the location of the second material.

The price was that there were several more black tattoos on his back.

At this time, Lin Shan already felt something was wrong, as if he was being stared at by some indescribable creature.

Lin Shan looked a little solemn, and stopped divination and exited the destiny space.

Divination is a very spiritual sequence.

It gives hints for no reason, which should be more than just hints.

The feeling of being watched just now made Lin Shan feel a little scared.

As if thinking of something, Lin Shan disappeared from the spot and came to the second floor.

Cersei was tidying up the damaged room.

"Master Lin Shan, is there anything you need?"

"Have you ever lost something important, or have any wishes?" Lin Shan looked at Cersei and asked seriously.

"Ah... wish..." Cersei was stunned, not understanding why Lin Shan suddenly mentioned this.

But he still answered very seriously, "My current wish is to quickly advance to Sequence 5..."

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded and started divination again. This time, before entering the destiny space, Lin Shan felt that his spirituality and supernatural powers were all drained, but there was an extra purple silk thread in his hand.

This is the location of another sequence 5 plant, ‘Green God Moss’.

In addition to consuming a huge amount of spiritual energy, Lin Shan did not suffer any cost in divining the location of ‘Green God Moss’, because this ‘Green God Moss’ has nothing to do with him.

“I see.”

Lin Shan came here just to verify the divination hint.

There is another meaning to using divination as little as possible to interfere with your own destiny.

That is, divination can be used to interfere with the destiny of others.

Green God Moss has verified Lin Shan’s conjecture, which also makes Lin Shan a little helpless.

Back in his room, Lin Shan contacted Yun Qi and asked him to come to his place when he was free.

Yun Qi didn’t come until the third day.

“Brother Lin, what do you want to talk to me about?” This time Yun Qi was very familiar and teleported directly to Lin Shan’s room.

Lin Shan handed Yun Qi the location of the ‘Green God Moss’ he had divined, “This is the location of the main medicine.”

Yun Qi looked at the silk thread in his hand, nodded without asking any more questions, and said, “I will arrange for someone to go hunting.”

“Do you know any extraordinary people with the ability to predict or divine, at least sequence 5, and of better quality.” Lin Shan looked at Yun Qi and asked.

“The most famous fortune teller is Master Long Ling.” Yun Qi didn’t even think about it and replied directly, “Master Long Ling and I have a lot of dealings with Youhuo. If you want to see me, I can introduce you.”

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