Above the gray fog

Chapter 87 Human Branch

Lu Ruan opened his mouth to confirm, "You mean money? The kind of money used for transactions?"

"That's right." Lin Shan said seriously.

Lu Ruan thought about it for a moment and realized what was going on, "No problem, I will find someone to deal with this. You don't have a formal residence yet... Although there is a Pioneer Hall built, it is only a symbolic residence. Otherwise, just stay in the Clan Library, just like before."

"You can live anywhere, I will only stay for a while, and I will go to Gray Fog after a while." Lin Shan replied.

"Are you preparing to be promoted to Sequence 8?"


"Several other pioneers of our human race have now reached the sixth or seventh stage, and may reach their peak in another ten years. However, the Sequence 8 stone tablet has not been found for a long time... Even the Sequence 9 stone tablet has only been found. Found two pieces," Lu Ruan said.

"Is there a pattern in the appearance of stone tablets?" Lin Shan asked.

Lu Ruan shook his head, "No, the stone tablet seems to be generated by some kind of rules. It will appear in the clan. Maybe there is some kind of embodied standard. The first stone tablet was brought out from the depths of the Purple Soul Flower Forest. , is a product of the gray mist. The real first stone tablet of our human race just appeared a few months ago, and it is in the clan’s territory.”

"Did you find the Sequence 8 stone tablet?"

Lin Shan said calmly: "My method is not universal. If I succeed in promotion, I will find other ways to help increase the number of Sequence 8s in the clan." It seemed like a promise, but also like something that should be done. If I want to The first batch of extraordinary people from the human race went to look for Sequence 8 materials. The casualties were unimaginable. If one person succeeded in being promoted, the extraordinary foundation of the human race would be directly knocked back to its original form.

"Then I'll be relieved, you are always so reassuring." Lu Ruan said with a slight smile.

Lin Shan glanced at her. He could vaguely see the shadow of his childhood, but he was more dignified and elegant. "How long do you have?"

"In less than half a year, I overused my power some time ago and it is about to wake up. During this period, I will arrange the successor and then go to Gray Fog..." Regarding this, Lu Ruan was very calm, "I will take you there first. Come to the Clan Hall, I’ll have someone take care of it later.”

The two of them returned the same way, arrived at Pioneer Square, and landed at the door of the Clan Hall. The passers-by were about to exclaim, but when they saw Lu Ruan's face clearly, they were so frightened that they became silent. Most of the people living on this street had seen it. The Empress, the Empress never avoids people when she goes out. She often goes shopping like an ordinary person, just like the sister next door, but as soon as people think of what she does, they will immediately give up their thoughts.

The reason why the 'New Monarchy' can be implemented quickly in the human race is because those who disobey are already dead, in the hands of the shadow-like extraordinary beings.

Stepping into the clan hall, it looks grand on the outside, but inside the first floor is just a large flat floor.

As Lu Ruan walked, he introduced the development of the tribe in the past two years to Lin Shan, "After the population of the tribe has rapidly increased to one million, the number of new travelers in the tribe every day has increased from more than a hundred to ten. Within one person, there are basically two or one complete family, which is no longer helpful to the population growth of the tribe. However, the reduction of new travelers also facilitates management. "

When we came to the second floor, it was very empty, with only a few rows of bookshelves.

Skip past the second floor and go directly to the third floor.

The third floor is where the family utensils are placed. The family utensils are placed openly and openly on the high platform in the middle of the hall without any obstruction. There are several separated rooms at both ends of the hall.

Although the Clan Palace only has three floors, it is much higher than the five-story Imperial Palace next to it. The space on each floor is huge.

At the stairs on the third floor, Lu Ruan stopped and said, "There are no people in the rooms here. You can stay in any room you like."

"Are there any other pioneers in the clan area?" Lin Shan first took a look at the environment of the clan palace, and then asked.

Lu Ruan thought for a moment and then spoke slowly: "Pioneer Huang Ying is at Zhitian Pavilion, Pioneer Wu Wang is at Wu Wang Chamber of Commerce, Dean Yan is at the orphanage, Pioneer Jin Tianzong Jin and Pioneer Si Zhennansi are at the Future Scientific Research Institute. Except for these few permanent residents, the other pioneers are missing, as well as pioneer Xia Xuan, who often brings some strange beasts back to breed."

Lin Shan suddenly looked a little weird when he heard these names. As expected, they are all time travellers. The names include ancient, modern, fantasy, and futuristic...

After writing down these names, Lin Shan suddenly had some thoughts in his mind.

Lu Ruan saw Lin Shan in a daze, "If Lin Shan is fine, I will go back first. If you need anything, you can come to the imperial palace to find me."

Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something, "By the way, the scope of the clan has been expanded to the previous location of the old clan. If it continues to expand like this, it will collide with the cat clan's barrier, and in the gray mist The exploring team has had many disputes with the cat tribe, and they may have been looking for ways to enter our tribe's land..."

"Try to delay it until I succeed in promotion. At this stage, the gap between us and the cat clan is still very big. We can only find advantages in high-end combat power..." Lin Shan said, between humans and cats, whether it is for the revenge of the human clan, or for For future development, there will definitely be a war.

"Well, I will arrange it." Lu Ruan smiled bitterly. She would not be able to see the human race's battle of revenge. The only thing she could do was to prepare some information for the human race.

After Lu Ruan left, Lin Shan came to the clan site and unfolded the clan weapon. There were two more names on it. However, they were all small and medium-sized deeds related to the development of the human race. Just when he was about to close the clan weapon. , two golden silk threads extend from the clan artifact in his hand to a very far distance. The threads are either there or not, and no power can be felt on them.

"Is it to guide the pioneers outside to return?" He remembered that Zhang Zhonghua and his friends were guided back to the clan land by the clan artifact when they were promoted.

"They should have left spiritual marks in the clan land before going out... They can find the way back with or without guidance, and I didn't receive any guidance when I was outside..." Lin Shan was a little surprised and doubtful for a while. The clan artifact is not an ordinary object. It is the foundation of the human race in this world. Any abnormality cannot be ignored.

He gently touched the golden thread with his hand, and the next second, an identical jade book appeared in his hand.

The difference is that the names on this jade book are all Western names, and they are translated from Chinese. There are only eight names in total. Lin Shan read it from beginning to end...

It is another history of the development of a race. Through the deeds and background introductions of these eight people, the development history of another human race can be integrated. It only records 20 years, which is two years less than this one. They may be called a branch of the human race. They rely on the blessing of the projection of the clan artifact. This is the ancestral land of the human race, and what they have is the clan artifact. This golden thread is connected to the projection of the clan artifact.

It is impossible to find the other party with this silk thread. Once the clan artifact moves, it is equivalent to the migration of the race. It is a bit unrealistic to find someone with the clan artifact, so at present, they can only develop their own, just one more connection.

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