Above the gray fog

Chapter 836 Solution to the Sea of ​​Hatred

Lin Shan ignored everything else and just sat quietly in the main seat, like a firm statue, stable and unshakable.

If he discussed with them on an equal footing now, all his previous efforts would be wasted. The relationship between superiors and subordinates must be established. Only in this way can the Yuhuo not be in chaos.

A Sequence 5 who looked quite young stepped forward and said, "If everything is really as Master Lin said, then we just need to make the truth of the incident public. So, the first thing we should do is to find evidence as soon as possible."

Lin Shan frowned slightly. Master Lin... This title must be changed. It is somewhat unreasonable for a member of an organization to call their leader a master. Maybe it can be done this way, but Lin Shan feels something is wrong. Now is not the time to correct it. He can only wait until this crisis is over.

"Haha." Yun Qi chuckled and said, "Everyone can talk."

"At this time, no matter what truth we come up with, they can say that we fabricated it, and we can't spread the truth in the four realms."

"Can we let our people shout on the street... All this was directed and acted by Zhuhuo?"

Yun Qi repeated what Lin Shan said before, leaving the young Sequence 5 speechless.

Lin Shan sighed softly, it seems that it is impossible to get an answer that will surprise him in a short time.

"You discuss first, come up with the best way to deal with it, and then tell me." Lin Shan said.

As soon as the voice fell, the extraordinary standing below still stood there, frowning, looking around, not knowing how to discuss, and who to discuss with.

Lin Shan no longer cared about them, closed his eyes, and tapped the black jade backrest on the right with his fingers.

Time passed slowly, and whispered conversations gradually appeared below.

Lin Shan opened one eye and saw the Sequence 5 extraordinary below, gathering in small circles in groups of three or two.

There are only more than 60 Sequence 5s in Youhuo. In more than 200 years, these more than 60 Sequence 5s... don't even know each other.

The voices of the conversations became louder and louder. First, they discussed within the small circles. After the results were obtained within the small circles, the circles discussed again, and finally came up with an answer that everyone thought was the best.

I don't know how long it took.

Finally, Zuo Hong said the result.

"Rumors." Zuo Hong spit out two words.

Then he said, "Since they can direct and act by themselves, we can do it too. Just like you said, no matter what we say now, they will regard it as a rumor. In this case, we don't need to investigate the truth, but start to spread rumors directly."

"We are different from them. We regard the truth as a rumor. While spreading the truth, we spread the existence of the Sea of ​​Hatred. We tell the fallen residents in the four borders what we know now. They are also intelligent. Who is true and who is false, there will definitely be adults who can guess. As long as they are suspicious, the hatred will naturally fade, or even disappear."

It was a decent answer, but it didn't make Lin Shan feel very surprised.

Lin Shan nodded slightly, "It's feasible, but how do you plan to publicize it?"

"As I said before, our goal is not to make them believe, but to make them doubt."

"We thought of the simplest and most brutal method."

"Contact the team outside and ask them to copy the truth on paper using the characters that the Plant Fallen can recognize, find a way to print countless copies, and spread these papers filled with the truth to various cities."

"Regarding the existence of the Sea of ​​Hatred, we can write like this: The Fire Tree God, in order to maintain his own existence, deliberately caused hatred between the two tribes."

"Don't write about the Sea of ​​Hatred. 's role, only write about the actions of the Fire Tree, so that the spearhead can be pointed at the Fire Tree. At this time, if the Fire Tree wants to completely whitewash, it can only announce the role of the Sea of ​​Hatred, which is equivalent to admitting that this city destruction incident was directed and acted by Him. Moreover, if a similar incident occurs again in the future, everyone will think of the Fire Tree first. "

"The plants in the four realms have their own wisdom and are out of the control of the Fire Tree, at least, they are out of the control of the Fire Tree. "

"The Fire Tree wants to use these intelligent plants to accumulate more hatred, and we can also use them in reverse. "

The hall was silent for a few seconds.

"Not bad." Lin Shan's voice of praise sounded.

At this moment, Lin Shan really felt what it meant that three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang.

Lin Shan took over the conversation, "If Huo Shu reveals the truth about the Sea of ​​Hatred, he himself will become a hero of the Plant Falling Clan, but it will be difficult for the Plant Falling Clan to hate my Ten Thousand Clans after knowing the truth."

"But that's not enough. Huo Shu will definitely not admit it. It will only insist that these are all rumors made by us. Even if it can arouse suspicion and reduce hatred, it cannot end this war."

"This way." Lin Shan thought for a while and said, "Share the history of my Ten Thousand Clans with the Plant Falling Clan, so that they know how much loss the Ten Thousand Clans have suffered in the battles of all sizes over the past hundreds of years."

"The Sea of ​​Hatred should disappear when the Ark Project ends."

"Hatred is a spiritual force. If these Plant Falling Clan know that they have massacred the Ten Thousand Clans and that the Ten Thousand Clans are now on the verge of extinction, can they still hate them?"

Yun Qi gave a thumbs up, "I'll arrange it now."

The eyes of the others also lit up. Lin Shan's suggestion directly pushed this method to another level.

Wait for everyone to leave.

Lin Shan sat alone in the main seat, his face without any joy, only sorrow.

If the Sea of ​​Hatred is really about to disappear, Huo Shu will definitely make a last-ditch effort, not for anything else, just to completely destroy all races before the Sea of ​​Hatred dissipates.

Do those people in the Council know that the Four Realms are the key to unlocking the Sea of ​​Hatred?

Because they are afraid of Huo Shu's strategy of both sides dying together, they have not taken any action.

No matter how you look at it, Huo Shu's establishment of the Four Realms is a very stupid decision. Compared with accumulating more hatred, the intelligent plant is more like a weapon specifically aimed at Him.

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