Above the gray fog

Chapter 90 Have you washed your hair? Why does it smell?

After drinking and eating, we returned to the clan hall.

In this way, we eat, drink and go shopping every day.

Seven days later.

Herald Square.

Lin Shan had been waiting here for a long time with his bag on his back. The backpack was very flat and contained almost nothing except clothes and the half-restored red lantern.

Sitting on a circular flower bed nearby, someone suddenly photographed him from behind.

Lin Shan turned around and saw that it was Zhao Xiaoan.

He was quite surprised, "Aren't you in the gray fog?"

At this time, Zhao Xiaoan was rubbing his hands and muttering, "It's so cold." After hearing Lin Shan's words, he said unhappily: "I just came back two days ago with Sister Xia Xuan, and then I went to find Huang Ying, and I heard your It’s over.”

She looked around first, then suddenly whispered: "If you beg me, I will help you. If you beg, I will help you. That Sequence 8, I can knock you down with one punch."

Lin Shan said angrily, "One more of you is not enough." He even punched Sequence 8. Doesn't that mean he could be beaten without a single punch?

"Hmph." When Zhao Xiaoan heard this, he snorted coldly, leaned on the stone slab beside him, and stopped talking to Lin Shan.

"Little girl, little girl, this is a stone tablet that records the achievements of pioneers. How can you rely on it casually? This is disrespectful to the pioneers! Move away, move away."

An old man walked towards him. Seeing Zhao Xiaoan leaning on the stone slab, he quickly came over and pulled her away.



Two sneers came from the side, coming from Wu Wang and Huang Ying.

Zhao Xiaoan became even more angry now, and his fists clenched loudly, but he had no choice but to silently walk aside.

"If she wants to lean on you, just let her lean on you." Huang Ying said with a chuckle.

When the old man looked for fame, he suddenly looked shocked, then flushed, and said excitedly: "Huang...Wu..."

"Ahem, shush." ​​Huang Ying quickly made a small gesture.

Seeing this, the old man nodded repeatedly, and then looked at Lin Shan and Zhao Xiaoan with fiery eyes. The two of them suddenly overlapped with the two shadows deep in his memory.

With tears in his eyes, he murmured: "It hasn't changed at all, it hasn't changed at all, it's so good, so good!"

Then with a hopeful look on his face, he said, "I won't disturb you, but can you let me look here for a while..."

Huang Ying nodded with a smile and said, "It doesn't have to be like this. We are all from the same human race, and we don't have any more wings than you."

Before she finished speaking, Zhao Xiaoan and Wu Wang both turned to look at Lin Shan.

Lin Shan shrugged and just reported me his ID number. Oh, this world doesn't have that kind of thing yet.

The old man didn't answer, as if he didn't want to disturb him any more. He slowly retreated to a distance and watched quietly, thinking silently in his heart, "Although the pioneers don't care about power, no one recognizes them when they go out now." Come out, this is too inappropriate." He secretly vowed to find a way to spread the appearance of the pioneers.

After a while, Xia Xuan and Jin Tianzong also came.

Huang Ying glanced at the people around her and said, "Everyone who can come is here. Yan Ruxin can't leave. Si Zhennan wants to stay and lead the projects in the institute."

At this time, Lin Shan, Zhao Xiaoan, Huang Ying, Xia Xuan, Wu Wang, and Jin Tianzong were basically half of the pioneers, acting together again after more than ten years.

The old man beside him engraved this picture deeply in his mind.

"Do you all have faith?" Lin Shan asked. This time his opponent was Sequence 8. There was no other way but to rely on faith. Even with so many people, Lin Shan didn't know what to do.

Everyone nodded and said that they still have faith. Everyone else must still have faith. However, Zhao Xiaoan and Xia Xuan, two people who often go out, Lin Shan doubted whether they were here to make soy sauce.

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, let's go." Zhao Xiaoan said impatiently.

Lin Shan walked among the crowd, "The target is the strange waterfall, which is nearly 70,000 kilometers away from us..."

He planned to take action on this weird thing. He had observed this weird mark for a while, and it would not move. People with faith could at least have enough energy to escape if they couldn't defeat it. If something really went wrong...it would be difficult to escape, then But he will chase people...

"How many kilometers?" Wu Wang picked his ears.

"Seventy thousand?" Huang Ying also felt a little incredible.

"That's right, seventy thousand." Lin Shan nodded.

"....How to get there? Fly by relying on the light of your heart? It will take you a year..."

Suddenly, everyone except Lin Shan looked at Jin Tianzong.

Wu Wang smiled and said: "Lao Jin, thank you for your hard work. This mount position belongs to you."

Jin Tianzong cried, "Is it too late to quit now?"

Lin Shan also looked at him. Although he didn't know the reason, it seemed that the problem of rushing was solved. His original intention was to lead everyone with his mental light. He could even carry a giant beast with dozens of density, let alone All of them weighed only a few hundred kilograms in total.

But since there is a better alternative, it is natural to use the better one.

It wasn't until everyone left their sight that the old man reluctantly turned around and walked towards his home.

After walking for half an hour, I came to a deserted alley corner. Except for Jin Tianzong, everyone else used their mental light to transform into vehicles. They were basically flying swords, clouds, flying carpets, etc. The most distinctive one was Wu Wang. , he actually turned into a bed and lay on it, while Jin Tianzong was sitting on the edge of the bed miserable. He was in a fallen body and couldn't play with such fancy spirituality.

Even in a deserted corner, people were spotted by passers-by on the street after they took off, and there was an uproar again.

"When they see such a scene and feel no emotion, the human race will rise." Wu Wang, who was lying on the bed, sighed. Although he didn't look down, he could guess it by listening to the sound.

"That day will not be too far away..."

Flying slowly along the way, they came to a field far away from the city, and they stopped and fell to the ground.

"Old Jin, it's your turn to perform." Wu Wang urged.

The others didn't speak, but they all stared at Jin Tianzong. Lin Shan also looked at him. Only then did he realize that Jin Tianzong had aged a lot, and looked to be in his fifties. He should have obtained the Fallen Body Sequence in recent years. The sequence did not make him young again, but it would not make him continue to age.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Jin Tianzong sighed helplessly, and a gray light flashed. A giant bird appeared on the spot, with a wingspan of more than ten meters. This bird was a bit like a sparrow, but it only had one foot standing firmly on the ground. There was only one eye on its head, but this eye was very large, occupying a full third of the bird's head, embedded at the front end, and the pupil inside could rotate 360 ​​degrees.

Wu Wang immediately went forward to touch the gray feathers, "Old Jin, have you washed your feathers? Why does it smell?"

"Pah!" With a sound, Wu Wang was blown several meters away by the wings and fell to the ground.

This caused others to laugh.

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