Above the gray fog

Chapter 854: Deification brought by faith

Lin Shan didn't expect that it was the purple soul flower forest born in the 9th scale of the sky prison that affected the space barrier.

The diameter of the purple soul flower forest is only a few thousand kilometers, not too big. Lin Shan returned to the human race in a flash.

In the tribe, the clone who was left behind immediately contacted the main body, and a flash of light passed, and the two Lin Shans merged.

There was another Lin Shan who practiced ether, and there was no need to merge. He only needed to be responsible for practicing here. As long as he practiced, he would become stronger in the air.

In addition to memory, there was also an infinite power of faith surging together.

This amount of faith was at least ten times that of the past, and the quality was much more pious than before.

Lin Shan could even hear someone whispering and praying in his ear.

I don't know if it was because the other pioneers had left, or because of the human race itself.

The power of faith continued to wash Lin Shan, as if to assimilate Lin Shan.

In just a few seconds, Lin Shan's face turned pale.

There was a dull look in his eyes, and there was no wisdom at all.

Lin Shan fell straight from the sky and hit the ground.

"Grandpa, it seems that someone fell from the sky." In the cultivated land, a little boy pointed at the place where Lin Shan fell and shouted.

"Nonsense, how could someone fall from the sky?" A big man holding a hoe next to him scolded, "Are you trying to sneak out to play again? Hurry up and work."

"Really, someone really fell down, I saw it with my own eyes!" The little boy raised his voice immediately when he saw that his father did not believe him.

"Zhang Ling, let the child rest if he is tired. Xiao Wen is only 14 years old. This is not the age to work in the fields." On the side, an old man with white hair, holding a hoe, pounded his waist, and said kindly, "My dear grandson, if you are tired, go to the side and rest for a while."

The little boy threw down the hoe in his hand and ran towards the direction where Lin Shan fell.

A month later.

Lin Shan woke up in the empty brick house.

Until now, his thinking is still a little confused.

His mind was full of various people's wishes and demands.

He was gradually being deified by the people of the human race.

The backlash brought by divination, the change of black and white in his sight, and the current deification.

He had more and more problems.

The first two could still be controlled, but the problem of deification could not be solved at all.

If he absorbed this amount of faith again, perhaps he would completely become the god that the people of the human race hoped for.

At that time, he would become a tool to meet the demands of the human race.

He had stored too much faith for so many years, and there was no place to use it.

If he didn't want to be deified, there were only two choices.

The first was to consume all the faith, and the second was not to return to the human race or any place where he believed.

Now consuming faith was equivalent to wasting it in vain. The power of faith had almost no effect except for the initial development and balancing divinity. If it was used for fighting, the strength would at most reach a qualitative change. He had this strength himself, so why bother using the power of faith that he was not proficient in operating.

But if he didn't do this, he couldn't really return to the tribe...

Lin Shan got up and didn't think about it for the time being.

He came to the living room from the bedroom.

This is a rectangular brick house. There is a living room at the entrance. There is a bedroom on the left and right and the back of the living room. There is a yard in front of the house. The kitchen is in the yard. There are some livestock fenced in on the side of the yard.

The ground is dirty and messy, and the unique smell of livestock feces cannot be dissipated.

Lin Shan's mental power spreads outward to explore this area.

This is a village. Houses like this are neatly arranged in rows and located in the village. There are probably hundreds of households.

From the various facilities equipped in this village, it can be seen that the current development of the human race is not bad, but it is a little less mechanized, which is much worse than the previous human race.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan couldn't help but sigh.

After hundreds of years of hard work, generations of people died, but they were beaten back to their original form in one day.

What is the purpose of a civilization's ups and downs?

Is it to be able to gain a firm foothold in this world one day... To what extent can it be developed to gain a firm foothold?

The human race can no longer provide him with any help. It can also be said that he has completely disconnected from the human race.

Now he is still helping the human race and taking care of the human race, just because this is his race.

But the method is completely different from before. The change in mentality has led to his absolute dominance over the human race.

Lin Shan noticed that there was a coffee table at the front of the living room. On the coffee table, there was a wooden sculpture carved in his image. In front of the wooden sculpture, there were three incense sticks, which had not yet burned out completely.

Perhaps, this is the reason why the quality of faith has increased significantly.

Being too close to these people will make them feel that they are real people.

Once that kind of superior feeling is created, the quality of faith will soar.

The current development of the human race is similar to that of the Earth before the crossing, but there are many more magical things than the Earth. These things rely on the original technology. Moreover, in the past 20 years, the human race has produced Sequence 8 extraordinary people, which is countless times faster than the initial development speed.

First master the old technology, and then use the old technology to hunt for magic potions. The difficulty will be infinitely reduced.

After Lin Shan walked around the clan territory, he returned to the small room he had been in before and placed several stacks of human coins on the table to interrupt this small cause and effect. Because of the impact of his faith, he lay on the wooden bed for a full month.

Lin Shan came to the East China Sea again and went directly to the bottom of the sea, trying to enter the underworld again.

But there was only thick mud under the sea, and there was no place connected to the underworld.

Souls were constantly disappearing through the mud around him.

Lin Shan tried to leave his body and pass through the mud.

In a trance, he came to the sky above the underworld again.

Flesh and blood were derived from the black soul, and in a blink of an eye, a brand new Lin Shan body appeared.

Since there was no way to bring the body directly, he would re-condense the body, which was just a waste of soul power.

Lin Shan walked around the underworld again.

He looked for Xu Shi's residence based on his memory.

This place was not as desolate as before, and there were two more houses next to Xu Shi's mansion.

Lin Shan wanted to talk to Xu Shi, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't know what to talk about.

Talk about the development of the underworld?

But he was not interested in the underworld.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan was stunned.

The human race no longer needed him very much.

He flashed to the outside of the ghost gate.

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