Above the gray fog

Chapter 843 Derivation of the conditions for qualitative change

With a "bang".

The divine decree floating in the air suddenly exploded.

Spots of golden light fell on the sea.

The blood-colored waves surged again, and the thunder in the sky continued to smash the waves.

Lin Shan stood in it, like a small boat floating on the blood-colored sea.

He closed his eyes and immersed himself in it, looking for the source of the sound just now.

The thunder shone hotly in the sky, like an angry arrow of the gods, striking Lin Shan directly. Lin Shan's body swayed slightly, as if he would fall down in the next second.

However, the blood-colored waves became his shield, turning all attacks into nothingness.

"Are you looking for me?" The previous voice sounded again.

"Who are you and why are you in my mind?" Lin Shan asked in a deep voice.

"You came here with the divine decree, but you don't know who I am?" The voice was also a little curious, but still replied: "I am part of the characteristics of this deep sea alien world. I was stripped from the main body by the gods and given wisdom. From now on, I will be the main ingredient of your magic potion. Please take care of me."

The air was silent for a moment. As a magic potion material... can I still take care of him?

Of course, all things have spirits, and it is indeed possible that characteristics give birth to wisdom. Lin Shan himself has also imagined it.

Only...part of the characteristics? What does it mean?

Doesn't it mean that even if he obtains the magic potion, the characteristics he can use are incomplete.

"Part of the characteristics?" Lin Shan asked directly.

"What's wrong with partial characteristics? Look down on partial characteristics?" The voice said dissatisfiedly, "God has guessed that you would ask this question. In the wisdom given to me, there is the analysis of characteristics and the composition of magic potions."

"Tell me." Lin Shan said softly.

Who is the god mentioned by the characteristic spirit? Is it the master of the deep sea?

Immediately, Lin Shan immediately denied that it could not be the master of the deep sea.

The universe is vast and boundless, and there are only a dozen or so masters. Such an existence cannot care about the believers. It is likely that it is a god in the Deep Blue Lineage who specializes in dealing with believers.

Moreover, Lin Shan knew that he was benefited by Cersei this time. No matter from which aspect, he has no connection with the Deep Blue Lineage. Cersei is the true Deep Blue believer.

The voice of the characteristic spirit kept ringing in his mind, and Lin Shan listened quietly.

"Then let's talk about the characteristics first. In fact, I don't know much about it. After all, it's the first day to gain wisdom. It's not even a regular creature. It's more like what you said, digital life, just suddenly understand something"

"All characteristics are lower-level authorities derived from authority. Characteristics within the lineage are derived from the authority within the lineage, and characteristics outside the lineage are derived from the authority outside the lineage."

"There are too many things, and I don't know where to start. I will give you this spiritual imprint, and you can sort it out yourself."

The characteristic spirit just said two words and seemed a little impatient.

The strange black flower between Lin Shan's eyebrows suddenly flickered.

Memories that did not belong to him emerged one after another.

After immersing himself in it for several minutes, Lin Shancai sorted out the knowledge in his mind.

He was not completely ignorant of potions and characteristics.

He just did not delve too deeply into it, and there was no detailed information in the human circle, or no one knew, or some people knew but did not want to make it public.

It was useless to know this kind of thing before it reached a certain level. Sometimes knowing too much is not necessarily safe, it is better to move forward steadily.

Use a simple sentence to summarize the information in his mind.

Characteristics, if you master them, they are not necessarily yours. You only have the right to use them, not the ownership. The root of all characteristics in this world is authority, and the ownership is not in the hands of gods, but in the rules of the universe itself.

Characteristics and authority are divided into five levels, which are combined into the current potion system from sequence 9 to sequence 0.

Sequence 4 authority can only derive countless sequence 9 characteristics, sequence 0 authority can derive countless sequence 9 to sequence 5 characteristics, and the same is true for the middle ones.

Take the Heart Light as an example. If the Heart Light is derived from the Sequence 0 authority, then the Heart Light has five levels of characteristics from Sequence 9 to Sequence 5. If it is derived from the Sequence 4 authority, then it only has Sequence 9 characteristics.

This is different from what Lin Shan knew before. In his cognition, any characteristic has five levels from Sequence 9 to Sequence 5, but he didn't expect there to be such a hidden rule.

The higher the characteristics, the fewer there are, and the higher the corresponding gods, the fewer there are. These two are in line with each other.

There is also information related to magic potions. The information in his mind is similar to what he knew before, but some irrelevant things are added.

The formula of magic potions is not fixed. The main function of the formula is to borrow other spiritual substances to comprehensively stabilize the characteristics of the main medicine. As long as the characteristics can be stably fixed in the soul, the formula is correct.

Any characteristic carrier, after having characteristics, can attract similar characteristics and enhance itself.

Take the deep sea alien realm as an example.

The characteristic of the deep sea alien realm is called ‘weaving truth’, which means weaving reality.

Because the Deep Sea Alien Realm has never been hunted, after countless years of evolution, it has absorbed many characteristics of the same ‘Zhizhen’. The absorption here does not require hunting. The ownerless ‘Zhizhen’ anywhere in the universe may be absorbed by the Deep Sea Alien Realm with the ‘Zhizhen’ characteristics.

Characteristics of the same level and type have the nature of mutual attraction.

Absorbing the ownerless characteristics requires certain conditions to be met. Lin Shan does not know what the strange conditions are.

But Lin Shan now knows the conditions of the Ten Thousand Races, breaking the ban and qualitative change.

Reversely, Lin Shan now knows one of the conditions required for qualitative change.

Need to absorb characteristics of the same level.

But his sequence 5 characteristic is Yi bow, which is an ultra-standard sequence. In this world, besides him and Tushan Ranqi, who else has this sequence?

If you don't absorb one more characteristic of the same kind, you can't change qualitatively. So, the more precious the sequence 5 characteristic is, the harder it is to complete the qualitative change and break the ban?

Things have come to this point, and there is no way now. Whether there is hope for qualitative change, you will know when you absorb it. If there is still an ownerless Yi bow, it should be able to be sucked over through the air...

The damn parchment never reminded him...

For extraordinary creatures, reaching sequence 5 is already the limit. Just like all races can break the ban and change qualitatively, weird can also evolve continuously, and eventually reach a level very close to the gods. There are even extremely special ones, and they can even evolve true authority and reach the level of gods.

The deep sea alien realm in front of him is on the threshold of becoming a god. The thunder above is the obstacle that suppresses it from achieving the realm of gods.

As expected, everything has a chance to become a god. It is strange that a person can reach the realm of god without any wisdom.

If a stone on the roadside has a chance... can it also become a god?

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