Above the gray fog

Chapter 862: Tears of Evil

Before the evil fell finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Shan.

Lin Shan looked at the two huge monsters that covered the sky and said lightly, "Let's talk about business."

The two royal evil fells looked at each other.

One of the darker evil fells said, "We are here to find Master Lin. Who is Master Lin?"

The other six people all looked at Lin Shan at the same time. Among them, only Lin Shan could be called Master Lin.

These two royal evil fells with qualitative changes came to find Lin Shan...

Even Lin Shan himself was surprised. Why did the two evil fells look for him? He didn't seem to have any intersection with the evil fells...

In a flash, Lin Shan thought of many possibilities.

The outside world didn't know that Lin Shan was the leader of Youhuo, but everyone knew that Master Lin was the leader of Youhuo.

Is this to find out the plan to behead him?

Is it to intercept or curse?

No matter which one, he is very afraid, he hasn't reached the qualitative change yet.

There are other possibilities, such as winning him over to fight against the Council, and promising not to attack them and the civilization behind them after the war.

There are too many possibilities. When Lin Shan was still thinking, the evil fell had already explained his intention, "I would like to ask Master Lin to help us find a host called 'Enlightenment', which is a product of old technology and has magical powers that can give low-intelligence creatures normal wisdom."

'Enlightenment host'? It can give low-intelligence creatures normal wisdom... Is this the source of wisdom for those low-order members of Zhuhuo?

Lin Shan had a thought in his mind, and he asked, "Why should I help you? You know, we are enemies, the kind that will never stop until we die."

"Because, if we find the 'Enlightenment Host', the four realms will return to normal, and Zhuhuo will not launch the final attack so early. Before we completely lose hope, we don't want to be so desperate. What we want is just long-term survival."

"Compared with breaking the fate of our race, you ten thousand races really don't have so much to pay attention to, but if we feel that there is no hope of breaking the fate, before Zhuhuo disbands, you ten thousand races must disappear first."

"So, you want me to help you with divination?" Lin Shan asked.

"That's right." The evil fell nodded.

And then continued, "If you don't want to, we won't force it."

"Okay, I'll help you with divination, wait for me for a moment." Lin Shan agreed directly.

He stepped back, retreated behind everyone, and only closed his eyes and performed divination until he retreated into the barrier.

The spirituality in the body was rapidly draining away. When the spirituality was about to run out, the divination picture in the sea of ​​consciousness gradually became clear. A huge black iron ball was suspended in the universe.

The so-called "enlightenment host" was in this iron ball.

Lin Shan continued to consume spirituality, hoping to get a more accurate picture. Gradually, the black iron ball was wrapped in a layer of mirror and disappeared directly in the universe.

Lin Shan exited the destiny space with a solemn expression.

The iron ball in the picture was the old space station...

"You go back first." Lin Shan walked out of the barrier and turned to say to others.

"If we leave, what if they attack you? This is the royal family of the fallen tribe. You are the leader of Youhuo. If something happens to you, it will definitely affect Youhuo..." Zuo Hong was a little worried and whispered secretly.

Not only Zuo Hong, Tushan Ajiu, but also the new qualitative change named Richardson were quietly whispering, worried that Lin Shan would have an accident.

Lin Shan waved his hand, indicating that they could leave.

Seeing Lin Shan so determined, everyone did not persuade him. Lin Shan was not an impulsive person.

After the other five metamorphosis masters left, Lin Shan faced the two royal metamorphosis masters alone.

"This 'Enlightenment Host' was in your hands before? How did you get it?" Lin Shan asked.

"It was indeed with us at the beginning. As for how it came from, I have no comment." The other party replied.

"It is lost now, right? Can you tell me how it was lost?" Lin Shan asked.

"It is indeed lost. Because of the sudden disappearance of the 'Enlightenment Host', the four realms we worked so hard to build went from thriving to collapse. It won't be long before all our efforts will be in vain." At this point, the voice was obviously a little manic, and the tone was full of anger.

"Hmm...disappeared suddenly." Lin Shan nodded slightly and told it the answer directly, "The 'Enlightenment Host' you are looking for is in the Old Space Station."

"Old Space Station?"

"Is it really Him..."

The two evil creatures looked at each other, and their huge pupils turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then moistened.

Drops of tears fell silently, forming small lakes on the ground.

Lin Shan remained silent, and the surroundings became unusually silent.

An indescribable sadness enveloped them.

"Evil creatures...will also shed tears?" Lin Shan watched quietly, wondering why they became like this.

Why did the 'Enlightenment Host' that helped Zhuhuo appear in the Old Space Station? Did Adam intervene in this matter?

But...is Adam very strong?

Then, the two evil creatures raised their heads and let out a heart-wrenching roar, and the terrifying sound waves plowed the land within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

After the roar, the dark-colored evil creature patted the light-colored one on the shoulder, as if to comfort him.

It took a long time for these two to calm down. In Lin Shan's opinion, the fact that they could behave like that just now made them no different from other races. Even many extraordinary people from other races could not vent their emotions like them.

"Master Lin of the Ten Thousand Races, thank you. If the war starts, we will spare your life." The dark evil looked at Lin Shan and said very seriously, "The war will definitely start! It won't be too long."

Lin Shan was silent. He knew it without him saying it.

With the current speed of collapse of the four realms, it is already difficult to save them.

Lin Shan was thinking whether he should go to the old space station again...

"My name is Crest."

"My name is Florence."

Florence said slowly:

"We are husband and wife. We like some of your Ten Thousand Races' culture. We don't have our own civilization. We can only keep learning from you and imitating you. We envy you Ten Thousand Races. Not only us, but most of the Plant Falling Race feel the same way."

"We want to have our own civilization and culture like you. For this reason, we are even trying to find ways to coexist with you Ten Thousand Races. As a result...we are just playthings and chess pieces."

The two huge figures gradually walked away, and only the afterwords came:

"Are you ready to accept the anger of the chess pieces again?"

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