Above the gray fog

Chapter 826 Planning

Three months passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Shan repeated the work of a fortune teller every day. Because of his accurate divination, his reputation grew.

Lin Shan's wooden house.

"Master Lin, I heard that your divination is very accurate. I hope you can help me answer some questions." The person who came to divination humbly asked for advice.

"Of course." Lin Shan nodded slightly on the recliner and said, "Sit down."

The man took a deep breath, "I joined Youhuo, and my wife tried her best to stop me. She said that Youhuo is a force that is openly opposed to Zhuhuo and is not safe. However, if my civilization wants to develop, it must find a backer. I want to know if my current choice is correct."

"You should have the answer to this question in your heart. Are you sure you still need me to divination for you?"

The other party was silent for a moment and nodded slowly.

Lin Shan stared at the gray-black mist above his head.

As the number of divinations increases, Lin Shan can now vaguely see the fortunes of some low-order creatures without activating his ability.

Black and gray, not a good sign.

It's not just this person. These days, all the members of Youhuo who came to him for divination have this gray-black mist on their heads.

Lin Shan did not start divination, but just looked at the other party quietly and said, "Your choice is correct."

"Thank you." The other party's expression suddenly relaxed and thanked him seriously.

"Divination fee, one sequence 9 core." Lin Shan said.

After the last customer left today, Cersei sent another pile of sequence 9 cores.

In more than two years, his sequence 9 cores have piled up like a mountain, and there are also many sequence 8 cores.

Sequence 7 cores are slightly less, and sequence 6 cores are very few.

The highest charge is only for sequence 6 cores, and only sequence 5 strong people can afford this price.

There are countless fire coins in the Youhuo account, a long string of numbers, and Lin Shan is too lazy to count them.

Huobi is the currency within Youhuo. All members have a fixed salary. As long as they join Youhuo, they can receive three to five thousand every month. Although there is a salary, there are too few places to spend it. In the past two years, Lin Shan has almost emptied the fixed salary of Youhuo members.

"Let's go, get off work." Lin Shan put away these cores and left some for Cersei.

It was agreed that Cersei would stay to help him, and he gave Cersei 20% of the registration fee as salary. In the past two years, Cersei has also made a lot of money and experienced the feeling of being a rich woman.

The Sequence 5 potion she needed had been collected a year ago, and the finished potion had been configured. Because she didn't want to give up such a high salary, she had been dragging it on and not being promoted.

A ray of light lit up, and the two returned to the house in the city again. Jiuqi, who was lying on the sofa, moved his ears, jumped back, and jumped onto Lin Shan's head, fiddling with Lin Shan's hair with his claws.

"I'm going to cook." Cersei ran to the kitchen happily.

Lin Shan was lying on the sofa with Jiu Qi in his arms, and he turned on the communicator to check some information.

A light screen suddenly popped up.

Yun Qi's call request.

The moment the call popped up, a bad premonition rose in Lin Shan's heart.

Sure enough, as soon as the call was connected, he heard Yun Qi's anxious voice, [According to what you said last time, we tracked the route of some of the fallen tribes and found the place where the fallen tribes from various cities in the northern border gathered. It was in a tribe called the Demon Clan. Because of their special fighting talents, this tribe has always been a civilization that Zhuhuo has focused on cultivating. ]

[Have you found anything? So anxious?] Lin Shan sat up and asked.

[I found a creature related to the Demon Clan to go in and investigate. According to the report, they systematically train troops in there and create advanced and terrifying biological weapons. The only people who can allow them to start a war are us, the Ten Thousand Clan. ]

Lin Shan frowned, and after a moment of silence, he analyzed: [The first time the Fire-Chasing had the ability to annihilate all the races, they did not do so. Therefore, the reason they wanted to start a war this time was definitely not to annihilate all the races. The reason was very pure. They started a war for the sake of war. The only thing they needed to maintain was the Sea of ​​Hatred. ]

[Even the Sequence 9 Fallen Race has now gained wisdom. In theory, they have the conditions to form a long-term civilization and do not need the Sea of ​​Hatred to maintain them. ]

[There are only two possibilities for maintaining the Sea of ​​Hatred. The first possibility is that the Plant Race God who merged with the Sea of ​​Hatred does not want to dissipate like this. ]

[The second possibility is... the wisdom of those low-order Plant Fallen Races is only temporary. The core of civilization, the Sea of ​​Hatred, must be continuously nourished. ]

[I thought the first possibility was more likely before, but now I am more inclined to the second possibility. Since the plant god is willing to throw himself into the Sea of ​​Hatred, it is impossible for him to not dissipate at the cost of losing Chasing Fire. The best choice is definitely to completely destroy all races. Only then can Chasing Fire's civilization be stable, and the new civilizations that cross over later have no possibility to resist the huge Chasing Fire civilization. ]

[The essential characteristic of the Gray Mist Universe is balance. As the carrier of the characteristic, the plant race is born extraordinary. There is a chance of promotion when they are alive. They can be called the strongest race in the universe. If they give birth to civilization, there will be no balance for other civilizations. Even if an accident like the Sea of ​​Hatred is born, it is impossible to give wisdom to low-order plant races. The current Chasing Fire must have external help. ]

[This is also what I thought of recently, but it should be very close to the truth. ]

After helping someone to divine one day, Lin Shan suddenly remembered what Adam had said to him.

All the heavens and the worlds have one essence, balance.

The current Zhuhuo has obviously broken this balance. After thinking about it, Lin Shan came up with a lot of guesses. He thought that these should be very close to the truth.

He also tried to use divination to predict some results, but when it comes to the fortune of each tribe, the results of divination are all vague.

Yun Qi listened to Lin Shan's analysis dumbfounded. Next to Yun Qi, there were two other candidates for qualitative change. Their expressions were similar to Yun Qi.

Lin Shan looked at their reactions and sighed.

These people are also old monsters who have lived for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Why don't they have this insight? Lin Shan found that the strong people left by the Ten Thousand Races are all such straightforward people. At least, most of the qualitative changes such as Youhuo are people who don't like to use their brains.

Smart people may have seen the results long ago and followed Fang Zhou to leave the human circle and seek development in the new world.

Yun Qi: [What you said makes sense, so what should we do now? ]

Zuo Hong's rough voice also came from the light curtain, [Why don't we gather the seven qualitative changes of Youhuo and attack Huanglong directly, blocking all the elites of Zhuhuo in the demon tribe's territory and destroying them. ]

Luo Lin's voice of approval also came, [Zuo Hong's suggestion is good. Zhuhuo will definitely not expect us to attack suddenly. As long as we bury all the creatures in the demon tribe's territory, no one will know that it was us who did it. It will be unnoticed by anyone, and it will not be a big deal for everyone to bear the resentment of tens of billions of creatures together. ]

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